Friday, October 4, 2024

Western wonk tank policy planners: War game scenarios for Kursk and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers get killed

Editor's note: The reason why Kiev's forces are being annihilated in Kursk is because as Andrei Martyanov points out, the US (NATO) planners like the former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul (pseudo-"scholar" and certified clown) who despises Russia are not militarily competent people. They war game scenarios at their wonk tanks while Russia wages war. McFaul wants Russia's Vladimir Putin to "face the consequences and go to prison." Sure thing, McFaul, you tell 'em while thousands of Ukrainian soldiers lay decomposing in fields and in tree lines in Kursk and hundreds of pieces of western military equipment have been destroyed. Did McFaul's partners at the Atlantic Council wonk tank war game that scenario out?

Former US Ambassador to Russia Took Part in Planning Kursk Incursion?

Kiev Forces Receive More Defeats In Kursk (Videos)

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