Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The British and Programming Society - Britain: Utilizes Countries to Fight It's Wars

Editor's note: The only issue we would like to see presented in this material is Israel's role in technology Israel provides to China. Israel has been referred as "Britain's forward firebase in the Middle East." Much of this technology has been pillaged out of America by spy networks buried deep inside American institutions that is extremely well archived at: Israel's Secret Weapon: Talpiot and at Talpiot.

The Real Global Agenda Pushing for War with China

August 02, 2022 | 29 Comments | By Cynthia Chung for the Saker blog

"We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow."
Henry John Temple, aka Lord Palmerston (Britain's Prime Minister from 1855-1858, 1859-1865), oversaw Britain's First Opium War (1839-1842) as Head of Britain's Foreign Office and the Second Opium War (1856-1860) as Britain's Prime Minister against China. 
Snow is Now Black

Bertrand Russell discussed in his book "The Impact of Science on Society" (1952) that the subject which "will be of most importance politically is mass psychology," that is, the lens in which an individual views "reality" and "truth." Russell is very clear, such "convictions" are not generated by the individual themselves but rather are to be shaped by the State.

Of course, individuals are not encouraged to think about an absolute truth or reality, rather they are encouraged to think on a much smaller scale, on individual "facts," for this is much easier to control and shape and also limits "problematic" thinking such as the ponderance on purpose and intention.

Russell, in his "Impact of Science on Society," goes on to talk about how one could program a society to think snow is black rather than white:
"First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray."
This is of course a program for the most ambitious "reframing" of "reality". However, as we see today, we do not need to start before the age of ten for other sorts of "reframing," and nowhere does this seem to be the most successful and effective with any age group than the West's "foreign" policy.

For snow is something that we see and experience regularly. It is much more difficult to "reframe" something familiar, however, something that is "foreign" has always been a rather blurred and undefined concept for millennia, and thus is a much easier candidate for the State to "reframe" as our collective "reality," our collective "existential fear."

Thus, for most of history, our understanding of who is our "friend" and who is our "foe" has rarely been determined by the people themselves but rather their governing structure.

Such a governing structure is free to determine for us what is "truth" vs. "falsehood" what is "fact" vs. "fiction," because the people, despite all the abuse and exploitation from such a governing force still look to this very thing to protect and shield them from the frightful "unknown."

People have become accustomed to thinking "Better the Devil you know." In this paper we will see if that is indeed the case or not.

[This is Part 2 of a two-part series. For Part 1 refer here.]

"Our Interests are Eternal and Perpetual"

"It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways."
• Buddha
Before I get into the geopolitical situation of today and attempt to address this question of what the global agenda behind pushing for war with China is, I would like to share a brief overview of some very important history, for I assure you, this plays a prominent role in what is shaping today's dynamics.

For the sake of brevity, the story starts with the First Opium War (1839-42).

In short, the British Empire had made a move towards a free trade system in the 1840s, modeled on Adam Smith's 'A Wealth of Nations'. In this new system of trade it was believed that if there is a demand for a product, a country has no right to intervene in its transaction. Protectionism, which had been practiced by Britain up until that point, had now been deemed an unfit practice by…Britain, and all other countries were naturally to follow along according to the "new rules" chosen for them.

Britain, however, would grant itself to be the sole country permitted to continue the practice of protectionism while it enforced its "free" trade on others.

In the case of China, the trade of opium was ultimately banned by the Chinese, and severe punishments were to be delivered to those involved in smuggling the product into the country, which included British merchants. The British Empire considered this a direct threat to its 'security' and its new enforcement of free trade. Thus, when China did not back down, the First Opium War (1839-1842) was waged. The result was the forced signing of the Nanking Treaty in 1842.

This treaty, known as the first of the "unequal treaties", ceded the territory of Hong Kong to Britain and allowed British merchants to not only trade at Guangzhou but were now also permitted to trade with five additional "treaty ports" and with whomever they pleased.

Created in 1600 with a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth I, the East India Company was from its inception indistinguishable from the British Empire itself, rising to account for half of the world's trade. As is aptly said by Lord Macaulay in his speech to the House of Commons in July 1833, since the beginning, the East India Company had always been involved in both trade and politics, just as its French and Dutch counterparts had been.

In other words, the East India Company was to facilitate the geopolitical chess game that the British Empire wished to see played out. Not only the trade contracts it received but whole colonised territories won by the British Empire were handed over to this company to manage, along with a large sized private military, all under the decree of the Crown. This would be most evidently seen in the freedom it was given to control opium production in British India and to then facilitate its trade within Hong Kong and other colonised parts of Southeast Asia.

China was deemed uncooperative to the conditions signed under the Nanking Treaty and a Second Opium war was declared on them by the British Empire, lasting from 1856-60. [There is an excellent Chinese movie called "The Opium War" that goes over this story, you can watch it for free here.]

