February 1, 2012
Vancouver’s lesbian Federal Bridge to the pig farm pension fund
We believe that Matrix 5 lesbian communities in the Vancouver Police Department and E-Comm 9-1-1 used a Federal Bridge Certification Authority to set up man-in-the-middle attacks at crime scenes associated with the Pickton pig farm - thereby attempting to conceal ‘dead-hooker life-insurance frauds’ by the trustees of bcIMC – B.C.’s public servants’ pension fund.
See # 8, 9, 18, 27, 33, 47, 52, 53, 58, 59, 62, 63, 72, 74, 79,
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Auctioned Keys of Small Business Administration - 8(a) Companies - Federal Bridge Partners - Pfizer - Anthrax-Laced Attack - U.S. Post Office

Missing women cases dismissed by 'old guard:' officer
VANCOUVER — A Vancouver police officer who raised red flags about women disappearing from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside says her concerns were dismissed by the "old guard" within the department.
And Det. Const. Lori Shenher told the inquiry into the investigation of serial killer Robert Pickton that a group formed to look into the missing women was merely window dressing.
"There were a lot of things that were going on at that time under chief (Bruce) Chambers that were on paper and I felt this was very much a paper squad," she testified.
"It was a bit of a shell game. I don't think it was really going to turn into actual investigators actually doing this work."
Shenher, who was working the missing persons unit at the time, testified she communicated to her superiors that these women weren't seeing their families, weren't picking up their cheques and there was a problem.
"So that was hard because somehow that message just wasn't getting (through to the) old guard, if you want to call it that. That was definitely a problem," Shenher told the inquiry.
"It seemed as though the more experienced people there were around the table, the less appreciation there was that we were dealing with a serial killer."
The theory [she planted] was brushed off as if those raising the possibility had read too many detective novels or seen too many movies, she said.
Shenher said then-Det. Insp. Kim Rossmo was a good example of how senior officers dismissed an opinion if that person bypassed the chain of command.
Rossmo told the inquiry last week that his serial killer theory was dismissed by an "arrogant" and "egotistical" Vancouver Police Insp. Fred Biddlecombe.
Shenher said she involved Rossmo in some of the theories of the missing women case knowing that she would get a hard time from some of the other investigators.
"But I felt like those were the kinds of stones we need to not leave unturned, we need to try and use the resources that we have.
"I took that risk knowingly and thought that if anything good were to come from his information, then it was worth the risk."
One of Shenher's first jobs was working in the Downtown Eastside, trying to make contact with the prostitutes in the area while also conducting undercover operations to arrest men trying to buy sex.
Shenher got to know many of the women, and made a special connection with Sereena Abotsway and Angela Jardine, two of the women who would later appear on the missing women's list.
It was their disappearance that really cemented her suspicions, she said.
"These were people who were very much of a fabric of the Downtown Eastside. They drew all their support and sustenance from the community and I couldn't conceive of either one of them voluntarily leaving that community."
A tip in July 1998 led Shenher right to Pickton's door.
She began investigating the Port Coquitlam, B.C. pig farmer and found that a charge of attempted murder had been stayed against him.
A sex-trade worker told police she was picked up in the Downtown Eastside and offered $100 for sex back at Pickton's farm. The woman was attacked and stabbed, but made it out to the road where a couple passing in a vehicle helped her.
"Honestly, my thought was this is the kind of guy we were looking for," she said. "The idea that he had a large property and that he had what seemed quite clear to me was the ability to dispose of bodies."
Shenher said she was very mindful that they weren't finding any bodies up to that point, so they were looking for someone who could get rid of the evidence. Her tipster told her Pickton had a "grinder" to get rid of the bodies.
"I thought 'bingo,' this is the kind of guy we're looking for."
Shenher later interviewed the woman who was allegedly attacked by Pickton and was even more convinced that he should be moved to the top of the suspect list.
The woman -- whose name is protected by a publication ban -- told Shenher that Pickton clapped a handcuff on her wrist while they were in his trailer and she began fighting for her life. The woman slashed Pickton and then he stabbed her before she ran to the road for help.
"It was exactly the kind of scenario I had envisioned. It was frustrating as well."
The woman told Shenher she was told the charges were stayed because the woman was a drug addict.
But Shenher said she never came to know the true reasons for why the charges were stayed against Pickton in connection to that attack.
"I'm sure this commission will find that out."
She recalled discussing the case with the investigating RCMP officer and learned that the woman had almost died on the operating room table a few times during surgery.
"As morbid a thought as it is, had she died, we probably would have had a slam-dunk murder conviction without her testimony."”
