Smartphone use leads to hallucinations, detachment from reality, aggression in teens as young as 13: Study
By Rikki Schlott | January 23, 2025 | 32 Comments
Smartphones are making teenagers more aggressive, detached from reality and causing them to hallucinate, according to new research.
Scientists concluded the younger a person starts using a phone, the more likely they would be crippled by a whole host of psychological ills after surveying 10,500 teens between 13 and 17 from both the US and India for the study, by Sapien Labs.
"People don't fully appreciate that hyper-real and hyper-immersive screen experiences can blur reality at key stages of development," addiction psychologist Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, who was not part of the team who did the study, told The Post.
Chart showing how more than a third of 13-year-olds said they feel aggression, while a fifth experience hallucinations in the survey by Sapien Labs. More than a third of 13-year-olds surveyed said they feel aggression, while a fifth experience hallucinations, the survey by Sapien Labs showed.
"Their digital world can compromise their ability to distinguish between what's real and what's not. A hallucination by any other name.
"Screen time essentially acts as a toxin that stunts both brain development and social development," Kardaras explained. "The younger a kid is when given a device, the higher the likelihood of mental health issues later on."
January 23, 2024 | By Jim Stone Journalist
I set up a facebook account for the sole purpose of finding a place to rent. I added minimal data, because that's all I wanted it for. I used a brand new cell phone that I kept without a sim for about a week then added a sim, used it a little on Youtube, set up Gmail, called no one, used it for NOTHING AND FACTORY RESET THE PHONE REPEATEDLY TO CONFIRM NO SPYWARE. When you have NO SPYWARE you can do a factory reset and then go through the setup with no cell connection and no wifi. IF YOU HAVE SPYWARE, THE PHONE WON'T LET YOU DO THAT AFTER A FACTORY RESET BECAUSE IT'S FIRST PRIORITY BEFORE ANYTHING HAPPENS IS TO REINSTALL THE SPYWARE, AND IT NEEDS A CONNECTION FOR THAT. So I set up Facebook, got banned nearly instantly for not posting a photo and messaging people who rented apartments. Only a few messages, all hand typed to boot. After getting banned, I factory reset the phone And then a connection was required to set up the phone.
Proof positive: Facebook installs PERMANENT spyware on your phone, go elsewhere ffs.
The phone was used to hit 4 web sites in it's entire life. 1. Google. 2. Gmail, and NO CALLS WERE EVER MADE, NO ONE EVER GOT THE NUMBER EITHER, NO MAIL WAS EVER RECIEVED OR SENT, OTHER THAN FACEBOOK AND GMAIL WELCOME. Site 3. Youtube. and DEATH for security reasons: Facebook. Absolutely nothing else was ever done with the phone AT ALL.
Suckerberg hides behind plausible deniability, after all spyware can come from anywhere, including people you call, anyone you give your number to, or any web site you hit that's a POS. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED WITH THIS, I DID THIS LIKE A SURGICAL OPERATION AND NAILED FACEBOOK LIKE A SNIPER. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, GO ELSEWHERE.
Smart phone implicated?
Police review writings tied to Nashville school shooter who killed female student and himself
An investigation into problematic smartphone use: The role of narcissism, anxiety, and personality factors
An investigation into problematic smartphone use: The role of narcissism, anxiety, and personality factors
Something happened to the mental health of the younger people:
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