Friday, January 24, 2025

Now these cretins want to pillage the US Treasury for AI

Editor's note: Part of the reason why more people are not yelling at the top of their lungs in opposition to this Stargate operation that was waiting in the wings is because people worship technology and they will worship AI. That is extremely dangerous. President Trump is betting the farm on AI. That is why he announced "drill baby, drill." The infrastructure to run all this AI and cryptocurrencies will need massive data centers and they are going to suck energy big time. This is like Trump announcing a global energy war. Did President Trump play these assholes? These people really are messed up psychologically with ethics and morality stripped out of the equation as they approach "AI becoming god-like as they summon their sand God." A "faith based super artificial intelligence" religion complete with their "algorithmic mammon." Why not? They purged all the data for AI out of the Covid attack at Oak Ridge and now Larry Ellison with Oracle is gong to exploit it.

The Honeymoon is Already Over

January 22, 2025

Wow, that didn't take long. Trump shot his wad on day one with all the executive orders, and they figured it was time to return to the Dr. Evil/Mordor stuff on day 2. Soften us up with 24 hours of heavy petting then bring in Larry Ellison to shock us back into hell. That is one scary looking dude, and listening to him talk just makes it worse. I am trying to erase it from my memory.

You just know this Stargate thing is tied to Bill Gates, since it concerns vaccines. But Trump and his team begged Gates to keep his ugly mug out of it, knowing how hated he is. Hard to believe Biden didn't pardon him for being alive. Gates apparently agreed to stay off-camera for this one, and they brought in Ellison to take his place. Another big miscalculation, since Ellison gives off the very same Dr. Evil vibe. You feel bugs crawling on your skin as soon as he walks in the room.

Part of that is Ellison and part is the new Stargate project, which just reeks of evil from every pore. To his credit, Alex Jones is already calling it out, having Malone on to undercut it, but so far the commentary has been way too weak. This is a catastrophe, worse than anything I imagined, and thrust upon us much quicker than I thought they would dare. Effing day 2 they hit us with this, meaning their respect for us is still zero.

[Also not good is that after hitting this weakly yesterday, Alex Jones has already dropped it today, reverting immediately to Trump-olatry. Five of Infowars eight lead stories today are selling Trump as a savior. Zerohedge seems to be all bullish so far on Stargate.]

If you don't know, the Stargate project is supposedly a billionaire-funded plan to join AI and mRNA vaccines to cure cancer. AI will spot specific cancer markers in the blood, after which the doctors will create a targeted vaccine in 48 hours, built just for you. What does that have to do with a Stargate? No one has said yet, though I am about to tell you.

Plus, didn't Trump campaign on a promise to protect us from the Big Tech monsters? And yet here we are, day 2, and he is announcing major promotion of them and alliance with them. He was supposed to take on the Big Tech juggernaut and the Big Pharma juggernaut, right? Instead, we see them joining forces and Trump climbing into bed with them. The only way things could have gotten worse after Biden is if Big Tech and Big Pharma merged, and that has just happened, with Trump's immediate backing.

This is total bullshit in every way, and it isn't even a good story. It is a transparent conjob that any child could spot in about 30 seconds. They have been able to scan blood for all content for a long time, including cancer cells, so I don't know what this has to do with AI. Basically they are just renaming “the medical machines we have long had" as AI and expecting you to buy it. It is just a machine, it isn't AI. Every machine isn't now "artificial intelligence". But they included AI here as part of the current AI blitz. Everything is currently about AI because they want government to invest even more heavily in it that it already is. Meaning, they want to steal even more of your taxes or borrow from the treasury in order to fund this vaporware and boondoggle. We are told the bigdogs have already invested half a trillion of their own money, but if you believe that you need to check your ventilator tubes for kinks. The obvious con is to get the government to supply matching funds. The billionaires will then quietly stop payment on their checks, and it will all come out of your pocket. That is the way it is always done. You will end up getting billed for something they will never deliver, and if they do deliver anything it will be just another death shot.

You would think everyone would have gotten the message over the past five years not to take ANY mRNA vaccines, and most people have, but I guess these creeps, including Trump, have decided it doesn't matter what you think. As with the fake Covid vaccine, they won't charge people for the shot or therapy, they will take it directly out of the treasury, so you can't stop it even if you don't buy it. You will be billed for it regardless. As with the Covid vaccines in the past three years, the government will order millions of doses of it, pay Big Pharma for it from your taxes, and then have to end up trashing the majority of it, because no one wants it. Just flush it all into the streams and oceans, where it can kill the fish, animals, and if they are lucky, us as well.

