Field McConnell
N3572 CR S
Plum City WI 54761
Secretary Solis
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20210
9 February, 2012
CC: Air Line Pilots Association
Dear Secretary Solis;
My form OSHA-7 (Rev. 3/96) is enroute to your office as well as President of ALPA's office. You will see in the completed form that my complaint is against Air Line Pilots Association, phones, faxes, mailing addresses and the Management Official ( President Lee Moak, ALPA or his predecessor ). The business type is United States Airlines staffed by ALPA pilots.
Hazard description/location: Every Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier or Embraer aircraft with an uninterruptible autopilot installed.
I have brought this to the attention of (redacted airline) and ALPA on 10 December, 2006. At that time FAA, FBI, NoRAD (DoD) and Naval Intelligence were simultaneously informed. Please reveal my name.
Be advised that I am cooperating with Air France, Airbus, SNPL and BEA in France regarding Air France 447 which occurred 9 months after I brought this to the attention of parties on 10 December.
If any ALPA, DoJ or DoL parties are terrified by USDOJ-Pride and COL-ROOT in City of London, UK, be aware that does not allow you to not uphold your oaths. I know a modicem about this as my only sibling was highly placed at USDOJ but 'handled' by Thomas Smolich SJ of Georgetown University. Please see attached letter regarding ROOT AUTHORITY and FEDERAL BRIDGE if you are unfamiliar with extortion.
Field McConnell
715 307 8222
N3572 CR S
Plum City WI 54761
Additional important and related events:
OSHA sides with former pilot who blew the whistle at AirTran Airways
DOJ Pride’s Root Authority - Fast and Furious Murders - Michelle Obama’s Lesbian Associates - Washington D.C. - SOS Children's [Pedophiles'] Villages
To 'redacted' at US Department of Labor:
The 'satisfaction' sought from Boeing was accomplished within 72 hours of the filing of Civil Case 3:07-cv-24 as is reported in the article dated 3 March, 2007 here:
Source: Daily Mail
New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible
3 March 2007
A hijack-proof piloting system for airliners is being developed to prevent terrorists repeating the 9/11 outrages.
The mechanism is designed to make it impossible to crash the aircraft into air or land targets - and enable the plane to be flown by remote control from the ground in the event of an emergency.
Scientists at aircraft giant Boeing are testing the tamper-proof autopilot system which uses state-of-the-art computer and satellite technology.
It will be activated by the pilot flicking a simple switch or by pressure sensors fitted to the cockpit door that will respond to any excessive force as terrorists try to break into the flight deck.
Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. Currently, all autopilots are manually switched on and off at the discretion of pilots.
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