The British (with French assistance) defeated the Chinese defenses after a four-year war. China, an ancient civilization with an advanced society both culturally and scientifically was forced to be entirely beholden to British foreign policy and its enforced free trade of opium.

On the 18th of October 1860, the British burned down the Summer Palace, also known as Yuanmingyuan (Gardens of Perfect Brightness), the French apparently refused to assist. The razing of the building took two days.

When the war was won, British and French troops (and mercenaries) looted and destroyed many artifacts, many of which remain abroad, scattered throughout the world in 47 museums[1]. An ongoing reminder of their spoils from the Opium Wars. How ironic that so many enjoy gazing upon such works of beauty and forget the horror that was committed in attaining them.

A British-friendly bank needed to be created to facilitate trade in the region, connecting the Empire's newly acquired treasures Shanghai and Hong Kong with its British India (the major world producer of opium) along with the rest of the British Empire and Europe. HSBC was founded in 1865 for this purpose, that continues to this day.

This bank was not only meant to facilitate foreign trade within China in whichever way it deemed fit, but in addition was created namely to trade in the product of opium. It is important to note that although the founder of HSBC is credited as Thomas Sutherland of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, a Scottish merchant who wanted the bank to operate under "sound Scottish banking principles", the bank had been created from the start to facilitate crooked trade on behalf of the British Empire.

China refers to this period as its "Century of Humiliation," also known as the "hundred years of national humiliation," describing the period from 1839 to 1949.

What happened in 1949?

The Chinese had fought a 22 year long civil war (Aug 1927-1949), which overlapped the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) where the Chinese also fought against Japanese fascists for their very existence. The Japanese fascists wanted to ethnically cleanse China, as well as the entire eastern coastline of Asia. Ho Chi Minh led the valiant fight against the Japanese fascists in Vietnam. The Japanese fascists committed the most brutal genocide, perhaps in all of history, known as the Asian holocaust and to which westerners often are completely unaware (for more on this refer here and here).

The most notorious of these was the Nanjing Massacre, or the Rape of Nanjing, starting on the 13th of December 1937 and lasting for six weeks. It is estimated that over 300,000 were massacred and over 80,000 brutally raped and tortured.

The Chinese heroically fought back the Japanese fascists and kept their country intact by the end of WWII. Though many European countries did not even last a week against invasion by the German Nazis, China had resisted a Japanese take-over for eight years, while fighting a civil war. There is certainly not even remotely close to enough respect given to the Chinese people for this incredible and heroic accomplishment.

On October 1st, 1949, the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong won the civil war against Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang army and Mao declared the creation of the People's Republic of China. This is a complicated history that is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss in satisfactory detail, however, I will make a few points.

Sun Yat-sen, of whom I speak in more detail in Part 1, was instrumental in China’s Revolution against the corrupt Qing dynasty. He also received training in Hawaii and became an adherent to the American System of economics (for more on this refer to Part 1.) He was Christian but he was also Confucian, seeing no contradiction in their true teachings.

Because of Sun Yat-sen's leadership, China won its revolution against the Qing dynasty in 1911. Sun became President of the Republic of China in 1912 but voluntarily stepped down (in order to maintain the peace) to Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai was a warlord and was a greedy puppet to British interests. Sun had no choice but to step down because he understood that if he failed to do so, Britain would militarily intervene.

China had won its revolution but was still beholden to Britain's dominion.

Sun Yat-sen was no fool and understood the situation with clarity. China's problem with Britain, was the same problem the colonies of the United States faced almost 150 years earlier.

Sun Yat-sen writes in his book "The Vital Problem of China," published in 1917:
Please go to Saker blog to learn more.


Part 1:

Essential reading because this book like no other strikes at the very heart of the British empire:

The British took poppy seeds out of India and brought them back to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew in London where they were hybridized thus delivering a far greater and more potent form of opium. The seeds were then brought back to India and Afghanistan with the East India Company (EIC) producing most of the opium in India during the 18th Century. The opium war with China fought over with Britain came indirectly from the EIC by privateers for personal gain out of the pirate City of London (108 Worshipful Companies given royal charters). 

More on Palmerston mentioned in the work above.

This Australian is correct:   

The following are two examples through the media that slant these "news" stories vectoring blame away from Britain and the US in this proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. In this case the British again using the US to fight Ukraine against Russia.

Covert Actions Heighten Ukraine's Nuclear Peril Shady Russian activities at Ukrainian atomic energy plants and agencies risk disaster

Russia is firing artillery from a captured nuclear power plant, leaving Ukraine reluctant to shoot back

Approaching the Phoenix event. Stay out of the negative resonating frequencies and vibrations related to all the terror, chaos and mayhem going on around you and that includes what the media is putting out. Do not get drawn into wars, vaccinations, economic collapse, political terror and "deep state" criminality. 

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