If DOGE were a real thing, this would be the time for them to step in and kill this thing. And to his credit, Musk is throwing cold water on it, though he isn't saying anything like what I am saying. First of all, with a bit deeper dig, we find it isn't these US companies or billionaires like Ellison and Oracle that are funding this, it is the Japanese bank Softbank, which is a huge red flag. The only entities more evil than the Big Tech and Big Pharma companies are the banks, so this just keeps getting worse. It is just more evidence I am right, because the big banks live on national treasuries like remoras on sharks. Softbank is supposed to make available $100 billion immediately. Strange, since just last month Softbank was going to create 100,000 US jobs with some nebulous investment, but this is what it turns out to be: AI vaporware and vaccines. No thanks! But even that is smoke, according to Musk, who tells us all these parties, including Softbank, don't have even $10 billion earmarked for this. Of course they don't, because it is the usual excuse for a raid on worldwide treasuries. Any real money that goes into this will come out of your pocket, not theirs. You will continue to pay for your own gaslighting and death shots.

Softbank was started by Masayoshi Son, real name Yasumoto, Korean/Japanese. Never a good sign when these people change their names, since they are generally covering Phoenician links. His mother may be a Cohen or something. We already get a sign of that with his birthdate: August 11, 1957: aces and eights. His history is the same sort of bunkum we saw with Musk, with Yasumoto's wealth allegedly coming from a $20 million investment in Alibaba that became $75 billion in just 13 years. That's a nearly 4000x return on investment. Is your bank paying you 4000% interest? I didn't think so.

Yasumoto's father is named Sam-heon and his grandfather is named Jong-kyung, which seem like more obvious clues to me. My hunch is Sam-heon is a scramble of Salomon, and Kyung is a nudge of Kohen. Otherwise how to explain that this guy, "son of pig farmer", was able to "secure a meeting" at age 16 with the president of McDonald's in Japan, Den Fujita? I guess in Japan, presidents and CEOs like to spend mornings meeting with pig farmers and the son's of possum trappers. Fujita sent him to Berkeley in the US, where he finished high school in three weeks and then was accepted to Berkeley University, still at 16, I guess. We aren't told when he learned English. While still at school he sold an electronic translator to Sharp for $1.7 million, as you do. And that's all we know about this guy.

But I was going to tell you why they called this conjob Stargate. A stargate is a wormhole or other alien device for communicating or traveling long distances in the galaxy. The black monolith in 2001: a Space Odyssey was a stargate; and then there was the movie Stargate in 1994 with Kurt Russell, where the stargate allows him to travel to the alien planet Abydos, named after the Egyptian town of Abydos, which houses some Pharaonic tombs, including the Temple of Seti I. That is where the Abydos King List is, which lists the 76 Kings of Ancient Egypt.

So not only are these people like Ellison selling you the wormhole garbage along with the AI and vaccine garbage, they are cleverly linking themselves to their own oldest ancestors with the usual Phoenician wink. No doubt they will litter this project with the usual Deltas and all-seeing eyes and so on. But also notice there may be another reason Ellison was chosen for this, instead of say Altman or someone slightly less gruesome. It's his name: El-lison.

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Considering what is going on here we have to face the dark side of all this. The most degenerate, devious, intergenerational corporate psychopaths are seeking to extend and intensify their misanthropic crime spree, protect their pedorapist genocidal culture, and persecute all who would bring them to justice. That's obviously what the Stargate AI $500 billion insanity is about. These oligarchs hide behind corporations and shield their malevolently programmed surveillance / theft / targeting systems behind the fiction of AI to shield themselves from personal accountability for their serial crimes. To gain worldly power, they have made a Faustian deal with demonic forces, e.g. the spirit of Moloch the consumer of children, to amplify suffering and chaos on the planet. You want a mRNA vaccine developed by these tech maniacs to cure cancer developed by AI? Then roll your sleeve up baby. "Inject baby, inject." An AI machine will slam the injection into you are there will be no remorse.

Altman (a "cyborg salesman") on the left is going to be doing the "gadgets for AI" to come up with a mRNA vaccine for cancer? A questionable geek working on AI-driven mRNA vaccines for cancer and health? Big tech needs to be shoved back into the malevolent-looking cave it crawled out of.
AI is becoming a religion. Will this species worship it? Remember how Hal in the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey fucked over Dave in the end?


No "digital dollars" but cryptocurrencies:

Elon Musk is the good cop of the deep state bad cop that is going to completely revamp operations in Washington possibly taking the deep state controlled by a DOGE even deeper:

Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are two sides of one magic trick:

People are not going to get what's going on here with the development of AI. They will weaponize it to compete with China. $500 billion is more than half of what the US corporation spends on its yearly war and killing budget.

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