February 22, 2012
McConnell links sister to Prime BC's E-Comm lesbians and 9-1-1 pig farm DNA
Field McConnell believes that his sister Kristine Marcy and her NAPA friend Lena Trudeau, integrated Prime BC, E-Comm and 9-1-1 systems and hired lesbians – beyond the reach of RICO – to manipulate the DNA records of entrapped and extorted guests at the Pickton pig farm.
NAPA - National Academy of Public Administration in Washington D.C. (President Marcy and Vice-President Trudeau)
RICO - Racketeering influenced and corrupt organisation in Washington D.C.
See #1 and #72
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“PRIME-BC will meet the RCMP strategic objectives by ensuring consolidated and timely information at all levels on a national scale via the Law Enforcement Information Portal (LEIP). It will enhance integrated policing through exchange of criminal information [including information held by lesbians in DOJ Pride on a copy of Promis software allegedly stolen by Kristine Marcy from Inslaw and translated into French by Lena Trudeau for Canadian Privy Councilors Frank McKenna and Maurice Strong]; therefore laying the foundation that will meet the requirements for an integrated justice information system. PRIME-BC provides the street level enforcement officer the tools to gather information, share information and build Reports to Crown Counsel, internally in the RMS in preparation for the export of this information to external Integrated Justice Systems (JUSTIN). Furthermore, PRIME-BC will provide a common platform for sharing information to respond more efficiently to requests in areas such as Access to Information and Privacy Acts, and rules for disclosure to Crown and Defense. PRIME-BC represents a complete occurrence and record management system that will allow users to electronically query or populate other indexed data repository systems of law enforcement information such as CPIC (Canadian Police Information Center) and the CFRS (Canadian Firearms Registration System). The “data standards” utilized by PRIME-BC are based upon the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), Common Police Environment Group (CPEG), CPIC, and the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR2.1). The RCMP cooperates with the Data Standard Secretariat of the Solicitor General’s Integrated Justice Initiative. PRIME-BC permits the management, analysis and reporting of all criminal evidentiary information leading to convictions.
PRIME-BC will lay the foundation for the RCMP to achieve its immediate operational and long-term strategic goals and objectives of integrated policing and integrated justice [for Piggy Palace’s dead hookers and their entrapped and extorted guests?]. As a contemporary occurrence management and reporting system, PRIME-BC will also directly address the Federal Government’s and the RCMP’s priority to provide “ Safer Homes and Safer Communities for Canadians” as mentioned in the 1999 and 2001 Speeches from the Throne.”
“From kindheart Monday, December 10. 2007 Was Pickton Picked Out? Robert Pickton is certainly living up to his reputation as Canada's worst serial killer .. He is guilty but the question remains whether he was the lone wolf killer he has been painted as. He seems to think so: “I'll take the fall for everything. I'm the head-honcho and you've got me.” Pickton implies that there were others involved, but no snuff films as was whispered about, no Hells Angels on the periphery, though they were often at his home. Of course he would say that (and there is, rightly or wrongly, a whole branch of conspiracy theories devoted to showing that some serial killers weren't acting alone, most famously the Son of Sam) but let's take a look anyway. There is for example Dinah Taylor: It is astonishing to many familiar with the Robert “Willie” Pickton saga that this key individual, portrayed in court as monster and potential serial killer herself, certainly a close associate of the accused, has returned to these sordid stomping grounds. .. There's been no indication that this mysterious character has ever submitted to a formal police interrogation, though she was arrested and released (never charged) in connection with the case two weeks before Pickton was charged .. For sure, defence counsel have made much of Taylor's involvement with the missing and murdered women, all but pointing the finger at her as homicidal maniac, the real killer. What's not in dispute is that Taylor is one scary character ? street-hardened, menacing, a procurer of prostitutes lured to the Pickton farm, contemptuous of both sex-trade workers (especially street walkers) and drug addicts. Court has heard that Taylor's DNA was found on 113 items retrieved from the Pickton property ? including handcuffs, condoms, clothing, syringes ? and also on items that belonged to some victims ? Brenda Wolfe's lipstick, Mona Wilson's rosary. One witness, Pickton pal Pat Casanova, told the court he once received fellatio from a woman he knew as “Angel”; who'd been brought to the farm by Taylor. He said he gave the money to Taylor, who shared some of it with “Angel” Another witness, Gina Houston, put Taylor on the same bed with victim Sereena Abotsway, in Pickton's trailer. In his lengthy police interview, Pickton repeatedly tells police he wants to speak with Taylor. On the stand, Houston recounted a conversation she'd had with Pickton about Taylor, shortly before his arrest. “Willie told me that he believed she (Taylor) would do the right thing when she came back. That she would take responsibility for what she said she would take responsibility” .. It does seem like a regular hive of activity: Robert Pickton's pig farm was a constant buzz of activity, with people and vehicles coming and going all the time, a woman who lived in Pickton's trailer for a time testified on Wednesday. Tanya Carr, 35, told the jury in Pickton's murder trial that people were coming and going all day long at the Port Coquitlam, B.C., farm and it wasn't unusual for people to show up late at night looking for Pickton or his brother Dave. Also there are those Hells Angels and the “Piggy Palace” .. “It was a rough crowd” at Piggy's Palace, said Brian, a musician who played there a few years ago with the hard-rock band South City Slam. The nightclub, he said, was inside an old building on a property Dave Pickton and his brother Robert own at 2552 Burns Rd., near their pig farm on Dominion Road in Port Coquitlam. “Even the women were tough- looking -- a lot of leather and denim. It wasn't a cocktail-gown kind of place” he recalled. Brian, who didn't want his last name used, recalled that there was a coat-check girl and a sign saying “Check your knives and other weapons at the door” .. The crowd at Piggy's Palace often included men wearing Hells Angels biker club colours. .. “They were there a lot,” said Brian.”The people who came all seemed to know one another” .. Among those who attended parties at Piggy's Palace was Port Coquitlam Mayor Scott Young. Young said he went to Piggy's Palace in September 1996 for a neighbourhood party when he was on the school board. He described the party as a “getting to know you” event put on by people living in the area.”
Please visit the links below and support a PresidentialField election campaign in which Field McConnell will seek a mandate to re-establish Runaway Grand Juries to prevent the spoliation of evidence at murder-for-hire crime scenes where the guilty are sheltered by the diversity schtick and sexual orientation of top officials in a corrupted justice system.
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