Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Will You Fall for It Again?

International Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

Greetings from out beyond the perimeter from out here I can see the plan.

You can't. You have been focused on surviving from day-to-day now...past events are a blur and off the radar as soon as they are on it. The fear of paying your bills, the fear of another corrupted election, the fear of a digital currency, fear of 75000 armed IRS agents...fear makes it all a blur...the old, easy going, reliable america is gone.

But let's step back shall we? And view this battlefield from a hilltop overlooking all this see the plan and start asking some questions.

After the 'head Dick' wrote the project for a New American Century calling for a new Pearl Harbor to galvanize support for endless war funding... the world trade towers were destroyed in a controlled demolition so as not to drop them on the financial district and there after to blame 'terrorists.'

But who are the real terrorists?

Let's have a look shall we?

Following the wars and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, wars were waged on Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Syria and Lebanon. There has been a 'regime change' coup in Ukraine and now there has been constant 'sabre rattling' against Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China and Russia.

Why Iran, China, Cuba, Russia and North Korea?

It's pretty clear why Russia is on the hit list, Putin overthrew the banking coup to divide up Russia after the fall of communism and it caught the Rothschilds off guard.

Why the Rothschilds?

Not to put too fine a point on it, ALL of these countries have one thing in common. They do not have a central bank that is owned by the international banking cabal or controlled by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). These are the only countries in the world who don't have a central bank that is either owned or controlled by the international bankers.

What are the odds?

Well, the odds of this being random chance is astronomical but I'm sure it is all just an extraordinary coincidence. Or is it?

If you control a country's central bank, you control all the banks in that country and therefore its economy and therefore its people and its government, intelligence agencies, media broadcasting, social media owners, military and the political class... totally. You control whether the people prosper or not; usually not. You control if they eat or not. You do this by increasing or decreasing the amount of money (the Money Supply) a country has to buy what the people need to live and thrive. This controls the level of production in a country - its industry and employment.

But these global bankers don't control Iran, Russia, China, Cuba or North Korea.
As I suggested an idea last year to make a statement... to send them a message. and behold their precious Georgia guide stones were blown up and with it a demarcation in the sand was made public that they have lost the high ground. Now they are desperately trying to get control of global governments that hate the west with their same old tired methods and the world is not falling for it, finally standing up and rejecting their subterfuge, extortion and lies.

BRICS is the first wave to end their hegemony and establish a multipolar world. The dream of a digital currency to control every aspect of human life on earth has also been blown up because it requires all nations on earth under the control of the global central banks and that gets back to the renegades Russia, China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea.

Why are these nations the enemies of freedom and democracy?

Let's look at Russia and China, the ones currently in the cross hairs.

Starting in 2000, Vladimir Putin took back ownership of the oil resources by arresting the apparent owner of Yukos oil the Russian/Jewish oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky for fraud. He forfeited his shares in Yukos Oil, the largest oil producer in Russia at the time, and owned by the Rothschilds. Oops there's those filthy Rothschilds once again behind the plan.

But now Russia is magically the enemy of freedom and democracy.

China is welching on its deal with the global central bankers to allow them to control the financing of the Chinese economy and to join in with the One World Currency these international bankers are having wet dreams of controlling. they got all the western tech, all the transfer of intellectual property, machinery, all the transfer of investment money and industry and told the bankers to go fuck themselves

Perhaps the Chinese government remembered their history with the Rothschild and the Sassoon banking families which stretches back to the days of the Opium Wars and beyond.

And now China is the enemy of freedom and democracy.

And now you know why the Western politicians, on behalf of their owners, the bankers, also hate Russia and China with such venom.

Isn't it curious to you at all that both the left and right vote as one, get nothing done and vote them selves a raise in pay every year? Basically they are over paid thugs in a uni political system wearing red and blue with hearts as black as coal.

But why must you hate Russia and china...stop and ask yourself why.

It's because You have been fed a narrative by the central bank owned media and have been bludgeoned over and over about Russia, by Madow, Oberman, Stelter, Cuomo, Colbert, Kimmel, and their ilk every night for over 6 years to have someone, anyone to hate instead of the central bank who own's Orwellian. 2 minutes or 60 minutes of hate nightly to keep you off the real people hurting the world...the the western nations global central banks.

And now with the Ukraine war they have accused Russia of all the things Ukraine has done, bombed their own people, killed thousands in the Donbass, raped and murdered, tortured their Russian captives but the western media is flipping that around and accusing Russia of all their crimes...doesn't it remind you of this?

It's the same old game play...will you fall for it?

And don't allow these bankers ("they") to con you into a civil war either:

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