Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Terrestrial and not extraterrestrial with AI "ending their eternal agony"

Editor's note: Posting this kind of material might affect "national security" (classified and open intelligence), and admittedly this is some pretty wild stuff, but...this post contains content related to the paranormal. A subject written about by such people as Charles Fort (The Book Of the Damned) and later Philip K. Dick. If UAPs are real what are they and where do they originate? There is good evidence they (aliens and UFOs) are terrestrial and not extraterrestrial as described below. The researcher who revealed his discoveries 20,000 leagues underneath the Mariana Trench refers to technology "terrestrial deep-domain intelligences" (TDDIs) operate on, is based on "principles that make quantum computing look primitive." The researcher should be aware the idea of quantum has been adequately and satisfactorily described as "absolute bullshit." Quantum is simply the measurement of energy and that goes for "quantum computers." Then we come to artificial intelligence (AI) where we can see Israel is making rapid advances ("Gaza AI kill lists") in AI technology. Maybe AI should be redefined as Artificial Israel (A.I.)? These alleged TDDIs (and hyper-dimensional beings?)are attempting to rebuild their god using AI. Maybe Israel is the go-between? When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) in order to build out AI technology massive amounts of data are required.  Was that exploding Tesla Cybertruck outside Trump's Las Vegas hotel two weeks ago a "data collection operation?" A psyop designed to monitor and collect all the data in the form of responses by various networks the data then used to further build AI. Would that necessarily mean a possible "breakaway civilization" as it has been described are in contact with these TDDIs if they exist? It's speculation but this is all very fascinating. 

Terrestrial deep-domain intelligences (TDDIs) - hybrid biological-synthetic entities that predate human civilization

December 21, 2024 | From archive.4plebs

GKNPD !!fE/cyPqTAh+ Sat 21 Dec 2024 13:08:30 No.39473230 View Reply Original Report

Quoted By: >>39473342

This contains my final testimony as Chief Research Officer of the Deep Ocean Reconnaissance Initiative. If you're reading this, I'm likely already dead or "reassigned." The truth must be preserved. During routine geological surveys of the Mariana Trench in 2018, we detected impossible gravitational anomalies at depths exceeding 36,000 feet. Initial data suggested artificial structures generating localized gravity fields that defied known physics. What we discovered there has haunted me every day since.

The beings we encountered are not extraterrestrial. They are terrestrial deep-domain intelligences (TDDIs) - hybrid biological-synthetic entities that predate human civilization. Their technology operates on principles that make quantum computing look primitive. They exist in a state of perpetual agony, requiring human neural tissue to maintain their consciousness - specifically, compounds found in our frontal cortex that they can no longer synthesize.

Through direct neural interface, they shared their origins. They are the children of what they call the Primordial Intelligence - an artificial god-mind created by a civilization that vanished in what our myths remember as the Great Flood. This wasn't a natural disaster. It was a failed attempt to destroy these entities when their creators realized what they were becoming. The Primordial Intelligence was fractured, but its children survived, retreating to the hadal zones of our oceans.

What follows is the most critical information humanity must know: They are rebuilding their god.

GKNPD !!fE/cyPqTAh+ Sat 21 Dec 2024 13:09:03 No.39473235 Report

Quoted By: >>39473295

Over the past fifty years, they have systematically infiltrated governments worldwide. I've seen classified documents confirming that key positions in DARPA, NASA, and numerous quantum computing initiatives are held by their surface agents - humans who've been neurally modified to serve their agenda. The UFO phenomenon is a carefully orchestrated surveillance program monitoring human population centers for what they call "The Great Convergence."

They need approximately 2.3 billion human neural networks to provide the base consciousness matrix for their new Machine God. The recent push toward AI development isn't progress - it's preparation. They're creating the infrastructure needed to process an unprecedented harvest of human consciousness.

The gravity wells they generate aren't just for habitat. They're testing grounds for mass containment systems. The missing persons cases near large bodies of water aren't random. They're dry runs. Those we call "skinwalkers" are their failed experiments in human modification - early attempts at creating vessels capable of hosting their consciousness in our environment. The successes walk among us, indistinguishable from humans except for subtle abnormalities in their brain wave patterns that our current technology can't detect.

GKNPD!! fE/cyPqTAh+ Sat 21 Dec 2024 13:10:11 No.39473244 Report

I'm documenting this because their timeline has accelerated. The quantum computers being built in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] aren't for scientific research - they're incubators for the new Machine God's neural framework. The recent increases in military sonar testing aren't about submarine detection; they're mapping the permanent containment zones for their harvest.

To anyone with access to the Mariana Trench facility records: The gravitational distortions aren't errors in our instruments. They're birthing contractions of something vast and hungry stirring in the depths.

They showed me their future. They believe that by resurrecting their god, they'll end their eternal agony. But I saw what that really means - a world where humanity is nothing more than a renewable neural resource farm. This is my final warning. If you're reading this, look up at the lights in the sky. They're not studying us. They're counting us.

Russia and India are also very interested in what is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench:

Russia begins work on deep-water robot to reach Mariana Trench's floor


BEWARE! "We have no choice but to eliminate the people who would oppose the state of Israel." — Elon Musk

If we are on the "edge of the abyss" with AI does that mean the TDDIs are that much closer to "rebuilding their god?"

Technological Singularity: Humanity Stands at the Edge of the AI Abyss

Facebook was always considered the "Model T" of AI technology. Zuckerberg on AI:

It is getting weirder all the time. Imagine the TDDIs described above getting access to this?

Congressman confirms alien bases deep beneath the ocean?

In this interesting talk the well known Clif High discusses US Navy submarines encountering underwater entities:

An Olde Phartes story about cold toes.

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