Ed.'s note: Is it "right wing" to publish material on Karen Bass' publicly available background based on the evidence of her involvement in the Communist Party and communist front groups? After doing some poking around on Karen Bass' early influences, we find she is from West Los Angeles involved with white and Jewish leftist circles. None of the ideas she has about politics, including on leadership or government are her own ideas. Bass grew up with "red diaper" babies in Los Angeles: people affiliated with the Communist Party.
Bass the communist is also a member of the Black Panther Party. She's an activist - more aptly stated would be a "useful idiot" - and not a person who built lasting values for a community like starting a business, running a company, employing people, or producing anything of any mentionable value. The American economy (not the "US economy") doesn't need "community organizers," it desperately needs value producers.
"Useful Idiots" Of The West And The Creation Of Chaos Through Mass Migration, By Adam Topolansky
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media COVID Torture Chamber (Cognitive Death)
Source: mentalhealthMATTERS
The Body as a Torture Chamber
By Sam Vaknin | May 20, 2010
There is one place in which one's privacy, intimacy, integrity and inviolability are guaranteed: one's body, a unique temple and a familiar territory of sensa and personal history. The process of chronic disease invades, defiles and desecrates this shrine. It does so publicly, enhancing the sufferer's sense of helplessness and utter humiliation. Hence the all-pervasive, long-lasting, and, frequently, irreversible effects and outcomes of long-term, intractable illness.
The Body as a Torture Chamber
By Sam Vaknin | May 20, 2010
There is one place in which one's privacy, intimacy, integrity and inviolability are guaranteed: one's body, a unique temple and a familiar territory of sensa and personal history. The process of chronic disease invades, defiles and desecrates this shrine. It does so publicly, enhancing the sufferer's sense of helplessness and utter humiliation. Hence the all-pervasive, long-lasting, and, frequently, irreversible effects and outcomes of long-term, intractable illness.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Another Project
Tim Ferriss
by Miles Mathis
First published July 27, 2020
GQ is pushing Tim Ferriss on us, and so is GetPocket.com, which means the CIA is, too. Why? That is why I am here: I can tell you why.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Coronavirus Mutating Into Communism - Hydroxychloroquine - Doctor Exposes COVID - American Frontline Doctors 2nd Press Conference - Big Tech Is the Driver of Communism - We Are Victims of Terrorism - Destroy Communists: Take HCQ, Zinc and Zithromax
Ed.'s note: The interesting observation here is, how is Breitbart News able to keep this video up when it has been removed from almost every platform? Big tech is responsible for what is going on here and is the driver of communism. This is likely why Congressman Matt Gaetz filed a criminal referral against Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg. Big tech including Facebook are removing references to the use of hydroxychloroquine.
News update for 28 July 2020: Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results
Twitter partially suspends Don Trump Jr. for sharing hydroxychloroquine video
Source: Breitbart News
Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors' Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference
By ALLUM BOKHARI | 27 Jul 2020
News update for 28 July 2020: Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results
Twitter partially suspends Don Trump Jr. for sharing hydroxychloroquine video
Source: Breitbart News
Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors' Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference
By ALLUM BOKHARI | 27 Jul 2020
Paul Warburg Brings the Medici and Hammurabi Banking System to America - Out of Florence, Into Germany Then To America - European Banking System Imported Into America - Warburg Banking Family Provides Central Banking, LSD and Manufactured Dissent - The Land Belongs to God
Ed.'s note: The founder of Warburg Pincus was Eric M. Warburg. Erich Warburg was a German and American businessman and a member of the prominent Warburg family of German-Jewish bankers. Eric M. Warburg's father was Max Warburg, director of M. M. Warburg & Co. and scion of the Warburg banking family. Max's bother was Paul Moritz Warburg. Lionel Pincus was the other cofounder of Warburg Pincus. Lionel Pincus was born to a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Warburg Pincus is a private equity firm with roughly $62 billion in assets and invested in pharmaceutical companies.
Timothy Geithner who was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009 during the Clinton administration, has been president and managing director of Warburg Pincus since 2014. Today, the New York Times is the forward operations center for the private intelligence networks operating on Wall Street for bankers that create and bend the news sucking you into a vortex of lies and confusion.
