February 20, 2012
McConnell claims that MacDonald Dettwiler’s JUSTIN hides Piggy Palace DNA
Field McConnell claims that MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates has implemented JUSTIN – a French version of Promis software allegedly stolen by his Crown Agents’ sister Kristine Marcy – to hide the DNA of yet-to-be-identified guests of the Piggy Palace Good Times Society who became involuntary witnesses to cannibal feasts and snuff-film productions at a British Columbia pig farm.
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Stolen Copy of Franco-Promis Software - Francophone Hit Men or Women - Extortionists - Entrapped Anglophone Investigators - Torture, Rape and Murder

The bungling that ensued during the investigation into convicted murderer Paul Bernardo in Ontario is exactly what Prime B.C. is meant to prevent. "Shared information is powerful information, that's the bottom line," says Ayliffe. Prime B.C. will eventually work on three levels. First, the wide area radio systems used by law enforcement agencies will be replaced by one 800 megabyte system that can be shared among all jurisdictions in the lower mainland. E-Com Corp., a legislated non-profit organization, is the vendor. Law enforcement agencies accessing the wide area radio system will pay a levy to use it. The most complex part of B.C. Prime is the creation of a centralized dispatching system, something police departments realized they needed following the Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver a few years ago, says Ayliffe. "Police forces in neighbouring jurisdictions involved in that just couldn't speak to one another," he says. "That was inappropriate under the circumstances." The single dispatch entity will serve fire and police departments and ambulatory services. The third piece of the puzzle, a new records management system where operational information will be shared, promises to tie everything together. A contract with Richmond, B.C.-based MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates to implement the system was signed in early January, says Jim Chu, an inspector with the Vancouver Police Department, one of Prime B.C.'s municipal partners. MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates will be using database software from Ottawa's Versaterm Inc [allegedly incorporating Franco-Promis software stolen by McConnell sister Kristine Marcy, former Assistant Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and founder of DOJ Pride]. "The system from Versaterm is also used in London, Ont., and Ottawa," says Chu. "It's pretty amazing in what it can do. [Particularly with its use by Canadian Privy Councilors in sabotaging a crime scene investigation, planting evidence, sheltering the guilty and accusing the innocent as was allegedly the case with ‘Al-Qaeda 9/11’]”
“Connecting PRIME-BC to Other Systems How is PRIME-BC Linked to Other Police Agencies? PRIME-BC will enhance how the RCMP collaborates with other provincial, national and international police forces. The PRIME-BC Records Management System integrates all operational police information collected within the Province of British Columbia, whether the information is collected by the Greater Vancouver Transit Authority Police Service (GVTAPS), the various Municipal Police Departments, and the RCMP at the Federal, Provincial, and municipal level. This information (intelligence) is further shared with other agencies throughout Canada using the Police Information Portal (PIP) and the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). The PRIME-BC environment greatly increases Canada’s capabilities for intelligence collection, analysis and sharing. A front-line officer can “check” a box to query the PIP at the same time a local records query and a CPIC query is entered. Complete interoperability is established though PIP together with the Integrated Query Tool (IQT). These two tools allow PRIME-BC users to query police records management systems in other provincial and federal databases across Canada. The PRIME-BC environment provides one point of entry to query all databases at any time—like one stop shopping. How is PRIME-BC Linked to the Judicial System? In December 2001, the Attorney General for the Government of British Columbia directed a common, provincial-wide, cross-jurisdictional Justice Integrated Network (JUSTIN) for submitting crown reports, court scheduling police officers and receiving court dispositions electronically. JUSTIN is an integrated case management system [built by MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates for 50+ Special Investors in the CAI Private Equity Group, including Canadian Governor General David Johnston who is allegedly hiding DNA of extorted witnesses at crime scenes associated with Piggy Palace, Russell Williams, JonBenet Ramsey and 9/11] for the province’s courts and criminal justice agencies and is interfaced with PRIME-BC. Will PRIME-BC Handle the Statistical Reporting Required by Statistics Canada? PRIME-BC will assist in the scoring of occurrences. The system has "drop-down" menus, which provide a list of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR 2.1) event types that would apply to a particular investigative activity.”
