Thursday, January 16, 2025

CoG: The Fourth Branch of government most know nothing about

Editor's note: The "deep state" (Prof. Peter Dale Scott) is Continuity of Government (CoG) and those military generals and deep state apparatchiks" either initiate emergencies or exploit them so that CoG can take over total unmitigated control of the "government." Whatever the Trump administration is and those behind Trump that could be one faction of a splintering military they do not want a Trump administration. Presidents come and go. CoG is permanent and has been since it was set up outside of all Constitutional oversight in 1947 when President 'Traitor' Truman signed EO 10346. Only private corporations can sign EOs with CoG based on the earlier British model of CoG. There are some who believe "white hats" are operating inside CoG along with President Trump to "bring down the cabal." Good luck if you are on that "rollercoaster." The central banks run the "cabal" with the alleged "white hats" supporting bitcoin (cryptos) as one mechanism to bring down the cabal. How can you have CoG "white hats" operating outside of all Constitutional restraints to bring down this alleged cabal? As the Biden manikin is wheeled out and the Trump manikin wheeled in it will be a continuation of US imperialism only under a new name. The "deep state" just burned down Los Angeles.

COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration

By 2nd Smartest Guy In the World | January 16, 2025

Ever since the Intelligence Industrial Complex was unable to steal a second presidential election in a row, they have been desperately pivoting to their treasonous coup d'état contingency planning phase in order to prevent Trump from acceding to power.

These Three-Letter Agencies that comprise the Deep State function as the Fourth Branch of Government, which unconstitutionally controls the other three branches, and now that there is a good chance that they will all be splintered into thousands of pieces and scattered it into the winds they have commenced their clandestine meetings, "to Explore What We Can Do" to 'Protect People from Trump.’

Except that thanks once again to James O’Keefe's intrepid undercover reporting, former FBI special agent, former special assistant to Hillary Clinton, and until very recently top Pentagon official Jamie Mannina was exposed for his perfidious scheming to overthrow America:

This is precisely what President Kennedy was concerned about; namely, Continuity of Government( COG), in which generals and Deep State apparatchiks like Mannina would institute a fraudulent national emergency psyop in order to ouster a sitting president so that these criminals may maintain their governmental power. In fact, President Kennedy was instrumental in getting the classic movie Seven Days in May made, and he allowed the filmmakers for the first and last time ever to shoot their scenes inside the White House, such was the importance of warning We the People about COG.

Perhaps President Kennedy's involvement in Seven Days in May staved off the Intelligence Industrial Complex from staging a false flag during his time, which may have lead to Lyndon B. Johnson conspiring with the CIA and mobsters to simply just assassinate a sitting president instead of executing a full-on COG operation.

Please go to substack to continue reading.

If there are "white hats" inside CoG working with Trump, then he will have a litmus test to pass:

Trump's "Do Or Die" Litmus Test

How are these alleged CoG "white hats" going to deal with this?


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