Plum City – ( -- February, 27, 2012. The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked the Sidley Austin law firm to the use of time-lapse cryptography keys which allegedly helped to conceal communications with Sidley's victim-clients at cannibal oath ceremonies staged by members of a Canadian pig-farm family trust, a.k.a. Piggy Palace Good Times Society.
Abel Danger spokesperson Field McConnell claims that Sidley Austin and its predecessor firms have used time-lapse keys to conceal communications with client-victims at crime scenes for nearly 150 years, including client-victims associated with the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy in 1865 and 1963, and the Vancouver-based prostitutes who were tortured, murdered, dismembered, barbecued and eaten at a British Columbian pig farm run by various Canadian Governors General and the Pickton Family trust between 1996 and 2001.
Ottawa-Based Entrust's PKI Changed - Time-Lapsed Private Keys - Trustees of the Piggy Palace Good Times Society - Covert Snuff-Film Script - Blackmail

Sidley Austin partners allegedly hired and trained Bernardine Dohrn, Michelle Obama and Barack Obama in the use of time lapse keys to entrap and extort client-family trust members at crime scenes such as the Pickton pig farm.
Sidley Austin set up pig farm tax shelters to entrap members of client family trusts
“Linda Louise Wright & The Guild Socialist Ensemble Recorded Live at Pickton Pig Farm”
See #9, 20, 21, 47, 52, 53, 58, 59, 62, 63, 72, 74, 79, et al.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Please visit links below and support a PresidentialField election campaign in which Field will explain how a McConnell administration will deal with Sidley Austin’s apparent use of time-lapse keys to conceal a range of pig-farm family entrapment services outside the reach of U.S. racketeering influenced and corrupt organization (‘RICO’) laws.
Youtube Abel Danger Videos
Presidential Field
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