Wednesday, October 9, 2024

FEMA: Weather manipulation and geoengineering are being deployed weaponizing hurricanes

Editor's note: The real question that needs to be studied and better yet the answer to that question is why was the area in North Carolina targeted by this weaponized hurricane? What entity within the "breakaway civilization" (deep state) as it has been referred to are capable of deploying this technology? Think carefully what goes through the mind of decision makers who deploy this technology to intentionally destroy a vast swath of North Carolina destroying billions in property while killing "hundreds of people" (likely far higher numbers) ? What would be that valuable to these decision makers using this technology to risk that kind of massive destruction while most other non-affected Americans are preoccupied with professionally staged and faked NFL entertainment football games?

If there is one person who is publicly known who represents the "deep state" that would be John Brennan. Here is Brennan talking about geoengineering. What is the overall grand scheme here the vast majority of humanity are completely oblivious to on why the global elite at the highest levels are so adamant about geoenginneering, climate change, enormously costly electric vehicles, wind power (extremely costly), greenhouse gases, blocking the sun (destroys the natural circadian biorhythm in people), zero net growth, weather manipulation, cloud seeding, CO2 emissions, Covid planned pandemic and the subsequent injection attack? The other concerning aspect to all this is what is the urgency that would cause the US military to use force on Americans to submit or potentially risk getting executed?

Hundreds of environmental and weather modifying technologies have been patented in the US:

Weather Warfare by Jerry Smith

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