Thursday, January 9, 2025

California burns while incompetence and criminality flourishes

Editor's note: There are many online sources suggesting the fires ravishing Los Angeles destroying so far 6,000 structures including homes and causing roughly 130,000 Californians to evacuate were caused by DEW (directed energy weapon) weapons. This narrative is bullshit PSYOP used to distract you from human responsibility for events now unfolding in California. These fires are being exploited by the "climate change alarmists" which is typical with that dismal crowd of reprobates. Newsweek reports, "In April 2024, State Farm--one of the biggest private insurers in the state--announced that it had canceled a total of 72,000 policies in California, 30,000 of which were homes. Many of those affected lived in high-risk, upscale neighborhoods in Los Angeles County, the area now affected by the Palisades fire." Of course they did. They aren't idiots and knew what a risk it was in that region susceptible to fires and the obvious criminal mismanagement and incompetence (woeful malicious ignorance).

What Caused the L.A. Fires and How Can We Prevent Wildfire Toxicity?

What we know about the harms of wildfire illness and a review of the forgotten therapies that treat it

January 10, 2025 | By Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:
• The Los Angeles area is currently experiencing one of the most damaging wildfires in California’s history.

• These events unfortunately highlight the same recurring themes I've seen in each of the previous disasters (e.g., Lahaina) I’ve covered in this publication (e.g., dysfunctional Uniparty rule), but unfortunately, a widespread push is being made to ignore those lessons and instead blame everything on "climate change."

• Wildfires expose individuals in the area to significant health risks, particularly those who already have sensitive constitutions (e.g., due to a pre-existing chronic inflammatory disease). These effects are best demonstrated by data that was collected on the physical and mental health of the Lahaina survivors.

• This article will explore the strategies which can be used to prevent and treat wildfire toxicity (many of which can also be used for other chronic inflammatory lungs diseases like COPD).
Note: the people in Los Angeles are going through a very tough process right now. In the days to come, it is likely that those there will require an immense amount of support. In turn, if you plan to give money, I highly advise working with a local charity rather than a large organization, as the larger organizations tend to be highly inefficient at bringing your aid dollars to those in need.

Uniparty Rule

One of the major problem with governance is that conniving sociopaths will always exist, and that they tend to have an endless craving for power (as their sociopathy eliminates the intrinsic satisfaction with life many others have). As such, governments inevitably get hijacked by these sociopaths who gradually normalize the exploitation of others (which everyone else is forced to turn a blind eye to), and then eventually shift from exploiting select segments of the population whose suffering can be kept out of sight and out of mind to broad swathes of the population (e.g., consider the abhorrent COVID-19 vaccine mandates).

Note: an excellent overview of this cyclical process can be found in the (brief) Wikipedia summary of Łobaczewski's Political Ponerology. A key point that Łobaczewski made is that many of these psychopathic tendencies originate from individuals with brain damage that eliminate natural human empathy—a remarkable insight given that its only recently been possible to prove sociopaths have organic brain damage. Additionally, a strong case can be made that the inflammatory brain damage certain vaccines cause results in sociopathic behavior, as a rippling wave of unprecedented violent crime spread across America in tandem with the adoption of the vaccine which was notorious for frequently causing encephalitis (which I discussed further here).

Because of this, I've spent decades thinking over the competing models of governance and come to the conclusion famously elucidated by Winston Churchill:
Democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
More specifically, I believe that since psychopathic individuals will always exist, the best "solution" is to have a form of checks and balances in place where different (likely sociopathic) parties are continually competing against each other for power, and hence "cancel their evil out" by forcing each other to act in a somewhat decent way so they can be the ones to hold into power.

In contrast, anytime healthy competition is eliminated, the quality of government rapidly declines as there is no longer an incentive to do a good job or produce the results the electorate actually wants (which is essentially identical to what is seen in market monopolies—which for example is why American medical care is so expensive yet its results rank last amongst the affluent nations).

On one hand, we have this at a national level, as (at least until Trump's recent political insurgency) legislators from both parties will consistently vote to spend trillions on abhorrent foreign wars or bank bailouts while simultaneously refusing to support basic necessities that benefit most of the populace. This video for example synopsizes an extensive 2014 study which found public opinion had no influence on the likelihood a bill would become law, and rather, a law passing is entirely dependent upon what the upper class and business interests want.

On a state (and frequently on a municipal) level, we see a similar situation where once one political party becomes entrenched, there is no longer an incentive for them to "do their jobs" and things gradually fall apart as individuals who fail to fulfill their duties (but appease the lobbyists) continue to be re-elected solely due to their party affiliation.

California is particularly known for this issue, as Democrat candidates are typically selected from within the party rather than on merit. For example, Tucker Carlson recently broke down how Kamala Harris had an atrocious performance record, but due to favoritism kept on being promoted within the party and likewise, it's an open secret that California's political leadership has often been sourced from four intertwined San Francisco families (e.g., the Newsoms and Pelosis).

On one hand, this has led to the state adopting abhorrent policies that caused many to leave the state (in fact, since 2020, California has been the state with the highest rate of residents choosing to leave). These policies included widely opposed childhood vaccine mandates in 2015, lengthy COVID-19 lockdowns, a poorly worded law banning doctors from discussing COVID vaccine dangers with their patients—which courts later struck down as unconstitutional, or schools concealing children's gender transitions from parents—which caused Musk to pull his businesses out of California after he could not change Newsom's mind about that law).

On the other, it's led to numerous catastrophic bungles which collectively have resulted in higher taxes (California currently has the highest tax rates) and it being harder and harder for residents to stay in the state.

For instance, one of the best known examples is California's "bridge to nowhere" a project conceived after it was recognized a high speed rail linking the North and Southern parts of the state together would yield tremendous economic benefit. However, unlike China (which has built over 6000 miles of railway in 7 years at a rate of 24.6-48 million per mile), California since 1982 has spent over 23 billion dollars on its high speed rail project, but other than a few unconnected bridges totaling 0.3 miles, no track has yet been laid for it, and despite immense political pressure to finish it, the railway is likely at least 10 years away from the initial parts becoming operational.

Another is California's recurring wildfire problem. Essentially, due to California's climate, wildfires are a regular issue. However rather than adopting policies which can prevent these fires from becoming catastrophic (e.g., controlled burns, forestry management, making sure communities have sufficient firefighting water infrastructure or fixing the power lines) more and more money has gone into suppressing the wildfires (which in turn has caused the subsequent ones to burn even hotter).

As such, devastating fires are becoming more and more common, but despite an uproar each time for steps to be taken so the next one does not create profound devastation, nothing gets done and a worse one follows (while spending on wildfire fighting services continue to spiral out of control).

From the material above:

James Woods on his personal account of what is happening:

Related to California. Another dumb ass predictive programming movie out of Hollywood related to California. Too bad the fires weren't isolated just in Hollywood:

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