Thursday, October 17, 2024

"Your greed stains you."

Editor's note: Where did these ancient Spartans go for their ideas about war? They went to the oracles who were virgins and the oracles told them what to do. Spartacus looked into the eyes of the oracle and asked her, "What was Sparta's problem?" The oracle told him, "It was greed." Greed stained Athens. Where is this voice in the world today? Where are the oracles today who in ancient Greek times used drugs to bring out that passion? Thomas Jefferson was influenced by the Greek Oracle at Delphi to stand together as a unified political group against their abusive tyrant. The Spartans marched to liberate Athens from the terrible tyrant Hippias. The teenage drug-addled female voices of the oracles were the guardians of western culture who consistently favored the development of democracy over aristocracy. They were the first pioneers of free speech.  The oracles of Sparta labored to preserve the rights of the citizens over tyrants. The oracles viewed mankind's drive for wealth and success as the manifestation of self-worship a terminal disease of the human soul acts of hubris.  "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

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