Friday, August 19, 2022

Removing the US From Europe

Editor's note: The Atlantic Council should be brought into this discussion as well. The largest transfer of weapons and munitions in US history continues to head to Ukraine.

Atlantic Council

On the Transfiguration of Europe: From Nuland's Dream to Nuland's Nightmare

August 19, 2022 | 22 Comments | By Batiushka for The Saker blog

Introduction: Carpathian Rus

The geographical centre of Europe just happens to be in the post-1945 Ukraine, 15 km (10 miles) from Rakhovo (in the Ukrainian occupiers' language, Rakhiv). This is in the far east of the Ukraine, in the province of 'Zakarpattia' or 'Transcarpathia', which is the imperialist name given by the Ukrainian centralisers to the area. In reality, it is Kiev that is across, 'trans', the Carpathians, not 'Transcarpathia'.

Zakarpattia was before the Second World War the main part of Subcarpathian Rus, also called Carpathian Rus, Rusinia or, in medieval Latin, Ruthenia. Smaller parts of it are now in the corner of south-eastern Poland, where lived the Lemkos, and in far eastern Slovakia. The people there call themselves Rusins or Rusnaks and despite three generations of Ukrainian linguistic imperialism, many still speak Rusin, which, although related, is a separate language from standard Ukrainian or any of its dialects and is also far more ancient. The first Orthodox Christians in what is now the Ukraine lived here, and helped to convert Kiev.

In 2004 I had to go to the far east of Slovakia (also once part of Carpathian Rus) for a village funeral and there met an elderly ‘Ukrainian’ man. In fact, he was a Rusin. In the early 1950s he had fled the Soviet Union for Norway while serving in the Red Army near Murmansk and from there had come to live near family members in eastern Slovakia near the Ukrainian border. The ex-soldier had been born in 1917 in what was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which then became Subcarpathian Rus in Czechoslovakia, which then became part of Nazi Hungary, which was then taken over by the Soviet Ukraine. The village where he had been born had not moved: politicians had. The Rusins are a people without a country and always have been.

Nuland's Dream

I mention all this because the drama of the survival of Europe, of which the Ukraine, despite Western European illusions of self-importance, is the geographical centre, is now being played out in another part of the Ukraine. This is 960 km (600 miles) east of the centre of Europe, in the city of Zaporozhye, where there is situated one of the four nuclear power plants in the Ukraine. It is the largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world, supplying the Ukraine with 20% of its total electricity needs. Since 4 March 2022 it has been under Russian control.

Over the last few days it has been shelled and some fear a second Chernobyl or worse. Now, despite Kiev regime lies, even some non-geniuses among the Western public (though not a single one among the Western politicians) have realised that it cannot be Russians who are firing shells at themselves. Therefore, it must be Kiev that is shelling the largest nuclear power station in Europe and bringing Europe close to nuclear Armageddon. Kiev wishes to cause a provocation and then blame it on Russia. This would be the Bucha false flag operation multiplied by one million. Why do I mention this?

It is because of the American Victoria Nuland (in fact, Nudelman), whose father was a Ukrainian Jew (the same nationality as Trotsky, real name Bronstein). Sent by the White House, Nuland was behind the violent, $5 billion, 2014 overthrow of the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in favour of a Jewish-Ukrainian junta. (By the way, Nuland is married to another Trotskyite (= world domination) neocon, Robert Kagan, who is also of Eastern European Jewish heritage). Now, in her own so eloquent and so highly educated word, we know exactly what Victoria Nuland's dream for Europe is. It is that she cannot care less about (to put it very politely) Europe.

Therefore, her dream now risks becoming true through the US-supplied Kiev shells which fall on the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which lies in the same country as the very centre of Europe, as we have described above. Perhaps we should remind Nuland that if the worst comes to the worst and the wind is blowing more or less due south, the radiation from Zaporozhye will not blow on uncared-for Europe, as did the radiation from Chernobyl. Instead, it will be carried over the Black Sea, through Turkey, eastern Syria, the Lebanon and…to Israel, where the real Armageddon lies. Nuland had better be careful what she dreams about. Perhaps in future she should turn her brain on before she opens her foul mouth.

Crisis in Nuland's Europe

The good news is that at least some EU leaders may at last be coming to their senses. They boycotted Russian gas, oil, grain and fertilisers, prices of which commodities have rocketed. Now in just two months' time, the cold weather starts in Western Europe. And European voters are already extremely unhappy with soaring fuel and food prices, which are increasing at about four times the speed of even the officially-admitted, record-high inflation rates of 10-15%. The fact is that prices are not soaring because of 'the war in the Ukraine', as gutless Western European politicians have been chanting in chorus for nearly six months, with American guns poking in their backs.

