February 23, 2012
McConnell links Scots Dame Federal Bridge to prosecutor fraud on Hollie Grieg
Field McConnell has linked Crown Agents's Sister Dame Elish Frances Angiolini to an adoption under Scots law of a fraudulently-procured version of Inslaw’s Prosecution Management Information System; allegedly joined to the U.S. Federal Bridge Certification Authority to conceal evidence needed to prosecute and convict the leaders of Scotland's pedophile community, in particular the serial abusers of Hollie Grieg.
See bookend:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Free Robert Green - Exposing Child Abuse is the Worst of Crimes - Robert's Imprisonment Will Backfire - Child Pedophile Rings Being Protected
“Reporter Robert Green's talk on the Hollie Greig Aberdeen Abuse case”

"A few years ago a paedophile lawyer called Julian Danskin of the law firm SMITH and GRANT of Leven received a paltry nine months jail for the serial sexual abuse of young boys in his care. One of his hapless victims committed suicide shortly after being abused by Danskin while the others continue to serve life sentences. Contrast the nine months that Danskin got with the TEN years that two people got for blackmailing Danskin! Blackmail is not in the same league as Paedophilia in the crime stakes. This another example of a lawyer getting off far too lightly while the non lawyers who blackmailed him got prison sentences thirteen times longer?? We are quite sure that if Danskin's blackmailers had been lawyers no action would have been taken against them by Lord Advocate Angiolini."
Remember Sheriffs Lothian and Neilson? They were serial frequenters of brothels. No charges of unbecoming behaviour were ever brought against them with the result that they are still fully funded by the long-suffering taxpayer. Sheriff Lothian in particular was a dangerous sex pervert who should have been jailed years ago.
In 2001 Sheriff Buchanan let a twenty-two year old man who had admitted raping a ten year old girl walk free?? Naturally there was an outcry from the girl's family and the public in general. PF Angiolini got the blame for this release and was forced to issue an apology stating, by way of excuse, that it was a mistake. Mistake, be damned. And how come Sheriff Buchanan simply let him walk free??
In 2009, Lord Advocate Angiolini dropped charges against the Legal Aid Board Chief Solicitor Douglas Haggarty after he was arrested in the Public Toilets at the St Enoch Centre, Glasgow for indecency with a rent boy in exchange for a “direct measure”. This allowed the Law Society of Scotland to “punish” him. This usually results in a paltry fine with no criminal record. Haggarty has now acquired the rather unattractive sobriquet of “The Beast of St Enoch's”. What a foul person to be advising the Scottish Legal Aid Board on Claims for Legal Aid, particularly in cases involving rapists and paedophiles.
Lord Advocate Angiolini also dropped the case against Senior Procurator-Fiscal of Glasgow, Stuart McFarlane (one of her minions) who had been charged with indecency with a prostitute in a public place and assaulting the Police when caught in the act. This time Lord Advocate Angiolini's excuse was that McFarlane suffered from mental illness. So how come such a mentally ill person was made Senior Procurator-Fiscal of Glasgow in the first place?
In January 2007 paedophile lawyer Ian Donnelly of the Glasgow Law firm Lloyd Green was found guilty of trying to procure a child “who had to be under 11 years old” for sex, and of having 320 indecent images of young girls between 7 and 15 years old on his computer. To make matters worse, Donnelly was a Personal Injury lawyer! He certainly didn't give a damn about the personal injury he would have inflicted on an under 11 year-old had he been successful in procuring one. Donnelly was not struck off by the Law Society of Scotland, as one would expect. Of course, the Law Society is his Trade Union, Licenser, and therefore Protector. All he got was 180 hours of community service, a sentence that no nonlawyer would ever have got for such crimes. Lord Advocate Angiolini was also blamed for this lenient sentence because of her delay in supplying reports on him. It appears that she uses this tactic in an attempt to mitigate the punishment to her co-lawyers for their filthy behaviour. Donnelly now walks the streets again posing a threat to young children, partially thanks to Lord Advocate Angiolini."
As I have stated in the past, only a Perp would defend a Perp. Tuesdays, from here on out will be the "Holly Greig" program on my radio show. Stuart Usher will be my Guest and we will be taking phone calls. The purpose is to kindle the flame into an inferno that will ultimately burn out this gross corruption in Scotland's high society.”
“Designed as a case-management system for prosecutors, PROMIS has the ability to track people. "Every use of PROMIS in the court system is tracking people," said Inslaw President Hamilton. "You can rotate the file by case, defendant, arresting officer, judge, defense lawyer, and it's tracking all the names of all the people in all the cases."
