February 6, 2012
Did McConnell’s SES Sister use proxy key for Obama Fast and Furious hit?
We believe that Field McConnell’s Senior Executive Service ('SES') Sister Kristine Marcy used proxy keys to the Federal Bridge Certification Authority to give Barack Obama plausible denial of his role in SES contract hits such as the Fast and Furious assassination of ATF agent Brian Terry.
SES = United States Senior Executive Service – launched by McConnell’s sister in 1979
Prequel 1:
Change In Entrust Public Key Infrastructure - Concealed Fast and Furious Arms Trafficking - Interpol NATO Agents - Decoy Assault Weapon - Brian Terry
Prequel 2
Femme Comp Greek Life Colleagues - SES Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - Bought Alibis For Matrix 5 Man-In-The-Middle Contract Killings
See #1:
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Spoliation inference – McConnell’s sister has infiltrated the Senior Executive Service with “Les lesbiennes radicals” to wage war on the United States

“Melson: DOJ Response to Fast and Furious Investigation Intended to Protect Political Appointees Attorney General Eric Holder is not as politically astute as I previously thought despite having been groomed by the Clintons. If he were more politically astute, he would have known better than to make a career bureaucrat the fall-guy for Operation Fast and Furious because they are exceedingly adept at in-fighting. Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson is currently serving in a slot set aside for a political appointee. However, Melson had been a career employee of the Department of Justice from 1983 until 2009 when he was appointed Acting Director with the understanding he would return to the career service. He didn't get to the Senior Executive Service on talent and good looks alone. [The only criteria is sexual orientation cf. Robert Hannsen; the SES spy who stole U.S. continuity of government protocols used by Marcy's HUBZone hit teams on 9/11]… It's almost as if all the complaining about a "leaderless ATF" isn't so much about any lack of a career bureaucrat's ability to get things done, but because such a bureaucrat doesn't afford his superiors the plausible deniability that a political appointee would.”
“[The Assassination Bureau] Decision to Kill Americans Suspected of Terrorism Is Obama's Mother Jones ^ | Mon Jan. 30, 2012 12:13 PM PST | By Adam Serwer In an interview with CBS 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta revealed more about the secret process the Obama administration uses to kill American citizens suspected of terrorism without trial. According to Panetta, the president himself approves the decision based on recommendations from top national security officials. "[The] President of the United States obviously reviews these cases, reviews the legal justification, and in the end says, go or no go," Panetta said. "So it's the requirement of the administration under the current legal understanding that the president has to make that declaration, not you?" Pelley asked. Panetta replied, "That is correct." The process by which national security officials determine whether or not American citizens suspected of terrorism can be killed remains opaque. The administration has leaked information about certain targets, but it has never released the legal justification for doing so, nor has it explained the system by which members of the National Security Council reportedly decide to put an American citizen on a so-called "kill list." In October, Reuters' Mark Hosenball wrote that the president doesn't necessarily explicitly approve strikes—instead, the attacks go forward unless the president objects.”
“1. Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) [Revised January 6, 2012: Kristine Marcy is a Matrix 5 principal and the 1979 founder and de-facto president of the Senior Executive Service (‘SES’); she allegedly holds proxy keys to the Federal Bridge Certification Authority which give Barack Obama distance from contract hits such as the Fast and Furious assassination of ATF agent Brian Terry; she is the former Senior Counsel for the Office of Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); she allegedly issued time-lapse private keys to the SBA’s extorted 8(a) HUBZone voters to ensure Barack Hussein Obama was fraudulently elected POTUS 44 in November 2008; she allegedly procured time lapse keys for use by a matrix of Her Majesty’s Crown Uranian (see anagram for Manchurian) cells inside DOJ Pride to conceal Paperclip passport frauds exposing Obama as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC); she allegedly launched DOJ Pride in 1994 to infiltrate Uranian – third sex – entrapment experts into crime scene investigations to accuse the innocent and shelter the guilty; she allegedly directs the extortion of man-in-the-middle officials in the U.S. Department of Justice, the Bar Associations of the District of Columbia and the U.S. Court of Military Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court; she appears to have used .tv snuff films to extort the Office of Personnel Management into concealing Obama’s ties to a Mau Mau oath-taking family in Kenya; Abel Danger infers that Marcy displays the characteristics of a homicidal psychopath from her recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; she allegedly procured Clipper chips to help DOJ Pride insiders coordinate the spoliation of evidence at Uranian-friendly 9-1-1 crime scenes linked to the 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey; she allegedly used the Court of Appeals to enforce Star Chamber oaths of allegiance allegedly sworn by the late General Alexander Haig – and fellow guests at the Pickton pig farm in British Columbia – whose silent support was needed for the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks of 9/11; she allegedly linked the U.S. Small Business Administration’s HUBZone Settlements to an E-Comm command center in British Columbia where 9-1-1 operators learn how to stage a murder during the production of a horror film production with unwitting (?) actors or extras; she allegedly ordered Robert Hanssen and her Femme Comp / Uranian associates to administer Star Chamber pig-farm oaths to entrap foreign and domestic officials in the United States; she allegedly used a ceremonial blindfold of the type associated with oath taking by Penn State’s pedophile Greek Life community to warn Tom Ridge against linking the United Flight 93 crime scene to the attacks of 9/11; she allegedly formed a joint venture between Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates and the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’) to use Sabre seat reservation technology to monitor the movements of pig farm oath takers; she allegedly used SBA 8(a) mentor-protégé companies to modify an EC135C Speckled Trout aircraft carrying General Henry Shelton and support a Uranian attempt to overthrow of the United States government on 9/11; she allegedly set up a revolving fund (# 15X4275) with bona vacantia – ownerless goods – in a joint venture with Star Chamber insiders, the Treasury Solicitor, Permira (Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in WTC#7) and organized crime groups to finance modifications of aircraft for the 9/11 attacks; she allegedly used Clipper PKI to manipulate content of NDS and News Corp pay-per-view television through 9/11; she allegedly procured ‘Con Air’ Lear Jet aircraft for use by Bombardier's homicidal EW pilot, Russell Williams to support the SES Speckled Trout chain of command and the decoy-and-drone maneuvers of 911; she allegedly used USIS files and Canadian Privy Council insider and NAPA vice president Lena Trudeau to create virtual ‘al-Qaeda’ operatives; she allegedly auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs just before the 9/11 attacks and assigned patented-device incendiary liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; she allegedly used images of Uranian pig-farm oath ceremonies to extort 9/11 cooperation from the likes of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Frank Carlucci, Lynn McNulty, Dr. David Finkleman, Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Rear Admiral Gordon Piche, Robert Mueller, Bruce McConnell and Generals Haig, Shelton and Shalikashvili; she is the de facto President and Chief Executive Officer of Washington D.C.-based NAPA (The National Academy of Public Administration); she allegedly infiltrated pig farm Greek Life oath takers into George Washington University, University of Chicago and Northwestern University and University of Hawaii (BA French) and Georgetown University ( MFS, master foreign service); she allegedly adopted Rippergate oath ceremonies developed by Jane Addams at Hull House to bind members of DOJ Pride to silence at Uranian crime scenes; she allegedly organized the theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for La Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; she appears to have exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC before initiating the bombs fraudulently attributed to a subsequently-executed decoy, Timothy McVeigh; we infer from spoliation through pay-per-view encryption that she re-assigned SBA liquidation rights in patent pool devices used on 9/11, including .tv to Crown Agents' City & Guilds Livery Companies such as the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers]"
Voters have a moral obligation to think hard.
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