Timothy Geithner who was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009 during the Clinton administration, has been president and managing director of Warburg Pincus since 2014. Today, the New York Times is the forward operations center for the private intelligence networks operating on Wall Street for bankers that create and bend the news sucking you into a vortex of lies and confusion.
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Gates / Fauci Vaccine Developed by Moderna. Video Featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Source: Global Research
The Stepford Wives Vaccine - Just Say No
By Lila York | Global Research | June 29, 2020
First published on May 29, 2020
This is a four-minute video featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Andrew Kaufman that explains exactly what is in the Gates/Fauci covid19 vaccine currently being developed by Fauci’s own vaccine company, Moderna.
Most of the vaccines currently under process by big pharma are likewise mRNA vaccines, a type never before used on humans.
The Gates/Fauci vaccine against covid-19 is no ordinary vaccine. It uses three needles, two of which are electrodes that will alter the DNA of every cell in the body.
The Stepford Wives Vaccine - Just Say No
By Lila York | Global Research | June 29, 2020
First published on May 29, 2020
This is a four-minute video featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Andrew Kaufman that explains exactly what is in the Gates/Fauci covid19 vaccine currently being developed by Fauci’s own vaccine company, Moderna.
Most of the vaccines currently under process by big pharma are likewise mRNA vaccines, a type never before used on humans.
The Gates/Fauci vaccine against covid-19 is no ordinary vaccine. It uses three needles, two of which are electrodes that will alter the DNA of every cell in the body.
David Dayen's New Book Exposes the Dirty Hands of Wall Street Driving Monopoly Power in U.S.
Source: Wall Street On Parade
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 27, 2020 ~
As Americans wake up each day to the new dystopian normal and reports of another corporate or Wall Street bailout (no doubt at the urging of the corporate lobbyists that have embedded themselves in the Trump administration), there is widespread agreement that big corporations have too much power and control in America.
America was founded on blowback to the tyrannical restraints on average Americans’ lives by King George III. Now we have multinational corporations pushing us around while bleeding the U.S. Treasury, mushrooming the national debt, and thus creating an even greater dystopian threat to our children’s generation who will inherit that crippling debt pile.
Against this backdrop comes a very welcome new book from David Dayen: Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power. Dayen is Executive Editor of American Prospect and one of the most admired and prolific financial writers in America.
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 27, 2020 ~
As Americans wake up each day to the new dystopian normal and reports of another corporate or Wall Street bailout (no doubt at the urging of the corporate lobbyists that have embedded themselves in the Trump administration), there is widespread agreement that big corporations have too much power and control in America.
America was founded on blowback to the tyrannical restraints on average Americans’ lives by King George III. Now we have multinational corporations pushing us around while bleeding the U.S. Treasury, mushrooming the national debt, and thus creating an even greater dystopian threat to our children’s generation who will inherit that crippling debt pile.
Against this backdrop comes a very welcome new book from David Dayen: Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power. Dayen is Executive Editor of American Prospect and one of the most admired and prolific financial writers in America.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Where Is the Oversight? - Mosquito-Delivered Vaccines (Injectables)? - Flippable Perfidy: Created a More Robust Hybrid Species - Mosquitos: The "New Syringe" - CRISPR Gene Modified Mosquitos (It Worked In a Lab) - 8 New Traits of Mosquitos
Ed.'s note: Here's one of the cover stories from Forbes on GMO modified mosquitos. Read further down on what actually has been genetically modified: a lab-designed GMO mosquito to deliver vaccines. One component of these GMO mosquitos that hasn't been discussed is how nanoparticles will be introduced into these GMO mosquitos as "carriers of vaccines." The introduction of nanotechnology including design flaws these apprentice sorcerers didn't foresee: always the case, unintended consequences… flippable perfidy. They created a more robust hybrid species:
"From 2013 to 2015, an English biotech company released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into neighborhoods in Jacobina, Brazil, in an effort to reduce the number of native disease-carrying mosquitoes. But unexpectedly, some of the gene-edited mosquitoes passed on their genes to the native insects, fueling concerns that they created a more robust hybrid species, according to new findings."
