February 20, 2012
McConnell sister banks on Canada Square pig-farm data and Al-Qaeda CSI
Field McConnell alleges that his Crown Agents’ Sister, Kristine Marcy, has used Canada Square banks led by Wells Fargo and Citibank to hire HUBZone saboteurs to corrupt data collected from crime scene investigations into cannibals at a B.C. pig farm and the use of a U.S. Federal Bridge Certification Authority to fund the 9/11 attacks which she has falsely attributed to al-Qaeda.
McDonald, Dettwiler & Associates - Implementation of JUSTIN - Alleged Stolen Promis Software - Hidden DNA - Piggy Palace Good Times Society
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Canary Wharf banks use Federal Bridge to conceal pig farm and al-Qaeda murder for hire
Det. Cst. Lori Shenher used Wells Fargo’s Federal Bridge Certification Authority to corrupt pig-farm crime scene data and incorporated myth into ‘Wag the Dog’ TV series!

Canada Square banks use Marcy’s Federal Bridge time lapse keys to pay HUBZone crews to overlay a phony exercise on real attacks to disrupt collection of CSI data.
Canada Square banks use Marcy’s Federal Bridge time lapse keys to have clean up teams remove evidence and disrupt CSI at Pentagon/s U.S. Navy Command Center root server.
Waleed Iskander’s passenger AA Flight 11 Canada Square ATM card (Wells Fargo)!
“The joint 26th-tallest building in Europe and third-tallest completed building in the United Kingdom. 25 Canada Square and 33 Canada Square together form a single complex known as the Citigroup Centre. Primarily occupied by Citigroup as its EMEA headquarters. Other tenants include 3i Infotech, Crossrail, Instinet, Munich Re, MWB Group, SunGard and Wells Fargo. [Citigroup and Wells Fargo are principal preferred lenders to Kristine Marcy’s HUBZone hit teams through pig farm and 9/11]”“New Markets Tax Credit Program … Transforming communities nationwide .. Making high-impact loans and investments in underserved communities is critical. The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program is a powerful vehicle for Wells Fargo to help meet the needs of these communities. The NMTC program is a federal tax incentive authorized by Congress in 2000 to help spur the investment of capital in small businesses and commercial real estate located in communities of need. Through NMTC allocations, Wells Fargo reduces borrowing costs for non-profits and entrepreneurs, enabling higher risk loans and investments that shoulder collateral shortfalls and credit risks .. Eligible communities Targeted communities are in highly distressed areas and generally have at least one or more of the following characteristics: Poverty rates greater than 30% Unemployment rates at least 1.5 times the national average Median income less than 60% of area median income .. Located in Empowerment Zones, Enterprise and Renewal Communities, HUB Zones and Brownfield sites Located in a redevelopment project area.”
“Services Available: Financial assistance SBA's six commercial lending partners in this respect are Bank of Guam, Bank of Hawaii, BankPacific, Citibank, Citizens Security Bank, and First Hawaiian Bank. Free counseling, advice and information on starting, better operating or expanding a small business through Small Business Development Centers operating under the Pacific Islands Small Business Development Center Network (PISBDCN) Assistance to businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals through the 8(a) Business Development Program. Other federal contracting programs (HUBZone) available in the Territory include Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) certification, registration on PRO-Net, and the SBA Surety Bond”
“Clashing egos hampered Pickton probe, missing women inquiry hears Sam Cooper, Postmedia News Published: Thursday, February 02, 2012 VANCOUVER - The stories seem to come straight from a seedy TV cop drama. "Cowboy" drug cops out for glory. Investigators with tunnel vision hiding information from colleagues. Investigations hindered by cops who can't stand one another. Det. Cst. Lori Shenher attends the missing women inquiry in Vancouver. Glenn Baglo If true, the stories heard Thursday at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry may explain the lack of direction and professionalism in the VPD's investigation into Robert Pickton and other suspects. The inquiry has heard already of an allegedly disruptive pair of investigators who were "super racist." On Thursday it heard the two allegedly hid important information about Robert Pickton while focusing on their own favourite suspect, according to the testimony of Det. Const. Lori Shenher. Shenher testified that Const. Doug Fell and Const. Mark Wolthers had been added to her team of investigators in 1999 after they approached then-Deputy Chief Const. Brian McGuinness with a suspect. Shenher said McGuinness was "excited" but her immediate superiors were not happy that he endorsed Fell and Wolthers and pushed them onto the team. Shenher testified she knew their reputation as two tall and brash Downtown Eastside cops who followed their own agenda, allegedly had low regard for sex workers, and didn't make many arrests despite going off the radar on solo missions without