Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Chancellor of the Exchequer: You are now faced with a massive dilemma

Editor's note: The letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer is linked below in PDF format. The most important way for Americans to nullify the central banks and globalism is to organize around a genuine populist monetary reform movement using the Bradbury Pound as an example. These alternative monetary currencies like the Bradbury Pound may very well be our last chance to prevent this coming all out war in the Middle East.

The Bradbury Pound and the Greenback Dollar - Debt-Free, Interest-Free Treasury Notes - Collapsing the City of London's Secretive Network of Criminals and Traitors - Creating a Benign and Benevolent Financial System

Justin Walker: The Bradbury Pound and Fraudulent Banking

February 29, 2024 | UK Column 

UK Column first printed an article on the Bradbury Pound way back in 2012, entitled Bankers, Bradburys, Carnage And Slaughter On The Western Front. In this detailed text Justin Walker explained the background to the UK's First World War currency innovation, the Bradbury Pound, and the significance of its creation and circulation.

Twelve years on, in a fascinating interview with Justin, we revisit that story and bring our understanding of the Bradbury and its significance fully up to date. From a mysterious phone call telling him to 'find out’ about the Bradbury, Justin researched until he was able to hold a real Bradbury 'bank' note in his hands. Join Brian Gerrish and Justin Walker as he now revisits that journey. The resulting discussion lays bare the fraud and dangers of the existing money creation system and the corrupt, controlled international banking system that most economists simply ignore. The Bradbury Pound alone cannot be a silver bullet solution to monetary and economic fraud, but it clearly shows that we do not have to be ruled by unelected, unaccountable bankers who create money from nothing.

Please join us in this important and revealing discussion.

Previous UK Column articles and a video on the Bradbury Pound are:

Bradbury Pound: QE by Another Name?

Alarm Bells Should Be Ringing—Glass Steagall And The Bradbury Pound Today!

(Also: Search UK Column for the term Bradbury.)

The Great Rising: Discussion on the Bradbury Pound:

Letter to the British MPs October 2, 2024:

The Elephant In Westminster


More on the Bradbury Pound:

The Bradbury Pound is mentioned in a series of books on banking and money:

The "Bradbury Pound"


In this predator and prey ecosphere controlled and determined by the central banking infrastructure going back to the BIS in Switzerland, read through the investigative reporting being done at Declassified UK on how Britain is exporting chaos, violence and war all over the world particularly in the Middle East:

Declassified UK

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