Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Sound Bite Is 'Peak Oil' - Ideology of Technocracy - Club of Rome - Project 88 - Administrative War - Covert Goal: Totalitarian Control

What We Are Living Through Is War by Sun Tzu

Vicky Davis (Channeling Reality), April 20, 2012

Nothing is as it seems to be on the surface. It is a world war being fought on an administrative level - until they get right into your local face.

The sound bite is 'Peak Oil'. That's the overt side of the war. The covert side is control - absolute, totalitarian technological control.

The people who believe that we've hit peak oil, believe that the world will be destroyed if we don't stop extracting oil from the earth. The problem is that the entire basis of the world economy is driven by oil, production using commodities, and exchange based on value added to the use of commodities. In other words, in their view, the world needs a different basis for valuation and a different set of values in the use of resources.

Technocracy is the name of a movement that began around the turn of the 20th century. The Technocrats rose to prominence in the 1930s and then declined because their scheme wasn't technologically feasible at the time.

Patrick Wood gives the best introduction to Technocracy that I know of -

Hold all of those thoughts because I need to change the subject for a minute -

Also at the turn of the 20th century, groups and organizations began to build international institutions. The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 was the first formal attempt. It included language for a League of Nations. That fell apart because the U.S. wouldn't ratify the agreement even though it was Woodrow Wilson's plan. [Or - more particularly - that of Wilson's svengali, Edward Mandell House.] Then, during and shortly after WWII, the US, UK, Soviet Union, China and a few others began working on the United Nations, which was created in 1945.

In 1947, our government was reorganized as a result of the National Security Act of 1947. The purpose was to create a dark side of the American government that would work through the State Department and the President on issues having to do with the United Nations. One of the secret objectives (at the time) was the unification of Europe - United States of Europe or as it became known, the European Union.

The Marshall Plan was set up as the funding mechanism to help rebuild Europe. The money for rebuilding was also used as a political tool for the step by step process of integrating the European countries into a common system. Also, it was used as a growth opportunity for American businesses. The organization that carried out the Marshall Plan was called the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). In about 1961, the Marshall Plan mission was complete. The OEEC was then renamed to be the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and they became a global organization - no longer focused on just Europe. In fact, I believe they then began to focus on the United States for integration to create the North American Union.

Alexander King (deceased) was the Director of Science for the OECD. He was also a co-founder of the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome was the resurgence of - if not Technocracy itself, then at a minimum, the ideology of Peak Oil and looming global catastrophe.

The Club of Rome was the first group to use computer models to prove their case for pending global disaster. They contracted with a professor at MIT [Jay W. Forrester] to produce the models. Even though their data as presented was a fraud, not enough people knew anything about computers to know that. The book The Limits to Growth was presented at a grand event at the Smithsonian; and it became the working theory for world development ever since.

The Limits to Growth was published in 1972. In 1973, the United Nations published a declaration of a New International Economic Order. A UN conference was held in Stockholm; and the Stockholm Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. Willy Brandt established the German Marshall Fund to "return the favor" and the Trilateral Commission was established around the same time.

Skipping ahead, in 1988 when George H.W. Bush was elected, the Technocrats came to power. Research Project 88 out of Harvard. (I have a lot of info on my website - just search on the term Project 88.) It was mostly planning (conceptual designs) that were accomplished during Bush's term in office.

In 1992, when Clinton and Gore came into office, it was implementation time. The government was redesigned and Technocrats were unleashed to fully automate our infrastructure - including us in their designs as any other type of object.

It was also happening in Europe - but they were a little bit ahead of us in terms of implementing technology in the infrastructure. The reason they were ahead was because if you are integrating countries, you must integrate infrastructure. The integrated infrastructure then becomes the glue to hold the countries together - whether they like it or not.

In 1992, Jacques Delors was the President of European Commission (it wasn't the European Union quite yet). He had an idea for EU Bonds to finance the integrated infrastructure. Our government being ever so accommodating - and also getting ready for the same kind of project here - accommodated the multinational corporations with legislation allowing foreign investments. What the multinational corporations were doing was using a lease/leaseback scheme on infrastructure projects. Same kind of deal as the Trans-Texas Corridor: Cintra, the Spanish firm, was going to take over the Corridor, expand it and implement technology - in exchange for a lease in which they could charge tolls. So, you had American multinationals investing in European infrastructure - and writing it off on their American taxes. The European multinationals were ready to do the same in the U.S..

Hold those thoughts for a minute because I have to change subject now -

Put on your military hat. If you want to take down a country like the United States, you wouldn't even consider a direct attack because our military would annihilate you. So what do you do? You go after the civilian administrative state - synomous with 'attack the supply line'. How do you control territory? You control critical infrastructure. Research SCADA systems - linked with Smart Grid.

Given the history of the State Department and the CIA as master puppeteers implementing the same programs in different countries (including ours) from the background, it's pretty clear that what they did was set up a what I call the 'criss-cross double cross'. American multinationals were implementing automated infrastructure in Europe and other countries - while foreign countries were doing the same here. I believe that's the control mechanism.

Where they made their mistake was in underestimating the cost - and in underestimating the resistance. That would be us - and thousands of others who are resisting the Agenda.

The state we are in now, is that they've collapsed and nearly destroyed the real economy; they don't have full control yet; and there is no [debt] money to continue - hence the bank failures. The economy they are building is a false economy - an economic hologram. The bubbles are the economic development that occurs when they come to town to rebuild the infrastructure with the controls - but as soon as that's done, the local economy collapses. They are pumping air into a balloon with holes in it.

As it pertains to the utility companies, they broke up or are in the process of breaking up the utility companies into separate businesses - generation, transmission, distribution. They are trying to replace real power generation with renewables (which won't work because they can't generate enough to replace the old methods of generation). They have dismantled the businesses of utilities that were investor-owned - on the promise that they wouldn't lose any money from implementing "efficiency measures". The efficiency measures are, of course, technology. But there is no money....

It's a spiral down to economic and social oblivion - and they really don't know what to do about it, because very few people even understand the big picture of it. It's quicksand - and we've been walked into the middle of it.

I hope that helps.

Continued reading:

World Currencies to be Replaced with Carbon Currency

1 comment:

  1. Here you go... government going out of business. Turning over city services to a for-profit corporation. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see where this is going. They will want meters on your sewer line so they will have a "full picture" of your resource utilization - inputs and outputs.

    And here's another -

    How About Sharing Your Sheriff?


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