Saturday, October 5, 2024

Don't blame Israel entirely...

Editor's note: ...for what is going on in Gaza and the Middle East. Blame Britain for what Vladimir Putin refers to as the genocide in Gaza. The British are major suppliers and trainers of Israel's IDF. But what becomes even stranger is that the British not only train Israel's IDF, but they have been training Palestinian forces as well. When you understand Israel is Britain's "forward fire base" in the Middle East the story here gets clearer with British fighters in the IDF. And yet despite all this cooperation between Israel and Britain, evidence suggests the Israeli's don't trust anyone including the British.

Keir Starmer's 100 Spy Flights Over Gaza In Support Of Israel

Labour continues the Conservatives' policy of spying on Gaza despite stopping some arms exports to Israel over war crimes concerns.

By Matt Kennard | October 3, 2024

Britain's Labour government has ordered 100 spy flights over Gaza to aid Israeli intelligence, it can be revealed.

This amounts to an average of more than one a day since Keir Starmer became prime minister on July 5.

Friday, October 4, 2024

This is the end...

Editor's note: ...if Americans let it be the end. The US and the UK have seen better days as the central bank harvesting machine completes its harvest. The only option now to finish off the US and the UK is to take their respective populations into war. And as far as the UK is concerned, the UK PM Starmer is the most corrupt and psychologically disturbed PM to have come along since Churchill.

Western wonk tank policy planners: War game scenarios for Kursk and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers get killed

Editor's note: The reason why Kiev's forces are being annihilated in Kursk is because as Andrei Martyanov points out, the US (NATO) planners like the former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul (pseudo-"scholar" and certified clown) who despises Russia are not militarily competent people. They war game scenarios at their wonk tanks while Russia wages war. McFaul wants Russia's Vladimir Putin to "face the consequences and go to prison." Sure thing, McFaul, you tell 'em while thousands of Ukrainian soldiers lay decomposing in fields and in tree lines in Kursk and hundreds of pieces of western military equipment have been destroyed. Did McFaul's partners at the Atlantic Council wonk tank war game that scenario out?

Former US Ambassador to Russia Took Part in Planning Kursk Incursion?

Kiev Forces Receive More Defeats In Kursk (Videos)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The pedophile-industrial complex

Editor's note: There are penis worshipping pedophiles everywhere. They are like cockroaches dressed in expensive clothes with high end jewelry in their acquisition of more goods. When they are off stage and the lights go out they appear like Priapus' erect penis. It is the pedophile-industrial penis cult used to maintain power, enforce greed and enhance sex cults (Dionysus). Didn't Issac Kappy reveal all this just before he died? We are talking about the religion of trafficking. A public celebration of the erect penis just like in ancient Greece and later Rome. The development of the penis has become more important than the development of democracy. In ancient Greece the Gods and Goddesses didn't tolerate greed; they punished it with painful humiliation. Priapus the God of male fertility was the God of natural justice. Priapus' erect penis was a religious weapon used to teach a lesson to anyone who chose to acquire goods at the expense of others. People haven't learned a god damn thing since ancient Greece. Civilization is now retrograding into darkness.

A few minor corrections...

Editor's note: regards to this senate hearing. Respectively Senator John Kennedy, the military-industrial complex has been accessing all the newly created money as the US Treasury is pillaged. Yellen at the US Treasury is just a US corporate minor cog in the fairy dust magic money-creating central bank machine. This isn't "Biden's plan" for the US budget to skyrocket to $51 trillion by 2033. It's the military-industrial complex's plan that has taken over the US economy. The military-industrial complex's main goal is to kill you then pillage your assets

Adding on layers of conflict

Editor's note: The Russian diaspora mostly Jewish who live in Israel need to leave now before they are considered traitors to the Russian state. If any analysis is correct it is that diplomacy is over. Whether this assassination of Konstantin Zavizenov is related is not at the moment known but it adds another layer of conflict. 

Putin Ally Found Dead with Gunshot Wound Near Moscow

Russia Warns Citizens "Leave Israel Immediately; Get Out Before It's Too Late"

By Hal Turner | October 3, 2024

Last night, Israel attacked a Russian airbase in Syria with missiles. This morning the Russian Government is telling its citizens "Leave Israel immediately; get out before it's too late."

The initial story covering the then-ongoing air strikes is HERE.

"Motherf*cker… I'm an American"

Editor's note: America is being destroyed as more evidence of this attack becomes apparent. The military-industrial complex is where the "deep state" resides and this complex however one defines it or understands it is running the country of America as it sees fit with complete impunity. The US senate and congress as well as state and municipal governments are worthless. They've been eviscerated by the military-industrial complex and financial firms working with the complex. Americans have no value to the military-industrial complex that has an endless supply of newly created money should be apparent by now. The only upside to all this is that this longshoreman strike may be organized to take America back from the globalists and return the country to America and not to the US corporation. Our recommendation would be for every American to turn off Netflix, turn off the bullshit news media, forget professional entertainment sports, put your "smart" phones down and then go out and assist your fellow Americans before you yourself are buried in mud like the good Americans in North Carolina are currently experiencing.

What Does Lithium Mining Have to Do with the Flooding?

"What is described below confirms what others have been saying recently. If true, this is pure evil….."

October 3, 2024 | by State of the Nation

Chris Martenson, PhD

This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives.