“Andrew Clark is an independent consultant specializing in management consulting and project management in the Justice Sector. Andrew has spent the last six years providing management consulting for a number of clients in the Victoria and Vancouver area. While his current focus is on project management, his experience allows him to take on a number of different engagements including project managing customer software development, short term and long term IT strategic planning, and managing change within an organization as it implements new software and integrates business functions.
Andrew started his career as a software developer in the satellite image and mapping industry when he worked for MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates in Vancouver and was the company technology specialist for computer-human interfaces. When he started his MBA degree at UVIC, he took on an IT Director role at the Ministry of Attorney General where he was the initial project director for JUSTIN, which is the criminal case management system for BC. Andrew then moved back to the private sector to join Visionary Solutions, which was subsequently bought out by European based ERP vendor Agresso. Andrew was instrumental in launching Agresso software into the Higher Education market in the U.S. Andrew filled many roles within Agresso, eventually taking on the role of Vice President for the Americas. Throughout his career, Andrew has focused on Project Management and Team Building within an organization.
For the past five years, Andrew has been the Project Manager for the British Columbia e-Court program, a portfolio of projects co-sponsored by the Judiciary and Court Services Branch (Ministry of Attorney General). He has worked in the IT industry for over 20 years. Andrew is a UVIC graduate where he completed a B.Sc. as well as an MBA. Andrew is also a Project Management Professional certified by the Project Management Institute. Andrew is an associate faculty at Royal Roads University where he has taught project management education within the MBA program for the past 6 years.”
“Andrew Clark est un conseiller indépendant spécialisé dans les conseils en gestion et la gestion de projets dans le secteur de la justice. Depuis six ans, Andrew fournit des conseils en gestion à un certain nombre de clients dans les régions de Vancouver et de Victoria. Bien que ses travaux soient actuellement concentrés sur la gestion de projets, son expérience lui permet d’entreprendre divers engagements, y compris la gestion de projets d’élaboration de logiciels pour les clients, la planification stratégique en matière de technologie de l’information à court et à long terme, et la gestion de changement au sein d’une entreprise alors qu’elle met en œuvre de nouveaux logiciels et intègre des fonctions opérationnelles. Andrew a débuté sa carrière en tant que réalisateur de logiciel dans l’industrie de l’image-satellite et de la cartographie alors qu’il travaillait pour MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates à Vancouver. Il était l’expert en technologies de l’entreprise pour les interfaces « ordinateur et humain ». Alors qu’il entamait ses études de M.B.A. à l’Université de Victoria, il a accepté le poste de directeur de technologie de l’information pour le ministère du procureur général, pour lequel il a été le premier directeur du projet JUSTIN, c’est-à-dire le système de gestion des dossiers criminels de la Colombie-Britannique. Andrew est ensuite retourné dans le secteur privé en se joignant à Visionary Solutions, entreprise subséquemment achetée par Agresso, entreprise européenne de vente d’ERP. Andrew a joué un rôle déterminant dans le lancement des logiciels d’Agresso dans le marché de l’enseignement supérieur aux États-Unis. Il a détenu de nombreux postes au sein d’Agresso pour finalement obtenir celui de vice-président pour les Amériques. Tout au long de sa carrière, Andrew a concentré ses efforts sur la gestion de projets et la constitution d’équipes au sein des entreprises.
Durant les cinq dernières années, Andrew fut gestionnaire de projet du programme de tribunal électronique de la Colombie-Britannique. Il s’agit d’un inventaire de projets coparrainés par la division des services judiciaires et aux tribunaux (ministère du procureur général). Il travaille dans l’industrie de la technologie de l’information depuis plus de 20 ans. Andrew détient un bachelier ès sciences et un M.B.A. de l’Université de Victoria. Il est également accrédité par la Project Management Institute comme gestionnaire de projets professionnel. Andrew est professeur associé à l’Université Royal Roads où, depuis les six dernières années, il enseigne la gestion de projets au sein du programme de M.B.A.”
Visit the links below and help McConnell use his Presidential Field election campaign to sponsor Runaway Grand Juries as a remedy for the Piggy Palace guests whose DNA is allegedly hidden in MacDonald Dettwiler’s JUSTIN criminal case management system.
Youtube Abel Danger Videos
Presidential Field
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