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The Startup Machine - From Intel to Troll Apps - Trolls Are Given Points - The "Harvesting Machine" Is Back In the News - Israel's Cyber Technology Juggernaut - Harass, Brigade and Mass Report Designated Targets - Cyber Attacks Targeting Jeremy Corbyn
Ed.'s note: See how this is all fitting together for Israel's benefit? News update for 21 July 2020: Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm
Keir Starmer hints at Labour retreat on Israel sanctions
Source: Israel21c
Intel's newest connectivity product was built in Israel
'The arrival of Thunderbolt 4 underscores how Intel is advancing the PC ecosystem toward truly universal connectivity solutions,' says Intel exec.
By Abigail Klein Leichman | JULY 13, 2020
Keir Starmer hints at Labour retreat on Israel sanctions
Source: Israel21c
Intel's newest connectivity product was built in Israel
'The arrival of Thunderbolt 4 underscores how Intel is advancing the PC ecosystem toward truly universal connectivity solutions,' says Intel exec.
By Abigail Klein Leichman | JULY 13, 2020
In July 2020, Intel announced the Thunderbolt 4 controller 8000 series, developed in Israel. It includes host controllers for computer makers and a device controller for accessory makers. Photo courtesy of Intel Corporation
Bolsheviks Firmly In Control When "It's Okay to Be White" Is Now "Hate Speech" - Increasing Violent Attacks On Whites - United States of Africa - This Violent Black Crime Wave Is Going to Have to Be Put Down
Source: The Unz Review
It's Okay to be White
The Left characterizes the United States and other white countries around the world as systems of "white supremacy" and "white privilege."
It's Okay to be White
The Left characterizes the United States and other white countries around the world as systems of "white supremacy" and "white privilege."
Climate Change: Scientific Psychological Warfare for Population Reduction
Source: Technocratic Tyranny
By Vicky Davis | July 16, 2020
The Climate Change revolution began with a focus on chemicals that some ethically challenged scientists proclaimed to be a global problem that required a global collective action. To coordinate and lead a global collective action requires a global governing system. Cross-border chemicals is a logical extension of atomic weapons research with fallout being the starting point. It doesn't matter that the science on Climate Change was wrong because the objective was political.
By Vicky Davis | July 16, 2020
The Climate Change revolution began with a focus on chemicals that some ethically challenged scientists proclaimed to be a global problem that required a global collective action. To coordinate and lead a global collective action requires a global governing system. Cross-border chemicals is a logical extension of atomic weapons research with fallout being the starting point. It doesn't matter that the science on Climate Change was wrong because the objective was political.
Technocratic Tyranny
Friday, July 24, 2020
Time To Go On the Offensive - "Social Justice Warrior" Employees Get Massacred - The ONLY Way Forward Is to Fire Them - Total and Complete Purge Coming - Shove Your Politics
Ed.'s note: Well done Red Bull, now let's continue this through corporate America including the techno tyrants running Google. Then after the predatory Chinese who are likely also behind the corrupt Democratic Party are kicked out, we might be able to salvage enough to make America a viable economy. If you are a "social justice warrior" you are no longer viable. You are going to find yourselves selling vegetables to each other on impoverished neighborhood street corners.
Corporate Cancer
Source: Free Republic Archive
Red Bull Just Purged High-Level Execs Who Pushed for 'Diversity and Inclusion'
July 20, 2020 | Posted by Mount Athos
Red Bull just reminded their 'wokest' employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of "social justice warrior" employees.
Corporate Cancer
Source: Free Republic Archive
Red Bull Just Purged High-Level Execs Who Pushed for 'Diversity and Inclusion'
July 20, 2020 | Posted by Mount Athos
Red Bull just reminded their 'wokest' employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of "social justice warrior" employees.
FBI: Commercial Militia With a $9.3 Billion Budget (FY 2020)
Ed.'s note: This is how the FBI conducts commerce as a private corporation acting as a commercial militia for the oligarch class. Rather than investigation of Goldman Sachs and indictments for massive financial crimes, they go after easy targets like a "skin head" group to justify the FBI's $9.3 billion 2020 (FY) budget.
