Saturday, August 20, 2022

Proxy War Against Russia Escalates

Editor's note: We just put up a previous post suggesting this proxy war on Russia in Ukraine is escalating daily and we are about to "see what real war looks like." Well, here it is in an assassination. It is being reported the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin was killed in a car bomb in Moscow. Whether or not Aleksandr Dugin was supposed to be in the vehicle with his daughter is not known. British war propaganda (astonishing how fast the Daily Mail can put out such an elaborate article so soon) accuses Dugin as the "mastermind of the Ukraine war." Don't be surprised in the least if British MI6 private intelligence networks through NATO weren't behind this assassination through the Nazis in Kiev. 

News update for 22 August 2022 on the murder of Darya Dugin: Russia releases video of suspected Moscow car bomber

Source: AA

Daughter of Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin killed in car explosion

Darya Dugin's car explodes on highway in Moscow

By Gözde Bayar | August 21, 2022
A car belonging to the daughter of famous Russian political scientist and philosopher Alexander Dugin exploded late Saturday in Moscow, according to media reports.

Darya Dugina's car exploded on Mozhayskoye highway around 9.45 p.m. local time, with witnesses claiming the blast rocked the vehicle in the middle of the road and scattered debris.

Preliminary reports said she died instantly. The elder Dugin has arrived at the scene, according to a video on social media.

There is no official confirmation or information on the cause of the explosion.

It is unclear if the explosion was an assassination attempt targeting her father, who has been described as the "brain" of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Darya Dugina, like her father, was engaged in journalism, philosophy and political science.

Reports are Russia's Putin sent these guys after those responsible for Darya Dugin's murder:

Moscow's Alpha Group Is One of the World's Most Vicious Commando Teams

More on the murder of Darya Dugin. The idea that Aleksandr Dugin is the "right hand man" of Putin is a complete fabrication by the western media.

Only a terrorist from a terrorist regime can say something like this and get away with it:

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