Thursday, October 3, 2024

Adding on layers of conflict

Editor's note: The Russian diaspora mostly Jewish who live in Israel need to leave now before they are considered traitors to the Russian state. If any analysis is correct it is that diplomacy is over. Whether this assassination of Konstantin Zavizenov is related is not at the moment known but it adds another layer of conflict. 

Putin Ally Found Dead with Gunshot Wound Near Moscow

Russia Warns Citizens "Leave Israel Immediately; Get Out Before It's Too Late"

By Hal Turner | October 3, 2024

Last night, Israel attacked a Russian airbase in Syria with missiles. This morning the Russian Government is telling its citizens "Leave Israel immediately; get out before it's too late."

The initial story covering the then-ongoing air strikes is HERE.
More than 30 missiles were fired at the Russians by Israeli aircraft and naval vessels. Russia returned fire.

With this morning's warning telling the approximately 1.5 MILLION Russian citizens to "Leave Israel immediately, get out before it's too late" it appears Russia is going to smash Israel with military strikes.

When Russia hits back – as is their right under common sense, and under International Law — the U.S. may move to defend Israel, or to respond by attacking Russia. We all know how that ends.

Today is a pivotal day in human history, and maybe for human existence.

Enough Already: Stop Provoking Russia

It is hard to track down any information on whether or not Konstantin Zavizenov was connected to Russia's Alfa Bank:

Evidence continues coming in that whatever is going on between Russia, Iran and Israel it could be it is all being clandestinely planned and coordinated at the very highest levels:

Did Israel actually bomb this Russian military asset in Syria?

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