Saturday, January 18, 2025

"A man has got to know his limitations."

Editor's note: Elon Musk seems to be the "good cop" here and the "bad cop" are the technocrats imposing their digital technocracy on us including SpaceX. Elon Musk is a hero to some while for others he is highly suspect in his endeavors touted as "the world's richest man" and having an IQ of 155. His being the "richest man in the world" is not possible with a known black nobility nestled quietly in the central banks in Europe using the Catholic Church as cover. Musk (turn the other cheek or an eye for an eye?) is slow drip feeding us technology. If you "turn the other cheek" you are in for some serious shit. Sort of an acclimation process for what's transpiring faster than people can even begin to comprehend. SpaceX is enter-tain-ment. The key here is to keep you focused on ancient "rocket technology." It is like the devolution of technology and science while the real technology is buried deep inside the various stratums of power in the "breakaway civilization" (see The "Polycrisis Of 'Technocracy'). 

Reusable Rocket Ruse

You decide. Is this CGI computer generated fakery? Watch closely...

Wtf? Within hours and its all only on paper:

The Black Nobility consists of the Bergoglio line who go back centuries:

When you listen to this music understand you are a packet of energy that generates more bioelectricity than a 120 volt battery and more than 25,000 BTUs of body heat that is being harvested in this predator and prey ecosphere very few people can understand or recognize. In the year 2525 you won't need your eyes and your teeth...some machine is doing that for you...

120 volt bioelectric battery packs in the wall being harvested...


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