Saturday, January 11, 2025

Break the control over state economies by outside corporate and financial interests (predators)

Editor's note: How does America overcome what many forecasters and analysts see as a coming depression strapped to a debt based monetary system while trying to survive in a predator and prey ecosphere? What made Germany an economic power house of manufacturing and engineering was because Germany had hundreds of community banks that created credit when needed at the local level. The entire fundamental issue here is sovereignty. America needs "community sovereign banks." Unless state community sovereign banks are established Americans will remain debt slaves. This isn't about whether or not state banks should be established but how many and under what type of legislation. All state legislatures need to exert state sovereign authority. Unless state legislatures aggressively move to create the necessary legislation to create community state banks (decentralization), the US corporate empire is going to continue its chaos around the world making life for all Americans nearly impossible.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender." - Proverbs 22:7


Let's Debate the Coming Depression Before It Ruins Lives

January 10, 2025 | by horse237

Debts are cancelled in foreclosures and in bankruptcy courts. The Depression was caused by the reduction of our money supply by 31% from 1929 to 1933. This caused 3 to 4 million of the 123 million Americans alive in 1929 to starve to death. At that time, it was difficult to communicate with each other outside the corporate media. Today we have the Internet so we can debate a solution to solve the coming Depression before it happens meaning we can choose not to starve 10 million or more Americans to death.

We have a debt based currency. We are not allowed to have money unless we go into debt. This is as opposed to President Lincoln’s Greenbacks where money was created by the US Treasury without a debt. By contrast, our money is created by the Federal Reserve which is owned by member banks. If we still had Lincoln's Greenbacks, there would be no $36 trillion national debt and we would not be paying a trillion dollars a year in interest on that fictional debt.

A depression's severity can be determined in advance by measuring the number of Unpayable Debts we need to cancel. Today we have more Unpayable Debts to cancel than any time in the past 5 centuries so we can expect something far worse than 1933 America or 1923 Germany unless we allow free and open debates.

Might I suggest we go back to Lincoln's Greenbacks and additionally ban fractional reserve banking where a ten dollar deposit lets a Banker make $100 in loans. This allows him to charge us interest on the $100 but only pay interest to us on the $10. Our current system was designed to transfer wealth from those who do all the work to those who create checking account money by making loans. In 1933 people were not willing to go into debt so we suffered high unemployment until WW II.

Edward Dowd and others have predicted a severe recession in 2025. 1930 was a recession year and we did not hit rock bottom until 1933. We need to begin the debate today to change things before we stumble into the worst economic disaster in 500 years.

I would suggest we bring back Lincoln's Greenbacks so the Treasury does not have to go into debt to issue currency. And I would also suggest we ban fractional reserve banking so Bankers are not allowed to create checking account money, only the Treasury would. I would prefer we adopt Professor Irving Fisher's 100% money. This was recommended to FDR in 1933 by 8 University of Chicago professors and called the Chicago Plan. He rejected the idea so millions of Americans starved to death.

This is 2025. We have the Internet and we can do better.

This is one my most recent articles: Military Weapons America Does Not Have But Russia Does 

This article contains all the references that might interest you: An Open Letter To Elon Musk


All Banking is Fraud: Brilliant German Economist: Richard Werner

Organizing a Sovereign State Bank with Professor Richard A. Werner

Some extremely good reasons as to why community state banks need to be established:

There are tools and those tools are community state banks:

Ditch these banks. Americans do not need these banks to economically survive. Pressure state legislatures relentlessly. The sentiments are mutual:

Wyoming is moving in the right direction. Now all they have to do is start legislation then begin to establish state community banks:


State community banks will end this financial atrocity against Americans at the state level in this predator and prey ecosphere:

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