Even some naïve Western citizens have seen through that particular lie. They have realised that soaring prices are largely due to their politicians' sanctions against Russia and their decisions to prolong the war for months or even, if possible, for years. (Western politicians told the same lie, confusing cause and effect, when they blamed all their pre-Ukrainian difficulties on 'covid', when in reality the difficulties were not so much because of covid, but because of their own bankrupting lockdowns, hysterical reactions causing a mental health crisis, masks that did not work and vaccines that did not work). In Central and Eastern EU Europe the situation is especially dire, since, though prices are exactly the same as in Western Europe, salaries there are only one-fifth of those in Western Europe.

Today the Kiev Armed Forces are being thrashed by the Free Ukrainian Armed Forces (though the freedom-fighters would probably not call themselves that), who are backed by the Russian Expeditionary Force, its technology, aircraft, missiles, artillery and drones, and by its Chechen allies. Although the Biden regime in the USA is desperate not to lose face yet again this August, like last August in Afghanistan, nevertheless, now under extreme pressure from Western electorates and at risk of financial meltdown, some European politicians are looking for change in Kiev.

This means finding a replacement for the actor Zelensky, who is the current US-appointed Jewish leader in Kiev. Their candidate appears to be General Zaluzhny, the head of the decimated Kiev Armed Forces – in fact, more than ‘double decimated’, as they have already lost 230,000 out of a paper 1 million. As a military man and not a politician, Zaluzhny appears, unlike the Kiev politicians and Western puppeteers, to have a grasp of reality. He must realise that if the Ukraine is to survive in any form at all, it must negotiate, however angrily the Americans may object.

The Future and a Nuland-Free 'Ukraine'

In 1990 the very prosperous Soviet Ukraine had a population of 51.5 million. Today its population is just 30 million. What catastrophe happened? Quite simply: Who wants to live or give birth to children in a country which has been mismanaged for 30 years, its infrastructure collapsing, its riches sucked out to New York, London and Tel Aviv by corrupt feudal oligarchs and the US government, a country which is now poorer than several African countries, a country which has no future, its greatest export its women, 'Russian Brides', in fact Ukrainian Brides, fleeing from poverty? Millions of economic refugees have fled to Israel, the USA and Western Europe.

Please go to The Saker to read more.

Here is the result of "Nuland's dream" as it affects Ukrainian soldiers being decimated under constant Russian rocket, missile and artillery fire:

Ukraine doesn't have a "war strategy" because it is being directed through Kiev by the US-UK-NATO proxy war against Russia. How can there possibly be any war strategy when Ukrainian soldiers are cannon fodder revealed by Ukrainian POWs themselves to Russian military interrogators?

As the Ukrainian military are being decimated on the open agricultural plains of eastern Ukraine the only option now are Ukronazi terrorist attacks and sabotage:

The US-UK-NATO-Atlantic Council alliance of war mongers have no intention of allowing this proxy war against Russia to end anytime soon:

There are many Jews including Victoria Nuland involved in what is happening in Ukraine and the disinformation and propaganda on both sides is fraught with confusion much of it obviously intentional. Jewish interests have their own interpretation and motivation to see Russia defeated. The geostrategist Edward Luttwak attempted to suggest "Russia faked an overnight vote held in Crimea in 2014 making referendum an infamous term." Back in April, 2022 the Jewish Luttwak stated "Putin's invasion of Ukraine has failed." That is now proving to be a completely erroneous conclusion. Even the proclaimed geostrategist Luttwak stated "Russia failed to seize Kiev in one swoop" was stupendously incorrect. The Russian military used Kiev as a diversion and that strategy worked precisely according to Russia military strategy when they went into Ukraine to "de-Nazify" the criminal state on 24 February 2022.

Why Am I Banned in Ukraine?

The fascist regime in Kiev are some real humanitarians aren't they?

Ukraine Begins Arresting People Who Distribute Russian Humanitarian Aid: "You Must Leave Them to Die"

The Russian military are fighting a war against the fascist regime in Kiev backed by the US-UK-NATO alliance and Russia can still put on a large war game with India and China in the coming weeks? This while Russia continues bombing US terrorist assets in Syria?

Russia, China And India To Hold Massive "Vostok" War Games In Two Weeks

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