Monday, October 21, 2024

Current institutions of power and their structures are crumbling

Editor's note: The British from King Charles to Britain's PM Starmer are no longer wanted or needed in the world and the faster Americans eject the imperial British acting as a "company" corporate fascist superstructure grafted (British Crown subcontractors) onto their country the better off all Americans will be. The Australians realize this fact and have decided to reject the current King and Queen of England. And it just doesn't end there with the British Labor Party sending their assets to the US to campaign for Kamala Harris. This is because Kamala Harris has been shown to be ultimately a British asset. These current power structure arraignments seem to be collapsing allowing for Israel to become the new center of world power as America and Britain collapse.


Charles III and Keir Starmer have violated the rule of law and must step down

By Rhoda Wilson | October 21, 2024 | 23 Comments

Last month, Steven Ward delivered a letter to King Charles III and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer stating they have violated the rule of law. By doing so they have acted unconstitutionally.

Using Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights as the foundational documents for the rule of law in the UK's constitutional arrangements, Ward explains to the two men why they have violated it. The violations centre around the covid so-called vaccines and allowing foreign influences to cause harm to British subjects.

In the case of Charles III, his violations of the rule of law also includes entering into arrangements with foreign governments and organisations, such as the World Economic Forum to initiate and promote The Great Reset.

Ward has called for them to both "stand down" as, constitutionally, they are untrustworthy and unfit to proceed with matters of the State.

The uncodified constitution of the UK is understood by few. And few will be familiar with the concepts raised by Ward in his letter. So, we have dived in and attempted to provide context and background that will help our readers understand Ward's 'Letter Upon Constitutional Principle'.

It's a long one folks, so grab a cuppa and then settle in.

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Table of Contents
1.  The UK Constitution
        1. Specific Accusations
10. Charles III and Starmer are Untrustworthy and Unfit

The UK Constitution

The UK constitution is a complex system of rules and principles that govern the United Kingdom ("UK"). Unlike many other countries, the UK has no single codified constitution document. The sources of the UK constitution are Acts of the UK Parliament, conventions, common law and authoritative works such as Albert Venn Dicey, a British constitutional lawyer and theorist whose works came to underpin the widely accepted doctrine known as "parliamentary sovereignty" (which Dicey saw as central to the UK constitution).

In his book 'Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution' (1885), Dicey also popularised the phrase "rule of law" but its use goes back to the 17th century.

According to Lord Burnett of Maldon, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales from 2017 to 2023, the rule of law has been a central feature of the UK's constitutional arrangements since at least the late 1600s. Even though the rule of law has only been explicitly acknowledged as such in legislation since the Constitutional Reform Act (2005).

"The Act states that the rule of law is an existing constitutional principle, without defining what exactly it means. The courts have yet to be called upon to offer a definition or determine any of its components," Lord Burnett said during a Blackstone lecture in 2021.

As Steven Ward understands it, Lord Burnett was correctly making a distinction between the UK's constitutional arrangements and the UK's constitutional principles, while noting that the rule of law had been part of the constitutional arrangements for hundreds of years before it was written into legislation in 2005 as a constitutional principle.

"Constitutional arrangements" is the term used to describe the collection of sources that make up the UK constitution. As previously mentioned, these sources include Acts of Parliament (legislation), common law (legal principles and judicial decisions or case law), the Monarch's residual powers (constitutional monarchy) and conventions (unwritten rules and practices).

Please go to The Expose to continue reading.

Does anyone really know who is "pulling the strings" and if these alleged folks are indeed pulling the strings what if any entity is pulling their strings? Another concern is if these entities are pulling the strings what ultimately are they pulling the strings for and why have they consistently kept ancient history from being revealed to humanity? What do they know the rest of humanity are not aware of as the British work with Israel to literally bulldoze the Middle East?

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