February 5, 2012
McConnell Sister’s time lapse keys to Obama voter frauds
We believe that Crown Agents and Field McConnell’s Sister Kristine Marcy issued time-lapse private keys to extorted voters in the U.S. Small Business Administration's HUBZones to ensure that Barack Hussein Obama – whom Marcy knew was a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies – would be fraudulently elected President of the United States in November, 2008.
HUBZone Linked Settlement Traps - E-Comm 9-1-1 Command Center - British Columbia - Extorted Victims - Pickton Pig Farm - Attacks On First Responders
Canadian Governor General Adrienne Clarkson - Trustees of the Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society - Federal Bridge Certificate Authority - Pig Farm
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“[Spoliation inference suggests that around the period of the Civil War, Crown Agents began using time-lapse key ciphers to conceal military attacks and voter frauds on the United States] Commencing in 1863 the Universal Private Telegraph Company installed a series of ‘time guns’ in Newcastle, Glasgow and Belfast. These sounded the hour at one o’clock each day based on an electric time signal from the Observatory at Edinburgh, Scotland. On January 11, 1865 Nathaniel Holmes wrote to Captain Matthew Maury from the Company’s office that he was negotiating with General Sir John Burgoyne, inspector-general of fortifications, in regard to electrical torpedoes that they and Wheatstone had been developing. “Tact and delicacy” were required in proceeding to avoid revealing anything to the Americans, with whom Maury’s country was at war. In 1868 the Company was also selling cipher machines or “cryptographs”, another of Wheatstone’s inventions, to monarchs, governments and the police. … The Electrical Torpedo The Universal Private Telegraph Company was drawn in 1865 into the War between the Confederate and United States in America. During the summer and autumn of 1864 it had provided its magnetic exploders, insulated wire and magnet fuses to agents of the Confederate States Navy. At this time Nathaniel Holmes and Matthew Maury, a Confederate naval officer and renowned scientist, had begun developing a system of coast, harbour and river defence based on electrical torpedoes or submarine mines. On June 20, 1864 Stephen Russell Mallory, Secretary of the Navy in the Confederate States, on the advice of Commander Maury, instructed that 5,000 pounds of the nitro-cellulose explosive, gun-cotton, ten miles of gutta-percha insulated copper wire and twelve “Wheatstone Batteries” with necessary wires and primers be shipped from Europe. The new device had already come to the notice of Confederate agents in England; a previous order from the navy department for 25 miles of insulated copper wire and 1,000 pounds of gun-cotton, dated April 11, 1864, was dispatched from Liverpool to the southern states in July with the gratuitous addition of a Wheatstone Magnetic Exploder and 100 Magnet Fuses. These advanced materials were all to be used in making electrical torpedoes. In Britain Holmes approached Sir John Burgoyne, the general in charge of fortifications at the War Office in London, in January 1865 informing him of the experiments with electrical torpedoes that he, Wheatstone, Maury and the Dutch naval officer Marin Jansen had been carrying out independently. Holmes sought government support for their work. Burgoyne apparently was positive, but it had to be carried out discretely to keep it secret from the abolitionist minister in London. On April 20, 1865 Maury, just about to leave for Mexico, and Holmes, writing from the Company’s offices, came to a secret agreement to market the electrical torpedo to national governments, dividing the income equally. Its ignition was based on the magnetic exploder with the addition of a mechanism for accurate cross-bearing by two operators to ensure that a vessel was over the torpedo, an electrical gauge to safely test the circuits and the igniting fuse, and plans for planting torpedoes in deep water and in water with strong currents. The torpedo was based on the experiments in Europe and, more importantly, on Confederate experience in submarine demolitions in America. Its use was to be offered preferentially to Russia, Holland and Mexico. Nathaniel Holmes and Matthew Maury obtained a patent for the electrical torpedo on December 8, 1865. http://temp.distantwritingcouk.officelive.com/privatetelegraphy.aspx ”
