Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mercenary organizations

Editor's note: In the case of the CIA that had a previous US military officer as a psycho killer operative/assassin who it is alleged murdered Danny Casolaro we are dealing with mercenary organizations. This explains why the CIA using previously trained US military personnel recruited into the CIA can assassinate trouble makers with impunity under cover of the state to justify its killings.

Witness Sketch of Man Seen Entering and Leaving Journalist's Room on the Day He Was Found Dead Resembles Former CIA Agent

International Public Notice: Military Use Only? What Military?

October 17, 2024 | By Anna Von Reitz

FEMA has been properly rebuffed and prevented from obstructing and harming civilian search and rescue operations and relief efforts. So, what do they do? They pull their pretend-military card, and propose to close the air space over isolated mountain towns, to prevent civilian air support and rescue missions.

Our American Federation Armed Forces and State Assembly Militias are the only military organizations in the room.

Read that, there are three groups that appear to be "military". Only one group, ours, really is military. The other two groups are mercs. Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street, State of State "National Guard", and Army, Inc., and so on, are not military.

They are mercenary organizations. By definition.

As we already reviewed, Federal Employees, whether Military or Federal Civil Servants, are personnel attached to foreign governments and none of them have any right or authority to obstruct or interfere with, subvert, overtake, or substitute their services for American civilian efforts.

Put simply, these mercenary organizations have no ability to close our air space and restrict it to "military use only", because they aren't a military and aren't part of our military.

Everyone, please, say it again: these mercenary forces are privately owned for-profit foreign corporations organized for mercenary activities and illegal war-for-profit.

DOD and DoD are both foreign privately owned for-profit corporations.

Being "presumed to be" government service providers under contract to supply "essential government services" doesn't make you a government, and doesn't give you any authority, and doesn't create a public office out of a similarly-named private one.

Our standard answer to claims of restricted air space goes like this: "Shoot me down or try to arrest me." And then, our Flyboys go on about their business, because what we are telling you is true.

These phony "military" officers can't shoot without a direct order and anyone giving such a direct order will be tried for treason and hung, so that is a mighty argument against giving such an order. On top of that, any pilot obeying such an order, his co-pilot, his tech, his ground crew, everyone associated with him will be dishonorably discharged. Career ended.

And they can't arrest anyone in a foreign jurisdiction.

So once again, we catch them trying to bluff and bully and lie their way to "success", which in this case is to starve and abandon families in Appalachia, so their corporate masters and shareholders can pick up the ruined land --- and the rich underlying mining claims --- for pennies on the dollar.

This isn't a groundless supposition or conspiracy theory.

Every time a piece of land in Appalachia changes hands, we are tagging the companies involved, the shareholders involved, and the parties of interest crowding in and seeking to benefit themselves from this disaster. We are analyzing the patterns and parties involved to discern the identities of the players and motives involved.

Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886) found that an unconstitutional act does not create an office, and the acts of its assumed incumbents are void.

So let's review --- what's an "unconstitutional act"?

The Constitutions are constructed as exclusionary service contracts. Anything not specifically and explicitly granted is withheld. That's why the "enumerated powers" are strictly enumerated.

So any presumption or assumption of power not specifically granted, is just as "unconstitutional" as any abuse of or deliberate misinterpretation of a delegated power.

U.S. v Strang proves U.S. Departments like DoD, which are organized as corporation franchises, are not part of our government.

Lewis v US 680 F2nd, 1239, proves the same thing about DOD: not part of our government.

None of these organizations have anything to say about our use of our airspace, but here they are again, usurping our powers, pretending to be our "representatives", while in fact betraying everyone and everything this country stands for, for their own private corporate profits.

So if you hear of rescue flights being "restricted" or told you can't fly civilian rescue missions into certain isolated towns like Little Germany, let us know. Their "military" is under the same exact prohibitions as FEMA and under the same judgement requiring them to immediately assist and not obstruct.

