Thursday, January 23, 2025

Inflicting biological warfare upon the world

Editor's note: It is being reported the Trump administration placed a "blackout" on the criminal agencies of the HHS, FDA, NIH, and the CDC co-opted by the DoD for the Covid operation (attack). A "blackout" meaning there has been "no weekly Morbidity and Mortality reports from the CDC. No new studies published by any of the above agencies. No public service announcements urging people to get particular vaccines." Is this because a team of intrepid medical freedom fighters obtained the data, and it proves without a shadow of a doubt that we are in the midst of an "ongoing global eugenics democide program?" "Eugenics democide" means an attempt to kill you. The Covid attack was also an attempt to rearrange the financial circumstances of an impending financial disaster. Let's just cut to the chase: They're trying to fucking kill you.

CDC/FDA assessments confirm emergent black-box-worthy safety signals

Evidence of Military Control

Operation Warp Speed was a merger of the Military Industrial Complex with the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex designed to inflict biological warfare upon the world.

By James Roguski | December 30, 2024


The response to COVID-19 was NOT a public health response. It had nothing to do with science or medicine or public health. It was and is a biological warfare program. It was and continues to be democide.

[ dem-uh-sahyd ]
the intentional killing of people by their own government.
The work done by Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova and Debbie Lerman has been instrumental in exposing the true nature of the COVID-19 "response."

Katherine Watt

Vaccination is legalized, decriminalized, government-sponsored, government-run torture, mutilation and homicide.

Sasha Latypova 

mRNA, Gene Therapies and Biomanufacturing Fraud

My research summarized for a book chapter

Vaccines were created by military contractors:

COVID-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top:

Please go to substack to continue reading.

Considering the DoD and their contractors from what we have learned from the above if you were reinstated would you ever trust the people responsible for this again?

What the hell s going on here?

After meeting with Bill Gates, the Trump transition team sidelines two key figures spreading vaccine truth

A "golden age" of what? Coming up with a different method to eradicate us?

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