Thursday, April 9, 2020

Illusion of a Pandemic - Italy's Solution: 'Italexit'

Ed.'s note: Do it, Italy! Do it! Jettison the EU (NATO). This is going to teach Italy a hard lesson though for turning to China and China's B&RI to save the Italian economy. This is the reason why Brussel's left Italy to their own fate. To qualify objectively what is happening in Italy with coronavirus, please take the time to read the first article because Jon Rappoport probably has the most accurate reporting on the coronavirus operation.

News update for 11 April 2020: MAJOR: Italian PM Warns EU Could Collapse

COVID Italy update: dispelling the pandemic illusion

by Jon Rappoport | April 9, 2020

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The following information on Italy is as of March 30. It comes from an article posted at Swiss Propaganda Research. It describes reports from the Italian National Health Institute. It confirms what I've been writing about Italy—which is:

Take a population of many elderly people who already have serious, multiple, long-term health conditions, including lung conditions. Note that these people have already been treated with a number of toxic medical drugs. Add in very toxic air pollution in certain sectors of the country—which, in fact, accounts for a great amount of these lung problems. Consider that pneumonia—said to be a cardinal feature of COVID-19—has been rampant in Italy for a long time, long before the emergence of the supposed coronavirus. Numbers of flu-like illness cases and pneumonia cases, going back before "the pandemic," are huge. These cases show the same general symptoms attributed to COVID. Finally, use a diagnostic test, which, as I've described, can rack up false-positives for reasons that have nothing to do with COVID…and you have the illusion of a new epidemic.

"But…but what about the overflowing ICU wards in hospitals?"

Think it through. Every elderly ill person with lung problems now fears he/she might "have the virus," and so comes the flood of people to hospital. It's no mystery.

All right. Here are excerpts from the Swiss Propaganda Research article, "Facts about Covid-19":

"According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old."

“80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer."

"Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women."

"The Italian Institute of Health moreover distinguishes between those who died from the coronavirus and those who died with the coronavirus. In many cases it is not yet clear whether the persons died from the virus or from their pre-existing chronic diseases or from a combination of both."

Please go to Jon Rappoport's blog to read the entire article.


Source: Fort Russ


By Guest Author | April 9, 2020

By Sergey Manukov

Italians were deeply offended by the European Union. They believe that Brussels betrayed them and left them to their fate in the fight against the epidemic of the coronavirus Covid-19.

"Staying in the European Union is pointless"

Italy faced the deepest and most severe crisis after World War II. The number of victims of the coronavirus epidemic as of the morning of April 9 is approaching 18 thousand, and the confirmed cases of infection have exceeded 140 thousand. The pandemic painfully hit the Italian economy, which had already slipped into the deepest post-war recession. Italian Finance Minister Roberto Gualtieri recently said that GDP is likely to fall by 6% this year. Many economists believe that the decline will be more significant.

Not only the depth and scope, but also the growing feeling even among pro-European elites that the neighbors in the European home betrayed Rome and left face to face with the coronavirus Covid-19, differs from the recession a decade ago.

The story of Euro-optimist Carlo Calenda, who headed the Renzi government in the Ministry of Economic Development, is indicative of the past year, he participated in the elections to the European Parliament (EP) under the slogan “We are Europeans!”, And in November 2019 created the social-liberal party "Action". The basis of his election program in the EP is the defense of Italy's stay in a united Europe in an era of growing nationalism and populism. It is impossible to call Calenda a Euro-skeptic even with the most developed imagination, but now the 46-year-old ex-minister and permanent representative of Italy in the European Union (EU) has strong doubts about the correctness of the idea, which he devoted his life to the struggle for.
"This is an existential threat," Calenda sadly shrugs. "You know, I'm not sure now that we will be able to overcome it." My party is one of the most pro-European parties in Italy, but now almost every day I receive letters from members of the same party who ask me: "Why should we stay in the EU? It's pointless!'".
"In Italy, very serious changes are taking place," states Carlo Calenda. "Thousands of Euro-optimists are moving to this position (becoming Euro-skeptics)."
78-year-old Italian President Sergio Mattarella, the main defender of the Italian constitution, warned back in March that the future of a united Europe would be in serious danger if its institutions did not show solidarity with Italy.
"I hope it's not too late yet, everyone clearly understands the seriousness of the threat that Europe is now facing," he said in an address to the Italians broadcast on national television.
In Rome, the number of Euro-skeptics is growing every day, who believe that if the northern European countries do not take radical action, they risk that Italy will forever turn its back on the project called Europe.

There is a lot of evidence that the faith of the inhabitants of the Apennines in the European Union has weakened significantly. In the March Tecnè poll, for example, 67% of respondents said that staying in the EU is more likely to harm Italy than it helps. In November 2018, there were one and a half times fewer such Euroskeptics – 47%.

Former European Council President Donald Tusk, now the head of the European People's Party, emphasized in an interview with the Financial Times (FT) that the situation is much worse now than it was during the financial crisis ten years ago. And both in terms of economics and politics.

The hopes of southern Europe at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic for a quick demonstration of solidarity from the rest of the European Union remained hopeful, despite the fact that the EU, albeit very late, still began to provide southerners with financial support and assistance with medical equipment and protective equipment.

Please go to Fort Russ to read the entire article.

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