Saturday, October 5, 2024

Don't blame Israel entirely...

Editor's note: ...for what is going on in Gaza and the Middle East. Blame Britain for what Vladimir Putin refers to as the genocide in Gaza. The British are major suppliers and trainers of Israel's IDF. But what becomes even stranger is that the British not only train Israel's IDF, but they have been training Palestinian forces as well. When you understand Israel is Britain's "forward fire base" in the Middle East the story here gets clearer with British fighters in the IDF. And yet despite all this cooperation between Israel and Britain, evidence suggests the Israeli's don't trust anyone including the British.

Keir Starmer's 100 Spy Flights Over Gaza In Support Of Israel

Labour continues the Conservatives' policy of spying on Gaza despite stopping some arms exports to Israel over war crimes concerns.

By Matt Kennard | October 3, 2024

Britain's Labour government has ordered 100 spy flights over Gaza to aid Israeli intelligence, it can be revealed.

This amounts to an average of more than one a day since Keir Starmer became prime minister on July 5.

Starmer's administration suspended 30 arms export licences for Israel last month, citing "a clear risk" the weapons might be used in a "serious violation" of international law.

But the spy flights, which began in December under the previous Conservative government, have continued apace.

Although the Ministry of Defence (MoD) refused to give details, Declassified independently found the flights departing from Akrotiri – Britain's sprawling air base on Cyprus – to fly over Gaza on Starmer's watch.

During Labour’s first full month in office, in August, the Royal Air Force (RAF) flew 42 flights over the devastated Palestinian territory.

The new information is likely to raise further concerns about British complicity in war crimes in Gaza, with pro-Palestine activists protesting outside Akrotiri on Sunday.

International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan has requested arrest warrants for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister Yoav Gallant.

The World Court is also investigating Israel for what it has called a "plausible" genocide in Gaza.

On Monday evening, as Israel invaded Lebanon, Starmer sent a huge A400M military transport plane from Akrotiri to Tel Aviv. The vehicle can carry 116 fully-equipped soldiers and a 81,600lb payload.

Then on Tuesday evening, the UK dispatched Typhoon fighter jets from Cyprus to defend Israel against missiles from Iran.




The UK flights are likely to have gathered up to 500 hours of footage of Gaza although it remains unclear where the British intelligence is going and what it comprises.

The plane used for the missions is the Shadow R1, which is known as an intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) aircraft.

It is operated by the UK military's No.14 Squadron, which is based at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, eastern England.

Earlier this month, Liberal Democrat MP Mike Martin, a former British army officer who served in Afghanistan, asked the military whether "UK intelligence is passed to Israel for the purposes of military targeting".

Labour's armed forces minister Luke Pollard responded by saying the surveillance flights were "solely tasked to support hostage rescue".

Britain's intelligence support to Israel is not limited to the aerial missions. An Israeli official disclosed to the New York Times that a secret British spy team was deployed to Israel early on in its attack on Gaza.

Please go to Declassified UK to continue reading.

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