News update for 23 July 2020: Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation.
New FBI Notes Re-Debunk Major NYT Story, Highlight Media Collusion To Produce Russia Hoax
Source: National Justice
Skinhead Group Members Sentenced To Decades In Prison After FBI Entrapped Them and Then Destroyed Exonerating Evidence
By Eric Striker | July 23, 2020
News update for 23 July 2020: Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation.
New FBI Notes Re-Debunk Major NYT Story, Highlight Media Collusion To Produce Russia Hoax
Source: National Justice
Skinhead Group Members Sentenced To Decades In Prison After FBI Entrapped Them and Then Destroyed Exonerating Evidence
By Eric Striker | July 23, 2020
The Vaccine Race Is The Next Phase Of The COVID World Order
Ed.'s note: The "new abnormal": vaccines (injectables). This is commerce. Do not consent (All rights reserved) and do not contract with this commerce operated by the private law merchants under color of law. COVID is over! Stop this global insanity. The pharmaceutical cartels are not going to walk away without a fight. This is commercial warfare. The WEF global COVID plan was prepared as far back as 2017: World Economic Forum Intelligence Strategy.
We must inoculate ourselves against the crazy Anti-Rationalists
Source: One World
24 JULY 2020
We must inoculate ourselves against the crazy Anti-Rationalists
Source: One World
24 JULY 2020
The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) warned last week that the world is at risk of being further divided by the forthcoming COVID-19 vaccines that leading Great Powers are expected to publicly unveil in the coming future, which would make the vaccine race the next phase of the COVID World Order that's quickly changing life as everyone knows it, including International Relations.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Does wearing a mask cause diagnostic tests to read false-positive for COVID?
by Jon Rappoport | July 23, 2020
(To join our email list, click here.)
Suppose one of the most intense "safety practices"—wearing a mask—actually inflates the number of COVID diagnoses?
Needless to say, it would be a bombshell. Suppose PCR and antibody tests turn out false positive results because people are wearing masks every day?
How is that possible?
Actually, it's quite simple. A person wearing a mask is breathing in his own germs all day long. He breathes them out, as he should, but then he breathes them back in.
(To join our email list, click here.)
Suppose one of the most intense "safety practices"—wearing a mask—actually inflates the number of COVID diagnoses?
Needless to say, it would be a bombshell. Suppose PCR and antibody tests turn out false positive results because people are wearing masks every day?
How is that possible?
Actually, it's quite simple. A person wearing a mask is breathing in his own germs all day long. He breathes them out, as he should, but then he breathes them back in.
Fancy Yourself Free: Your Wish Is Your Command - Or Do You Prefer a Technocratic Supremacist Panopticon Gulag Dystopia?
Kevin Trudeau - Your Wish Is Your Command - Part 1
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Central Bank Trap - Banker's Trick: "Gold Standard" - Local Currencies Work - Washington State Town Prints Own "Wooden" Currency - Gold Standard Will Be Disastrous - Money Should Be a Public Utility - Myth: "Gold Backed Currencies" - Central Banks Own All the Gold
Ed.'s note: You do not need a gold standard currency to make an economy run. We have all the proof we need to demonstrate this. Here are a few juxtaposed articles to demonstrate why a gold backed currency is not needed and how a "gold backed currency" has always been the bankers' trick. What are the central bankers calling for after their "Great Reset?" They are calling for a gold standard as we will see. The bankers need the gold standard to "restart their monetary system." Remind yourselves that it is "their system" and not your system. You get the table scraps. This "reset" all falls under the COVID global operation along with the World Economic Forum's (WEF) "Great Reset."
In the "new abnormal," this coming financial reset is for oligarchs who run their financial and economic system and it is quite clear they don't need you. They have forced you to wear a mask because you as an individual who have submitted to wearing a mask in their eyes are a "walking biohazard." After the collapse of the financial system, the central bankers will likely institute their planned cryptocurrency. The downward pressure being exerted by the oligarch class is going to become extremely dangerous for all of us in the short term. Here is the bottom line: You either "reset" yourself, or the globalist network of organizations controlled by the oligarch class will do the resetting for you.
