Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The only question now is what incident will ignite the coming war?

Editor's note: This is all beyond comprehension considering America gets pummeled by two weaponized hurricanes while FEMA (Funneling Emergency Money to Aliens) sits on billions of unused disaster funds, Ukraine receives $8 billion more, Israel cost the US $22.76 billion over the past year and a larger war is coming in the ME. US Neocons slithered into positions within the US power structure like an infestation of cockroaches and we are about to see their revenge unfold in the Middle East for losses they incurred over the past two decades. Analysts know this but there isn't a damn thing anyone can or will do to stop what is coming. How many news reports, analysis, comments and observations have taken place over the past year on the horrors of what is going on since Hamas was given the green light to attack Israel to initiate war? And now after one year a larger war seems inevitable. The US congress and senate are owned by the military-industrial complex in case anyone might be giving consideration as to their worthlessness.

Doctorow swimming upstream

American Neocons Get Their Iran War as Congress Sleeps

by Ron Paul | October 7, 2024

Over the weekend, the Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel to "coordinate" with the Israeli military and plan a military strike against Iran. Think about that for a moment: one of the highest-ranking officers in the US military is planning a war in a foreign country against another foreign country which will be fueled by American weapons, American intelligence, and American tax dollars.

Did that foreign country – Iran – attack the United States or threaten Americans? No, it did not. What did Iran do to warrant a CENTCOM commander bringing the weight of the US military into play to plan a war – possibly WWIII? It retaliated against Israeli airstrikes including the assignation of a Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran.

It was the Israeli missile attack on Tehran – an unprecedented event – that set off this chain of escalation, but few would know if from media coverage. This war fever between Israel and Iran not only has nothing to do with us, but our increasing involvement actually hurts our national interests in the region.

After a deadly and futile three-year proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the last thing we need is another war in the Middle East, especially against Iran. But make no mistake, war is what we are getting. This Administration has even offered to "compensate" Israel with even more weapons and diplomatic support if they hit targets of the US choosing and avoid others in Iran.

Imagine if China sent military officials to Iran to pay Tehran to make sure some US targets were struck and others avoided. Would we consider it Iran’s war against us, or China's war against us? Both?

Has Congress declared war on Iran or even authorized the war? No. Has this Administration explained to us why Americans suffering after the catastrophic Hurricane Helene are on their own because we need to spend billions on a war that is none of our business? No. The neocons have wanted this war for decades and for them it's always America last.

This war will make us less free, less safe, and much poorer. There will be no benefits at all, only downside.

Will the Biden/Harris Administration green light Israel taking out Iran's oil production and other energy facilities? That would mean the average American already suffering under high inflation and an economic downturn would be paying orders of magnitude higher for not just gasoline, but everything. Consider the cost of shipping and trucking and every aspect of our lives that depends on world energy prices. It would be an economic calamity for Americans for the benefit of a foreign country. This is what they call patriotism?

We are sleepwalking into a catastrophic war, lulled into compliance by non-stop media propaganda. More billions will be drained from our economy and many more innocent lives will be lost in this madness. Almost a quarter of a century later we still have not learned the lessons of 9/11. When we go abroad wreaking havoc and destruction on foreign populations who have not harmed us we create enemies who will seek revenge. We harm ourselves. And we risk blowback. The time to oppose this impending war is NOW!

War, war and more war...

Feeling left out Turkey's Recap Erdogan wants a piece of the war action:

Even the Japanese want to get in on war action:

"Unwavering support" for Kiev means more war, war, war...

You Can Only Dance Around...

Western media advertising war news on Ukraine:

The Hebrew language used incorrect interpretations and made up words and concepts from ancient Greek by Jewish scribes used to falsify biblical text to delude the monotheistic cult (my God is better than your God) believers into religious submission and now we are paying the price:

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