February 17, 2012
McConnell links Harper’s Federal Bridge to the Silence of the Pigs
Field McConnell has linked Laureen Harper’s custody of keys to the Federal Bridge Certificate Authority and the alleged deployment of David Pickton in Vancouver to silence witnesses who might otherwise expose the use of these keys by top government officials to conceal pig-farm cannibal feasts organized by the ‘Piggy Place Good Times Society’ between 1996 and 2001.
Michelle Obama and Laureen Harper Linked to Federal Bridge Certificate Authority - Piggy Palace Good Times Society - Cannibal Feasts - Pig Farm
“Linda Louise Wright & The Guild Socialist Ensemble Recorded Live at Pickton Pig Farm”
“Willie & David Pickton, RCMP, Vancouver Police, and Government Murder of Women”
“Tracey McVicar joins Linda Pickton Wright butcher-dancing at Piggy Palace Good Times Farm”

Brian Hutchinson Feb 17, 2012
Brian Hutchinson / National Post
A poster in the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users office warns Downtown Eastside residents about the brother of serial killer Robert Pickton. The poster alleges that David Pickton is a sexual predator and that he has been seen in the area.
VANCOUVER — By all accounts, David Pickton was the dominant brother. He was not blind to everything that went on at the family pig farm, where he lived with his younger sibling, Willie.
David was boss. He would tell Willie when to go to bed, a police investigator was once told. It was David, police alleged, who said that he knew where bodies had been buried.
“I know it’s over for Willie,” one officer recalled him saying, when the Port Coquitlam farm was finally searched in 2002. The remains of dozens of women were found scattered about the property. Willie was held responsible, no one else.
David was never charged in connection with his brother’s long killing spree, nor was he called to testify at Willie’s ensuing serial murder trial. To the chagrin of the victims’ families, he is not scheduled to appear at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry, underway in Vancouver. He hasn’t set foot in the hearing room. But according to reports,
Mr. Pickton has been spotted of late in the Downtown Eastside, the same downtrodden neighbourhood where his brother’s murder victims worked in the sex trade.
Since November, notices warning of David Pickton’s presence have been posted in local shelters and drop-in centres. More notices appeared in the neighbourhood this week.
“He’s been in the area and he’s been talking to women,” said the director of a large social housing agency that operates in the Downtown Eastside.
“We’re not aware that he’s caused any trouble, but our staff is supporting women who want to speak to police about him. The women are scared,” added the director, who spoke to the National Post on the condition her name not be published.
A poster from The Red Light Alert that was circulated December 1, 2011 warning Vancouver sex workers of sighting of serial killer Robert Pickton's brother.
Asked if local officers were aware of the concerns about David Pickton, Vancouver Police Department spokeswoman Jana McGuinness emailed this response: “Last fall posters and information were being disseminated by people in the Downtown Eastside about a specific individual. Our investigation at the time did not support the issuing of a public warning.” Constable McGuinness added that she has not been made aware of any recent Pickton sightings.
In 1992, Mr. Pickton was convicted of sexual assault, fined $1,000, given 30 days probation, and ordered to have no contact with the assault victim. He could not be reached for comment Thursday.
In 2009, with Willie behind bars, Mr. Pickton and his sister, Linda Wright, sued the RCMP for damages allegedly caused by police investigations conducted on family-owned properties. “The RCMP disturbed, disrupted, killed and destroyed various plants, trees, groundcovers and other vegetation and the fish in the pond,” reads the lawsuit, filed in B.C. Supreme Court. The matter has not been resolved.
Mr. Pickton is frequently discussed at the Missing Women inquiry. Police witnesses have described how he ran a notorious after-hours drinking establishment near the farm, called Piggy’s Palace. It was frequented by motorcycle gang members and their associates, and was occasionally rented out for private events, the inquiry has heard.
Cameron Ward, lawyer for the families of 25 missing and murdered women, has asked inquiry commissioner Wally Oppal to add Mr. Pickton to his witness list. “A proper inquiry must include testimony from this central character,” noted Mr. Ward.
The commission has a mandate to examine how police forces conducted their investigations into cases of women reported missing from the Downtown Eastside, and to determine why B.C.’s criminal justice branch decided to stay charges of attempted murder and unlawful confinement against Willie Pickton in 1998.
Postmedia News files
David Pickton talks with an unidentified official in this still taken from 1996 footage shot by Global BCTV News in connection with a property tax complaint.
David “was well known to police, and was considered a person of interest during the missing women investigations,” Mr. Ward noted in his submission. “He co-owned the Picktons’ properties [including the farm] …which were known by the police to be hives of illegal activity, including cockfighting, illicit alcohol and drug use, prostitution and petty theft… Women’s remains were found on land that David Pickton occupied with his brother …. Did off-duty police officers, politicians or other high-profile members of the community attend events at the infamous Piggy’s Palace?”
Mr. Oppal has yet to rule on the request; however, a senior commission counsel has told the National Post it will be denied.
The inquiry resumes Monday.
National Post
Pickton sightings chill Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
Contact Field McConnell to learn how his ‘Presidential Field’ election campaign will expose the use of the Federal Bridge by top officials to ensure the Silence of the Pigs.
Youtube Abel Danger Videos
Presidential Field
David “was well known to police, and was considered a person of interest during the missing women investigations,” Mr. Ward noted in his submission. “He co-owned the Picktons’ properties [including the farm] …which were known by the police to be hives of illegal activity, including cockfighting, illicit alcohol and drug use, prostitution and petty theft… Women’s remains were found on land that David Pickton occupied with his brother …. Did off-duty police officers, politicians or other high-profile members of the community attend events at the infamous Piggy’s Palace?”
Mr. Oppal has yet to rule on the request; however, a senior commission counsel has told the National Post it will be denied.
The inquiry resumes Monday.
National Post
Pickton sightings chill Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
Contact Field McConnell to learn how his ‘Presidential Field’ election campaign will expose the use of the Federal Bridge by top officials to ensure the Silence of the Pigs.
Youtube Abel Danger Videos
Presidential Field
I lived in BC in the 1980/81 and went by that pig farm most Sunday nights after a day stateside. We'd take our motorcycles to Wa. St. spend the day then ride home on the King George Highway. A g/f of mine told me that farm is a bad place. Sometimes there were big black limos and black Suburbans all brand new shiny and black...very official looking...at that pig farm. I didn't know who's place it was but I always wondered "who in the hell would go to that pig sty shit hole muddy yard in a limo and there were 5 or 6 official looking vehicles there at a time. Yard full and a few parked on the side road off the premises. And men in suits watching and waiting in these vehicles. Quite a puzzle to an 18yr old Saskatchewan Boy. I was from a farming community but never seen the likes of this. Anyways, 18 or 20 years later...after the fact I hear of a girl from my hometown was found (her remains) at the farm...so I started researching. Turns out Canada's Top Officials Were Regulars. Those were "G cars" And they were doing the ...well we know now...damn these monsters who rule over us. May the Lord deal with them. I went to Google to refer to a link for the name of the governor general at that time but that article is taken down as is all info. Thank the NAZI style censorship on that one...yea...nothing to see here...and it's popping up worldwide.