“[Spoliation inference suggests that Crown Agents and named Privy Councilors have been using time-lapse key ciphers to conceal military attacks and voter frauds on the United States since the Civil War] 4. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY …. Powers were given to protect the works from vandalism: “that if any person shall wilfully remove, destroy or damage any electric telegraph, or any wire, standard or apparatus, or other part of such telegraph shall be guilty of a misdemeanour.” The exercise of powers of detention extended not just to the police but to company officials and employees, to railway company employees and to any passer-by called upon to assist these individuals. The legal interpretation of ‘misdemeanour’ led in January 1854 to three men being jailed for six months with hard-labour for cutting the wires at Wigan in Lancashire. The Government insisted that the Company be obliged to grant a license to anyone named by the Privy Council to construct and use a telegraph for official service. In addition every telegraph line had to be open “at all reasonable times” for the transmission of intelligence for the Government, and all such messages had to have priority over all others, even to the extent of stopping other traffic. In emergency any one of the Secretaries of State, the most senior Government ministers, could take possession of the Company’s entire telegraph system for one week [time lapse], and on a week-by-week basis subsequently, paying the Company the average weekly earnings for such seizure. When the Home Secretary implemented the latter requirement in 1848 during the Chartist emergency the charges were such as to give the Government second-thoughts about using the powers again [Not a problem apparently for Kristine Marcy HUBZones during the 9/11 time-lapse ‘emergency’ of 30 hours between 3:00 pm on Monday, September 10th and 9:00 pm Tuesday September 11th , 2001].”
“[Spoliation inference suggests that Crown Agents’ Marcy had opportunity to equip 8(a) HUBZone voters with time lapse keys needed to support voter fraud] Time-Lapse Cryptography Technical Report TR-22-06 Michael O. Rabin Christopher Thorpe Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Cambridge MA 02138 rabin@deas.harvard.edu cat@eecs.harvard.edu 20 December 2006 Abstract The notion of “sending a secret message to the future” has been around for over a decade. Despite this, no solution to this problem is in common use [but had been perfected by GCHQ with D2 Banking at Canada Square, Canary Wharf], or even attained widespread acceptance as a fundamental cryptographic primitive. We name, construct and specify an implementation for this new cryptographic primitive, “Time-Lapse Cryptography”, with which a sender can encrypt a message so that it is guaranteed to be revealed at an exact moment in the future, even if this revelation turns out to be undesirable to the sender. Our solution combines new ideas with Pedersen distributed key generation, Feldman verifiable threshold secret sharing, and ElGamal encryption, all of which rest upon the single, broadly accepted Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. We develop a Time-Lapse Cryptography Service (“the Service”) based on a network of parties who jointly perform the service. The protocol is practical and secure: at a given time T the Service publishes a public key so that anyone can use it, even anonymously. Senders encrypt their messages with this public key whose private key is not known to anyone – not even a trusted third party – until a predefined and specific future time T + δ, at which point the private key is constructed and published. At or after that time, anyone can decrypt the ciphertext using this private key. The Service is envisioned as a public utility publishing a continuous stream of encryption keys and subsequent corresponding time-lapse decryption keys. We complement our theoretical foundation with descriptions of specific attacks and defenses, and describe important applications of our service in sealed bid auctions, insider stock sales, clinical trials, and electronic voting”
“1. Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) [Revised January 5, 2012: Kristine Marcy is a Matrix 5 principal and the 1979 de-facto founder and president of the Senior Executive Service (‘SES’); she is the former Senior Counsel for the Office of Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); she allegedly issued time-lapse private keys to the SBA’s extorted 8(a) HUBZone voters to ensure Barack Hussein Obama was fraudulently elected POTUS 44 in November 2008; she allegedly procured time lapse keys for use by a matrix of Her Majesty’s Crown Uranian (see anagram for Manchurian) cells inside DOJ Pride to conceal Paperclip passport frauds exposing Obama as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC); she allegedly launched DOJ Pride in 1994 to infiltrate Uranian – third sex – entrapment experts into crime scene investigations to accuse the innocent and shelter the guilty; she allegedly directs the extortion of man-in-the-middle officials in the U.S. Department of Justice, the Bar Associations of the District of Columbia and the U.S. Court of Military Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court; she appears to have used .tv snuff films to extort the Office of Personnel Management into concealing Obama’s ties to a Mau Mau oath-taking family in Kenya; Abel Danger infers that Marcy displays the characteristics of a