Saturday, January 25, 2025

Oracle is a defense contractor...

Editor's note: let that sink in. If you disagree with Larry Ellison and his alleged coming participation in rolling out AI technology with Oracle money to develop a vaccine for cancer (created by the pharmaceutical companies under contract with the DoD under the guise of a Covid "pandemic"), then why are you or anyone else for that matter invested in Oracle? In the wreckage of the global economy because of the Covid attack on civilization who came out ahead? Forbes reported "ten billionaires netted $51 billion in a market rebound that ended April 9, 2020" (5 months after the Covid attack started). Larry Ellison was one of the oligarchs mentioned in the Forbes article. Investing in tech companies like Oracle is chaining yourself to this private takeover of systems including your health. Private corporations like Oracle are running the governments. If you are at the state level involved in respective state legislators that is where this is all going to be stopped. Covid wasn't a pandemic. It was a reshuffling of the financial cards and you weren't dealt any cards to even play high tech poker.


AI is becoming a religion. Will this species worship it? Remember how HAL in the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey fucked over Dave in the end?

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