“Reform BC
Recover Custody of Online Land Title - Stop Lien /
Loan Fraud, Fake Debt and Racketeering Use of B.C.
Government Networks
Recover custody of public equity in BC Investment Management Corporation (bcIMC), a public sector pension fund with access to BC Online land-title and personal property registries which offer a potential insider-trading benefit to approximately 400,000 public servants such as police officers, members of the Legislative Assembly and provincial judges.
bcIMC custodians are pooling the trust funds of the Province of British Columbia and provincial government bodies (Crown corporations, institutions) with pension funds of police officers, MLAs, provincial judges, Firefighters, teachers, college instructors and staff, municipal and healthcare workers, and faculty members at the University of Victoria and the employees of BC OnLine registries, ICBC, BC Hydro, BC Rail, WorkSafeBC, Forest Renewal BC and B.C. Medical Services Plan.
Where evidence warrants, a Reform government will file civil claims for damages against bcIMC law-firm consultancy and private-placement agents engaged in fake debt, sub-prime mortgage, insider trading, liability-insurance and hedge fund frauds.
Reform would support a racketeering-influenced and corrupt organization (RICO) claim against U.S. agents to stop use of B.C. government networks in re murder-for-hire and wrongful deaths.
Reform notes that,to pay defense costs of Willie Pickton, BC government agents placed a $10 million lien through BC OnLine on his pig farm where dozens of women where murdered in the care of terrified (?) officers of Piggy Palace Good Times Society, a federally-registered charity!
A Reform government will therefore recover custody of BC OnLine's land-title, security, target tracking, intelligence, liability insurance and automated loan-recovery networks, which are operated for 50+ CAI private-equity investors in Macdonald Dettwiler & Associates of Richmond, B.C.
A Reform government will reverse the consequence of BC OnLine frauds by which public assets, inter alia of bcIMC's BC Rail, B.C. Workers Compensation Board, Forest Renewal BC, BC Hydro, and B.C.'s Medical Services Plan have been converted to benefit of CAI private equity insiders.
In 1999, CAI Capital Management acquired control of Macdonald Dettwiler & Associates (`MDA') of Richmond, B.C. and allegedly paid MDA to backdoor government networks (see below) for use in organized crime or RICO offenses by CAI institutional investors and their service providers, including Cisco, KPMG Consulting (now bankrupt) and the Sidley Austin law firm of Chicago.
1. Entrust tontine encryption backdoor into Cisco's VoIP, Virtual Pentagon and 9-1-1 networks which allow conspirators to plan the abduction and murder for hire of people along Canada's West Coast with agents placed inside the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), the judiciary, the BC Office of the Premier and the federal government of Canada, including the Canadian military.
2. Guidance & Control ('G&C') and Ground Moving Target Indicator ('GMTI') networks allowing conspirators to track and/or move customers, criminal associates, victims, weapons and assets, such as money launderers, pedophiles, sex slaves, surgeons for human organs on black markets, "snuff" film producers, body disposal experts, cleanup crews and arms suppliers for transactions on interstate and foreign trade.
3. MindBox automated loan recovery network allowing conspirators to entrap government and industry leaders in Directors and Officers Liability ('D&O') Insurance scams allegedly arranged online by Sidley Austin. Victim leaders and/or top officials ('TOPOFF') are extorted into lending and laundering money, for example money derived from fake debt or sub-prime mortgage scams or B.C. drug trade, or face bankruptcy or death of themselves or their colleagues or their families.
A Reform government will recover custody of the networks above and help victims obtain civil or criminal remedies in courts having jurisdiction under the laws below.
Section 336 of the Criminal Code of Canada - Everyone who, being a trustee for anything for the use or benefit, whether in whole or in part, of another person, or for a public or charitable purpose, converts with intent to defraud and in contravention of his trust, that thing or any part of it to a use that is not authorized by the trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
Section 337 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Everyone who, being or having been employed in the service of Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province, or in the service of a municipality, and entrusted by virtue of that employment with the receipt, custody, management or control of anything, refuses or fails to deliver it to a person who is authorized to demand it and does demand it is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
The "murder-for-hire" statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1958 of the United States was enacted as part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, Public. 98-473, Ch. X, Part A (Oct. 12, 1984). Section 1958(a) provides: Whoever travels in or causes another (including the intended victim) to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or uses or causes another (including the intended victim) to use the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of any State or the United States as consideration for the receipt of, or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay anything of pecuniary value, or who conspires to do so [violates this statute]. ”
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