homicidal psychopath from her recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; she and her DOJ Pride associates allegedly bought Clipper 9-1-1 monitoring devices to track the movement of Fast and Furious weapons to selected murder-for-hire teams in Mexico and Arizona; she allegedly procured Clipper chips to help DOJ Pride insiders coordinate the spoliation of evidence at Uranian-friendly 9-1-1 crime scenes linked to the 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey; she allegedly used the Court of Appeals to enforce Star Chamber oaths of allegiance allegedly sworn by the late General Alexander Haig – and fellow guests at the Pickton pig farm in British Columbia – whose silent support was needed for the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks of 9/11; she allegedly linked the U.S. Small Business Administration’s HUBZone Settlements to an E-Comm command center in British Columbia where 9-1-1 operators learn how to stage a murder during the production of a horror film production with unwitting (?) actors or extras; she allegedly ordered Robert Hanssen and her Femme Comp / Uranian associates to administer Star Chamber pig-farm oaths to entrap foreign and domestic officials in the United States; she allegedly used a ceremonial blindfold of the type associated with oath taking by Penn State’s pedophile Greek Life community to warn Tom Ridge against linking the United Flight 93 crime scene to the attacks of 9/11; she allegedly formed a joint venture between Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates and the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’) to use Sabre seat reservation technology to monitor the movements of pig farm oath takers; she allegedly used SBA 8(a) mentor-protégé companies to modify an EC135C Speckled Trout aircraft carrying General Henry Shelton and support a Uranian attempt to overthrow of the United States government on 9/11; she allegedly set up a revolving fund (# 15X4275) with bona vacantia – ownerless goods – in a joint venture with Star Chamber insiders, the Treasury Solicitor, Permira (Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in WTC#7) and organized crime groups to finance modifications of aircraft for the 9/11 attacks; she allegedly used Clipper PKI to manipulate content of NDS and News Corp pay-per-view television through 9/11; she allegedly procured ‘Con Air’ Lear Jet aircraft for use by Bombardier's homicidal EW pilot, Russell Williams to support the SES Speckled Trout chain of command and the decoy-and-drone maneuvers of 911; she allegedly used USIS files and Canadian Privy Council insider and NAPA vice president Lena Trudeau to create virtual ‘al-Qaeda’ operatives; she allegedly auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs just before the 9/11 attacks and assigned patented-device incendiary liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; she allegedly used images of Uranian pig-farm oath ceremonies to extort 9/11 cooperation from the likes of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Frank Carlucci, Lynn McNulty, Dr. David Finkleman, Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Rear Admiral Gordon Piche, Robert Mueller, Bruce McConnell and Generals Haig, Shelton and Shalikashvili; she is the de facto President and Chief Executive Officer of Washington D.C.-based NAPA (The National Academy of Public Administration); she allegedly infiltrated pig farm Greek Life oath takers into George Washington University, University of Chicago and Northwestern University and University of Hawaii (BA French) and Georgetown University ( MFS, master foreign service); she allegedly adopted Rippergate oath ceremonies developed by Jane Addams at Hull House to bind members of DOJ Pride to silence at Uranian crime scenes; she allegedly organized the theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for La Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; she appears to have exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC before initiating the bombs fraudulently attributed to a subsequently-executed decoy, Timothy McVeigh; we infer from spoliation through pay-per-view encryption that she re-assigned SBA liquidation rights in patent pool devices used on 9/11, including .tv to Crown Agents' City & Guilds Livery Companies such as the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers]"
Field McConnell has now launched a social-networking presidential election campaign to demand that Congress issues him with letters of marquee and reprisal to confiscate the assets of Entrust (the Ottawa-based operator of time-lapse keys) and deal with his sister and her Senior Executive Service associates in respect of Obama voter frauds.
Join Field on Facebook and help realize the potential of social networking with a team which will campaign on six hard issues (writing in progress) but just one slogan
“A Presidential Field or the Candidates from Hell”
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