Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blood Libel Against "Whites" - Arrest Dr. Carol J. Baker At the CDC For Hate Speech

Ed.'s note: Here is a Jewish proxy, Dr. Carol J. Baker at the CDC calling for "getting rid of all the whites." "Jewish proxy" readers will ask? The vaccine-promoting Baker received the 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal. Who is Albert B. Sabin? Albert Bruce Sabin was a Jewish-American medical researcher born in the Russian empire. Sabin developed the oral polio vaccine (see Vaccine causing polio in Africa? Context from an expert). He served as the President of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The Weizmann Institute is where a lot of American technology has ended up over the years because of Israeli espionage and pilfering American technology. Not really sure how much more of this blood libel "whites" are going to take in America? And you are not white so don't fall for that racist crap. You are German-American or Italian-American or Irish-American, you are not "white."

The Jewish proxy Baker claims it is a "battle they are fighting." A battle to ejaculate into "whites" vaccines? "We'll just get rid of all the whites in the United States" is hate speech. Baker is in on the scam: polarizing people and that vile disgusting social media platform Twitter allows this crap. Listen to this doctor who slips and states the truth about MMR vaccines (MMR and autism) at the same conference Baker is at in this clip below. People need to organize and show up on Baker's front porch and demand she retracts her blood libel and hate speech against other Americans. Do people realize what this kind of elitist drivel leads to when they accuse "whites" with their libel? It is impossible to predict when "whites" will be retaliated on.

National Media Blackout: Three Whites (Including White Married Couple) Murdered by Black Male in Killing Spree in East Alabama

If you spend your time on Twitter (dystopian freak show) you really are twittering away your time, and so is Donald Trump.

Yes, let's talk about vaccines alright, "Doctor" Baker?

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