February 15, 2012
McConnell links Harper Federal Bridge to Harriman murdered judge
Field McConnell links Stephen Harper to the procurement of a Federal Bridge Certification Authority allegedly used by Mary Elizabeth Harriman and her homicidal, pedophile husband Russell Williams for the spoliation of evidence associated with the alleged contract killing (murder for hire) of Judge Alban Garon, his wife Raymonde and a neighbour, Marie-Claire Beniskos, on June 30, 2007, and Cpl. Marie-France Comeau on Nov. 23, 2009.
We note that Russell Williams’ uniforms – which might have proven by DNA that he and/or his wife had a role in the binding, gagging and beating deaths at the 2007 Garon crime scene – were destroyed on the orders of Canadian Governor General David Johnston, allegedly transmitted in code by the custodians of private keys to Harper’s Federal Bridge Certification Authority.
We note that Canadian Governor General David Johnston’s gave orders to destroy Harriman’s husband’s uniforms in November 2010 after Williams had pleaded guilty to the binding, gagging and beating deaths of Cpl. Marie-France Comeau a flight attendant who had recently accompanied Williams in a flight back from Afghanistan.
“A Chief Justice of the Tax Court of Canada, Alban Garon (March 4, 1930 – June 29, 2007) served as a judge from 1988-2004. On June 30, 2007, he was found beaten and murdered along with his wife and a neighbour in his Ottawa condominium. Garon was called to the Bar of Quebec in 1955 and was named a Queen's Counsel in 1968. He practised law with the Canadian Department of Justice from 1955 until 1986. Garon was a legal professor at the University of Ottawa from 1956 until 1978 and from 1986 until 1992. In September 1988, Garon was appointed a judge in the Tax Court of Canada, and was made associate chief judge eleven years later. In February 2000, he was named Chief Judge, and was made Chief Justice in July 2003. Upon Garon's retirement in November 2004, Donald Bowman was named his successor as Chief Justice. On June 30 2007, the bodies of Garon, his wife Raymonde and a neighbour Marie-Claire Beniskos were found inside the Garon's 10th floor condominium near the Rideau River. Investigators believed that the victims were murdered on the morning of the day before. The three people had been bound, gagged and beaten. In the course of their investigation, police found that images from video surveillance cameras for the luxury condominium complex were not being recorded. On October 31, Ottawa police released a sketch of a man wanted for questioning in connection with the murders. The man had been seen in a building elevator on the morning of the day before the bodies were found. One year later, police featured the murders on a Crime Stoppers television segment and offered a $100,000 reword for information leading to an arrest. As of June 2011, the case remains open and police have received no recent leads.”
“Family members of Lloyd in court could not hold back tears as details of how Williams then raped her for hours, all the while taking photos and video, were read aloud. He eventually forced her into his vehicle, driving her to his home on Cosy Cove in Tweed. While she was still bound with rope, Williams put Lloyd in his shower and climbed in with her. Court heard how he let her rest in the tub, but she started going into seizures, which she told him were due to the stress of the attacks. "You have to take me somewhere. I'm going to die if you don't," Lloyd told him, slurring her words between seizures. By the next day, however, even as her disappearance is reported to police, court was told Williams raped her again. Eventually, he knocked her over the head with a flashlight, strangled her with a rope and put her body in his vehicle his garage. After attending to work at CFB Trenton, where he was base commander, he drove to Cary Road, outside Tweed, to dump her body, where it was later found. Police zeroed in on him as a suspect after first recognizing tire tracks left in the snow at Lloyd's house matched his SUV. In confessing to all his crimes, he told police he wanted to “minimize the impact on my wife.” Some members of Lloyd's family, who were in the courtroom to start the day, left before evidence of Comeau's murder began. The detailing of Lloyd's final hours came after a morning of gruesome evidence in the final hours of Cp. Marie-France Comeau, Williams' first murder victim on Nov. 23, 2009. Court heard how she fought back as Williams raped and beat her, all while filming and photographing her throughout her final anguished hours. The horrific testimony left many in the courtroom in tears. She pleaded for her life before being suffocated with a piece of duct tape over her nose and mouth. “Have a heart please, I've been really good, I want to live,” were the last words spoken by Comeau before Williams suffocated her to death in her home.”
“Comeau became a flight attendant with 437 Squadron, part of 8 Wing Trenton, about 2008, when she had been in the Forces for more than 10 years. In 2009, after only six months on the job, she was chosen to work as flight attendant for the prime minister and governor general. It was considered a testament to her good work. Tragically, it led to her death when she met Williams on a flight, got chatting, and told him she lived alone. Comeau used to tell friends she always wanted to see India, and in November of 2009 she accompanied Prime Minister Stephen Harper to Japan, Singapore and India. It was her final mission. She was found dead in her home on Nov. 25, aged 37.”
We invite you to contact Field McConnell to learn how his ‘Presidential Field’ election campaign will expose Harper’s use of the Federal Bridge Certification Authority through Harriman’s Heart and Stroke associate, Andrew Saxton Senior, and its alleged role in murder for hire by top officials in the government of the United States and Canada.
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