Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Incredible Historic Flow of Weapons Coming Into Ukraine

Editor's note: There is a historic flow of weapons moving into Ukraine. "Do we have any sense as to where they are going", asks the journalist? The woman responds: "We don't know. There is really no information as to where they are going." There you have it, thanks CBS News. Doesn't it seem as though western NATO countries mostly the US are clearing out their old weapon stockpiles? Think about the consequences of an estimated 162,000 square kilometers of Ukraine being mined? Furthermore, the "Russians do not fight wars the way the US does" (carpet bombing). 


CBS [News] Goes Full Back Flip and Tries to Erase Reality

9 August 2022 | by Larry Johnson | 24 Comments

CBS bosses have had second thoughts and decided they did too much journalism. The interview that was posted at CBS two days ago featuring an intrepid reporter who dared to ask the right questions about who was receiving the billions of dollars in weapons that the United States provided to Ukraine has been deleted.

CBS News deletes tweet claiming only 'like 30%' of US military aid for Ukraine ever reaches the front lines

Thank God for Bitchute and Rumble. Once you post some news it can live on. Here is the full report:

This report apparently had been in the works since April. How do I know? Look at the clothing (e.g., coats and sweaters) many are wearing in the portions of the video showing the reporter and his companions trying to deliver weapons to front line Ukrainian troops. It is important to note that the CBS reporter is very supportive of the Ukrainians fighting the Russians. He also interviews a former U.S. Marine who is enthusiastic about killing Russians and not concerned about U.S. weapons going astray.

But this reporter inadvertently provides further video evidence that corroborates the piece I wrote in May–Ukrainian Military Units Continue Rebelling against Their Commanders. After you watch the CBS report you will know why the Ukrainian troops in the videos I posted were rebelling against their incompetent chain of command–they were not getting the weapons they needed to fight.

One troubling question remains–what happened to the weapons siphoned off that were not delivered to the troops at the front? Who has them and who is buying them?

Since May, the situation facing Ukrainian forces in the Donbas has become more dire. The Russians claim they are making progress:
Solidar – KNAUF factory grounds, and, consequently, the eastern part of the town, is taken. Similar actions underway in Bakhmut. Explanation of the Russian tactics near both towns, as well as near Avdeyevka. News on possible reconnaissance by combat by the Russian troops towards Nikolayev – a move is taken very seriously by the Ukrainian planners who prepare for the defense of Nikolayev, anticipating a Russian attack there.
Please go to to read more.

The Russian military knows where many of the weapons are. One less Howitzer M777, its crew and countless 155mm artillery rounds:

A Norwegian-supplied M109 Howitzer gets taken off the battlefield:

In Video: Russian Loitering Munition Takes Out Norwegian M109 Howitzer In Ukraine

NATO countries including the US are instructing the regime in Kiev to have the Ukrainian military fire their artillery that are positioned for firing next to buildings occupied by civilians. This is the reason why Russia cannot end this quickly. Despite this and continued Ukrainian military artillery strikes on civilians in Donbass, the US is continuing to ship more weapons and munitions to Ukraine. These weapons are then used to kill civilians in order to constantly provoke Russia.

This should be highly disconcerting. Is NATO the "Fourth Reich?" The "Nazi international" component of the "deep state?" NATO takes control of Norfolk Naval Station:

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