You are about to witness how tyranny was stopped in Carmel, California
Editor's note: It is time for individual Americans to stand up like this brave woman did in Carmel, California to an out of control city council, legal system and the courts involved in her case. This has devolved into these people making up the laws as they go with the Northern District's Court of California's descent into madness and carpetbagging. Three judges dispense with all forms of justice in this case in California. This woman stood up to tyranny unfolding in her own hometown following the illegal actions of her local government during the Covid attack on civilization. This is an ongoing case and all Americans need to be observant of what is transpiring here. Put these city councils on extremely tight leashes because if they are not brought to heel cases like this are only going to get worse.
Most police don't know what the hell they are talking about and are so ignorant of the law it is terrifying. Well Officer Boucher (order follower), it is time to start looking for employment elsewhere.
Paul Craig Roberts asks if the US justice system can be reformed? Short answer: No. Not without doing what the brave woman in Carmel, California outlined above is doing.
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