Saturday, August 13, 2022

No Congressional Hearings on the FBI and No Inspector General Inspection - The FBI Needs to Be Broken Apart and Rendered Into Its Component Parts and Distributed to the Four Winds

Editor's note: Honestly, what exactly is Wray attempting to convey here? Nobody is going to threaten or bring violence against law enforcement. If it does happen the FBI will likely stage it or fake a violent event against themselves. WARNING: DO NOT threaten the FBI (CNN is on their side). It will only make matters worse. This is the corporate face of the FBI: duplicity; obfuscation; corruption; deception; bureaucratic doublespeak; unethical behavior; lying; hateful; dangerous; money motivated; malfeasance (especially by public officials); incompetent; criminal. Did we miss anything? The guy standing aggressively with his arms crossed with an orange tie on to the left of Wray is probably the head of the Omaha, Nebraska FBI Division. As a senior FBI executive he likely pulls in a salary around $235,000 a year. It seems to be pretty clear the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was set up to find dirt on the FBI. If it was such a "national security threat" as claimed by the FBI, why did they wait three days after the warrant was signed off before the raid?

Part 4, What Was in The Trump Documents Creating Such Fear in DOJ and FBI

This is how to justify a FY 23 budget request for $11.8 billion in federal employee salaries:

Exclusive: Whistleblower Names Another FBI Official Who Allegedly Pressured Agents to Pad Domestic Extremism Stats

JOHN KIRIAKOU: J Edgar Hoover's Evil Brainchild

The FBI has absolutely no qualms whatsoever about turning on their own:

The FBI is a federally subcontracted corporation: 

These are potentially very dangerous and unpredictable people involved in these circumstances:

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