answering dispatch calls. Shenher said she has learned the two officers canvassed the Downtown Eastside with photos of Pickton that were identified by three women in early 2000, suggesting the prime suspect was active under the VPD's nose, but allegedly the two didn't report that back to her. They had focused on their personal suspect, who was now in Alberta, she said. Shenher said there were up to 31 missing women on file, but the two officers were not interested in Pickton, so they would only refer to 22 women. That was the number that fit with their timeline for the Alberta suspect, she said. Shenher said the two made "grave" investigative errors and interfered with the team's focus. She said two valued investigators left her unit partly because they could not stand working with the two new cops .. Shenher testified there was a meeting with the RCMP in early 2000 about sharing suspect information on the missing women, which was attended by the current RCMP commissioner Bob Paulson. She said Walthers embarrassed the VPD when he forcefully insisted his Lethbridge, Alta. suspect made the "hair on the back of my neck stand up" - although he could not tell Paulson any evidence to back up his suspicions. At the time Paulson was a sergeant from Prince Rupert, B.C. with knowledge of the "Highway of Tears" cases, Shenher said. A lawyer for Fell and Wolthers challenged Shenher's perceptions of their "cowboy" reputation and work on the file. Shenher allowed that they were hardworking and energetic. The two are expected to testify. © The Province License 2012”
“More Miraculous Or Perhaps Planted 9/11 Evidence Uncovered A Wells Fargo Card From A Flight 11 Passenger Turns Up In Perfect Condition One Year After the Fact By Greg Szymanski 11-14-5 The ATM card of Waleed Iskandar was returned to his parents, allegedly found by the Ground Zero Recovery Team on Sept. 11, 2002. Questions remain as to why it turned up a year later and how could such a flimsy card survive such a towering inferno? One year after 9/11, as unbelievable as it sounds, the parents of a Flight 11 passenger were notified by the Ground Zero Recovery Team that they found the unscathed Wells Fargo ATM card of their son who allegedly perished on the doomed flight. After being notified of the miraculous find on Sept. 11, 2002, Joseph and Samia Iskandar were sent their son's bank card within days, noting it was in "perfect condition," but asking the obvious question: "How could a plastic card survive the fire of the terrorist attack of the Black Tuesday on the USA?" The question about the strange return of their son's bank card has been placed on a web site memorial, remembering their 34-year-old son, Waleed, a Harvard MBA graduate listed as one of the passengers that perished when Flight 11 allegedly smashed into the North Tower. The Iskandar's were unavailable for comment after numerous calls were not answered, but receipt of the card was verified by another close family member, as well as a photographic duplicate of the ATM card also being placed on the Iskandar web site, proving its existence and return in almost perfect condition. Besides an enlarged picture of the card on the site, the Iskandar's also placed the following message regarding the return of their son, Waleed's, Wells Fargo ATM card: "On September 11 2002, one year Anniversary of the death of our son, we were informed that the Recovery Team at Ground Zero have found the ATM Bank card of Waleed and that it will be mailed to us in Northridge. When we received it, we found it in good condition," Walleed's parents wrote. "How could a plastic card survive the fire of the terrorist attack of the Black Tuesday on the USA? I consider it as a sign from Waleed to his parents on the first Anniversary of his loss." What the Iskandar's mean by "a sign from Waleed" is unknown, but it can either be construed as a miracle from heaven that he is safely in a better place, a sign that his personal belongings were tampered with and he died in another location or a sign he is still alive but unable to communicate with his parents. Although it's impossible to come to a solid conclusion, the ' government spooks' of 9/11 holding the real truth, no one including the Iskandar's can doubt the miraculous nature of such a recovery, considering the devastation at the WTC, as well as strange nature of the timing of the return of their son's bank card, occurring one year after the fact. One observer who wants to remain anonymous and who claims the FBI planted numerous pieces of bogus evidence at all locations on 9/11 to justify an equally bogus official 9/11 story, had this to say about the Iskandar ATM card: "I guess his ATM card must have slid out of his wallet, flown out of his pocket, then out of his seat and around the seat belt, then through the exploding jet fuel and debris, out of the building, then to be found picture perfect!"”
Please visit the links and help Field McConnell's Presidential Field election campaign to re-establish Runaway Grand Juries state-by-state and address issues arising from his sister's allegedly treasonous association with the Canada Square bankers' pig-farm data and al-Qaeda CSI.
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