This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Nothing she says is credible...

Editor's note: whatever you think you know about Kamala Harris the first thing you need to understand is she is "white" and she is a British asset. Kamala Harris (Harris' handler some refer to as her "husband" is quite a man: Second "Gentleman" Doug Emhoff 'Forcefully Slapped' His Ex-Girlfriend So Hard 'She Spun Around', New Report Alleges) states "Israel's ability to defend itself was quite successful." No, Harris is incorrect. Israel's IDF just had eight Israeli troops killed and many others seriously wounded (see Israel's 'elite force' takes heavy losses in zero distance clashes with Hezbollah) moving into southern Lebanon forcing the IDF to withdraw. Hezbollah fighters have ten years of combat experience in Syria against Islamic lunatics hired on as mercenary guns by the west. Hezbollah fighters know how to fight and they do not fear death.

Kamala Harris is Mostly White and her genealogy proves it

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Peace or peace initiatives will not...

Editor's note: tolerated under any circumstances in the Middle East. Peace is not negotiable. Not until the Islamic monotheistic regime in Tehran collapses. The only outcome from the perspective of those running the show here and in power is war. If you are an influential leader and facilitate a peaceful solution to what is happening in the Middle East, you will either be ignored and if that doesn't work you will get killed. Peace is not an option. There are profits when a peaceful settlement is brought about. The Mossad deeply buried inside Iran the Israeli's know exactly what Iran's intents are as well as their communications with Hezbollah leadership. This story was sourced from: Lebanese Foreign Minister Says Nasrallah Agreed to Ceasefire Right Before Israel Killed Him.

More distorted meanings from the central bank and WEF appointed value thieves

Editor's note: These central bank and WEF appointed "elitists" like John Kerry and his daughter Vanessa Kerry have distorted the meaning of "democracy" in an attempt to steal value from you. The origin of democracy comes from the ancient Greek (dēmokratia) meaning "popular government" or from dēmos meaning "common people" related to "district." Ancient Greece city-states organized around communities (districts) and not as a nation. Later languages like Latin, French and English gradually distorted the meaning of democracy. Thomas Jefferson understood the actual meaning of democracy from ancient Greek. John Kerry admits it is "really hard to govern today." The dēmos have lost all confidence in governments that answer to central banks. Kerry talks about having "accountability" but yet the central banks have no accountability whatsoever to the dēmos. What did the ancient Greek suggest that Thomas Jefferson knew when his writings are carefully analyzed? Kill the tyrants. Although Kerry and his daughter are not worthy of being referred to as "tyrants", nonetheless they do not represent the dēmos so any discussion by them referring to "democracy" is false. And as far as the media is concerned forget it. The media have lost all credibility. They have lost the narrative just like John Kerry and his value stealing daughter have.

Sacred sodomy

Editor's note: If the Vatican "owns" BlackRock then $323 million shouldn't be any problem to pay off the sexually abused. All of our problems without exception can all be traced back to central banks and these criminals having access to unlimited amounts of fairy dust magic money to power up their financial terrorism against the working and productive class in this predator and prey ecosphere. If everyone in America right now claimed the origin of their fertilization the entire Federal Reserve system would collapse. This would also end the "sins of the church" including pedophilia and monotheistic religions:

Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

New York Catholic diocese reaches $323 mln sex abuse settlement

By Dietrich Knauth | Reuters | September 2024

A Roman Catholic diocese in Long Island, New York announced a new bankruptcy settlement on Thursday that would pay more than $323 million to about 530 sex abuse survivors who alleged they were abused by priests when they were children.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre, which serves about 1.2 million Catholics in Nassau and Suffolk counties, said earlier this year that it did not think a bankruptcy settlement would be possible, after abuse survivors rejected the diocese's previous $200 million settlement offer.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

If you are on the wrong side of technology you are fucked (literally)

Editor's note: You will never see Google in the same way again after listening to the discussion posted below this article. If you want a condensed version of US history going back to just before JFK's assassination in Daley Plaza this linked discussion below will send chills down your spine so prepare yourselves for what is discussed. Google is just the beginning and is not a part of the Democratic Party. Google is the military-industrial complex and DARPA who are the biggest fucking criminals who have total immunity anyone can even begin to possibly imagine. They make Hitler's Reich look like a local gang. It is beyond reform or legislation to correct these circumstances. The author of this substack article isn't even aware of the extent of our dire circumstances. If you rolled up your sleeve to be injected with the SV40 (Simian virus) loaded syringes you've been "blue screened." If you doubt for one second we aren't living in a predator and prey ecosphere your outlook is about to be radically altered. This article below on Google was randomly selected to republish as an adjunct to the below discussion. Like all Silicone Valley big tech executives including Google's Surgey Brin they have all gone through MKUltra and the "Marshmallow Project." 

More Google-Related Election Shenanigans

Shameful Bias in NotebookLM

By John C. Dvorak | October 2, 2024

Google could claim that it is, in fact, an arm or subsidiary of the Democratic Party. No one can forget how in 2016, after Trump's election, Google founder Sergey Brin sobbed in a company meeting, lamenting Hillary's defeat and kind of promising that it would never happen again.

Since then, Google's bias has been documented and condemned by everyone who isn't a Democrat. This bias has even crept into silly images created by Google Gemini, including one imagining that America's founding fathers were of various ethnicities.
Looking into our circumstances...