Sunday, February 26, 2012

Leveraged Lease On a Snuff-Film Studio - Piggy Palace Good Times Society’s Cannibal Feasts - Snuff-Film Actors - Sabre Flight Reservation System

Plum City – ( -- February, 26, 2012. The Abel Danger White House Group announced today it has linked a leveraged lease on a snuff-film studio to a series of Piggy Palace Good Times Society’s cannibal feasts which were allegedly staged at a B.C. pig farm by Mary Elisabeth Harriman and her psychopathic pedophile husband Russell Williams for various Canadian Governors General.

Abel Danger’s spokesperson Field McConnell, claims that Harriman and Williams tracked snuff-film actors and their entrapped and extorted guests through the pig-farm feasts with the Sabre flight reservation system, apparently adopted by his Crown Agents Sister Kristine Marcy in 1995 for the joint use of the Canadian Department of National Defense and the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System ('Con Air').

“Willie & David Pickton, RCMP, Vancouver Police, and Government Murder of Women”

“JonBenét Ramsey - Kristine Marcy - Russell Williams - Murder – Extortion”

“Linda Louise Wright & The Guild Socialist Ensemble Recorded Live at Pickton Pig Farm”

See #1 et al.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Please visit links below and support a PresidentialField election campaign in which Field will explain how a McConnell administration will deal with the foreign murder-for-hire services which Canadian Governors General appear to believe can be offered to their associates outside the reach of U.S. racketeering influenced and corrupt organization law.

Youtube Abel Danger Videos

Presidential Field

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