What this means is that PROMIS can provide a complete rundown of all federal cases in which a lawyer has been involved, or all the cases in which a lawyer has represented defendant A, or all the cases in which a lawyer has represented white-collar criminals, at which stage in each of the cases the lawyer agreed to a plea bargain, and so on. Based on this information, PROMIS can help a prosecutor determine when a plea will be taken in a particular type of case. But the real power of PROMIS, according to Hamilton, is that with a staggering 570,000 lines of computer code, PROMIS can integrate innumerable databases without requiring any reprogramming. In essence, PROMIS can turn blind data into information. And anyone in government will tell you that information, when wielded with finesse, begets power. Converted to use by intelligence agencies, as has been alleged in interviews by ex-CIA and Israeli Mossad agents, PROMIS can be a powerful tracking device capable of monitoring intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases. —Richard L. Fricker, Wired magazine, 1993, "The INSLAW Octopus".”
“The Crown is a corporation sole that in the Commonwealth realms and any provincial or state sub-divisions thereof represents the legal embodiment of governance, whether executive, legislative, or judicial. It evolved first in the United Kingdom as a separation of the literal crown and property of the nation state from the person and personal property of the monarch [leaving the two entities vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks by Crown Agents' Sisters] a concept which then spread via British colonisation and is now rooted in the legal lexicon of the other 15 independent realms. In this context it should not be confused with any physical crown, such as those of the British state regalia.”
"Dame Elish Frances Angiolini (née McPhilomy) [Dame Angiolini is a Matrix 5 principal who allegedly directs the pedophile entrapment and extortion of man-in-the-middle officials in the offices of the Lord Advocate, the Solicitor General and the Procurator Fiscal (Public Prosector) of Scotland; she grew up in Govan, Glasgow in a working class family; she studied at the School of Law of the University of Strathclyde where she obtained an LLB in 1982 and a Diploma in Legal Practice in 1983; she allegedly began radicalizing and intimidating witnesses and victims while training at the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service as a Procurator Fiscal (public prosecutor); after her training, she spent 8 years as a Deputy Procurator Fiscal in Airdrie, prosecuting in Airdrie Sheriff Court; in 1992, she began working for Crown Agents when was seconded to the Crown Office where she worked in the Lord Advocate's Secretariat; in this role, she allegedly adopted a stolen copy of PROMIS to track and intimidate adult and child victims and witnesses; she was then appointed Senior Depute Procurator Fiscal at Glasgow, taking operational responsibility for Sheriff and Jury prosecutions; she was promoted to Assistant Procurator Fiscal at Glasgow in 1995; she allegedly began worked on the illegal transfer of PROMIS to the International Association of Prosecutors – the only global non-governmental organisation of prosecutors, established by the United Nations in 1995, Vienna; she allegedly helped the United Nations insider to track and protect the principals of transnational crime including drug trafficking, money laundering and the pedophile trade through SOS Children’s Villages sponsored by lessors and lessees based at Canada Square, Canay Wharf; she returned to the Crown Office as Head of Policy in 1997 and began to integrate PROMIS with the U.K. MoD’s Federal Bridge to track the guilty track the innocent through databases associated with Interpol phony crime scene investigations; she was appointed Regional Procurator Fiscal for Grampian, Highland and Islands (based at Aberdeen) on 27 July 2000; in this role she allegedly piloted a victim tracking schems with PROMIS and the Federal Bridge which has subsequently been extended across the country; in 2001, shortly after the MoD’s Federal Bridge was used to conceal perpetrators of the 9/11 man-in-the-middle attacks on America, she was appointed Solicitor General for Scotland by Field McConnell’s namesake, First Minister Jack McConnell; she was the first solicitor, as opposed to advocate, to be appointed Solicitor General to the objections of amongst all members of the extorted (?) legal profession; she was nominated for the post of Lord Advocate and her nomination was passed by Parliament on 5 October 2006, with 99 in favour, 0 against and 15 abstentions; she was sworn in at the Court of Session on 12 October 2006 and one month later she was made a member of the Privy Council thereby joining a ‘Star Chamber’ group which had allegedly extorted control over the UK MoD’s PKI root authority over the stolen copy of PROMIS and its use in the Federal Bridge in murder-for-hire; she allegedly extorted leaders of the SNP administration and Alex Salmond, the First Minister to let her keep her post of Lord Advocate albeit depriving her of her seat in Cabinet; she had her reappointment agreed by Parliament on 24 May 2007 making her the first Lord Advocate to serve two different governments; she clashed later in 2007 with the head of Scotland's judiciary, Lord President Hamilton, over the collapse of the World's End murders trial where the trial judge, Lord Clarke, had ruled there was insufficient evidence for the jury to convict and threw the case out; she made a statement to the Scottish Parliament, saying she was "disappointed" at the decision, a move Hamilton said undermined the independence of the judiciary; she announced in October 2010 that she would step down from the role of Lord Advocate after the Scottish Parliament elections in May 2011 but Abel Danger believes that she is still defrauding innocent victims through the use of PROMIS and the Federal Bridge to sabotage prosecutions and shelter the guilty”
Please visit the links below and support a PresidentialField election campaign in which Field McConnell will invite Congress to issue letters of marquee and reprisal to allow his fellow veteran to confiscate the assets of all foreign users of PROMIS and the U.S. Federal Bridge, particularly where these users have been protecting leaders of the Scottish pedophile community and denying justice to victims such as Hollie Greig.
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