These quasi-military operations --- DOD, which is already bankrupt and technically defunct, DoD which is also technically bankrupt, Vanguard, Black Rock, State Street, DHS, FEMA, etc. --- are all up to their eyebrows in debt to who?

These organizations are in debt to the same people they are harming; the people who are their Priority Creditors and Employers, the actual owners of the State resources, the ones who own the airspace these crooks are "restricting" --- are the ones that these criminal organizations are targeting, the ones they are killing and robbing and defrauding and isolating by any means possible, in hopes of stealing the local mineral resources and recouping their own corporate balance sheets.

It's the same exact Modus Operandi these Vermin pursued in South Africa, Congo, Zimbabwe, and now, here, too.

The Heist is on, but so is the Response.

Remember --- our American Federation Armed Forces and State Assembly Militias which are directly associated with and regulated by our civilian government --- are the military. Any quasi-military force organized as a corporation is a mercenary force by definition.

The Municipal Mercenary organizations associated with the UNITED STATES have been left adrift by the HRE, Inc, which didn't really bother to clean up its mess; rather, they detached the Municipal Mercenaries from their contractual obligations to The Constitution of the United States, and opened the door for the British Crown to fund them as Hired Guns. Or should we say, Hired Goons.

This was not an oversight or a mistake and we are not deceived. As usual, mistakes were not made. Bill Gates' gift of 60,000 surveillance satellites to the Chinese Government in exchange for their protection were used to steer this unnatural storm straight into the heart of Appalachia. And all these mining companies and "government agencies" were there on the heels of the storm, making claims of non-existent "Federal Eminent Domain", bulldozers at the ready.


It's time for all these criminals to go down -- hard, flat on the concrete.

So step right up and have yourselves a heapin' helpin' dose of reality--- again.

Toxicity levels in many places throughout the disaster area are off scale. In addition to industrial wastes washed away into the flood-impacted drainages, heavy metals, radioactive wastes, and dangerous industrial chemicals, the water and the ubiquitous mud and silt is contaminated with thousands of dead bodies which are now well-into decay --- people, animals, birds, as well as unimaginable tons of vegetation --- all this is contributing to the ecological catastrophe and biological disease vectors impacting the Appalachian communities that were already among the poorest in the country.

While much of the vast area impacted by Hurricane Helene is suffering physical damage, the damage is polarized, with relatively minor damage in many areas, juxtaposed against truly catastrophic damage in others. The hardest hit areas have the most difficult topography--- and the richest mining claims.

It's the people and communities in the mountains that these agencies are targeting for isolation and abandonment. The already isolated communities are the ones that are suffering purposeful obstruction of civilian air rescue and resupply efforts. Like Little Germany, which happens to be sitting on one of the richest Lithium deposits.

Strange to think that Theodore Roosevelt's cynical "Natural Resources Policy" penned in 1908, which kept the people of Appalachia from mining and benefiting from their own resources for over a hundred years, is now the driving force behind the land grab being promoted by Cousin FDR's political progeny.

The agencies doing this are hardened criminal organizations that fit the most stereotypical descriptions of mercenary operations. The only quirk is that many of the men filling the ranks are gullible and don't realize that they are being used as mercenaries, minus the mercenary pay and benefits.

Mistakes were not made --- not with the pandemic, not with this act of weather 'warfare', not with the so-called Civil War, not with WWI, not with WWII, not with the Great Depression, and not with any of the rest of the scripted genocides and financial thefts and False Flags that have been the constant bill-of-fare ever since these corporations started substituting themselves for actual governments.

It's time to stop kidding ourselves. The enemies of mankind are sitting in corporate boardrooms and banks all over this planet, worshiping Mammon and telling lies as a profession, their "secular priests" --- members of the Bar Associations, put on theater acts and provide "an appearance of justice". We've been conned. Snookered. Taken in by men in uniforms and nice suits.

Worst of all, we've nearly taken the Bait, and forgotten who we are and what we are. It's time we all remembered.

The CIA hires out psycho killers...

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