In the "new abnormal," this coming financial reset is for oligarchs who run their financial and economic system and it is quite clear they don't need you. They have forced you to wear a mask because you as an individual who have submitted to wearing a mask in their eyes are a "walking biohazard." After the collapse of the financial system, the central bankers will likely institute their planned cryptocurrency. The downward pressure being exerted by the oligarch class is going to become extremely dangerous for all of us in the short term. Here is the bottom line: You either "reset" yourself, or the globalist network of organizations controlled by the oligarch class will do the resetting for you.
U.S. agrees to pay Pfizer and BioNTech $2 billion for 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine
Ed.'s note: Can you hear the sound of a cash register as the US corporation contracts with two pharmaceutical corporations? Kaching, kaching, kaching.... Aren't we lucky? We don't have to pay for it.
Source: CNBC
July 22, 2020 | By Will Feuer
Source: CNBC
July 22, 2020 | By Will Feuer
• Under the agreement, the U.S. will get 100 million doses of the vaccine, if it works, and can acquire 500 million additional doses if needed.
• German biotech firm BioNTech and U.S.-based Pfizer are jointly developing the vaccine.
• HHS said Americans won't have to pay for it.The U.S. will pay Pfizer and biotech firm BioNTech $1.95 billion to produce and deliver 100 million doses of their Covid-19 vaccine if it proves safe and effective, the companies announced Wednesday.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The New Abnormal: Masks
Dear humans: face masks don't work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC
To readers: Contact Georgia Governor Brian Kemp with this information. He can use the ammunition. He's issued an order against mandatory masks. (404) 656-1776
by Jon Rappoport | July 20, 2020
(To join our email list, click here.)
Alert to citizens, governors, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, and public health officials—
You want science. You always state that. Well, here is your very own science.
The reference is: "Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures." Published in: "Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol.26, No. 5, May 2020." (That journal is published by the CDC.)
To readers: Contact Georgia Governor Brian Kemp with this information. He can use the ammunition. He's issued an order against mandatory masks. (404) 656-1776
by Jon Rappoport | July 20, 2020
(To join our email list, click here.)
Alert to citizens, governors, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, and public health officials—
You want science. You always state that. Well, here is your very own science.
The reference is: "Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures." Published in: "Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol.26, No. 5, May 2020." (That journal is published by the CDC.)
The New Abnormal and the "Great Fraud" - Blackmail, Extortion and the Pedo Junta - Attack On Justice - Without Money Laundering Banks Would Collapse - The Trigger: COVID - WEF With the Solution - Psychological Wounds Will Not Heal
Ed.'s note: The first thing to look at in the murder of Judge Esther Salas' son and the serious injury of her husband, is that it was likely a warning that America's judiciary is being destroyed and it is a lawless country. Considering these chaotic political circumstances driving the COVID operation, watch the murder of Judge Esther Salas' son be blamed on coronavirus. Blackmail, extortion and assassination are standard operating procedure for these elitist private banking intelligence networks. It's very much similar to when the Anglo-Western oligarch banking elite had Alfred Herrhausen assassinated in 1989. Alfred Herrhausen was the German banker and Chairman of Deutsche Bank.
These are the same oligarch elites directing politicians and our leaders concerning their policies regarding to this "new abnormal" global COVIDSCAM including mask wearing being run out of such globalist operations like the WEF. The "new abnormal" (don't accept slavery: masks) is the Great Fraud. The global elites you have never heard of have created theses financial and economic chaotic circumstances and then present the solutions including a coming central bank originated cryptocurrency for their coming smart prison.
These are the same oligarch elites directing politicians and our leaders concerning their policies regarding to this "new abnormal" global COVIDSCAM including mask wearing being run out of such globalist operations like the WEF. The "new abnormal" (don't accept slavery: masks) is the Great Fraud. The global elites you have never heard of have created theses financial and economic chaotic circumstances and then present the solutions including a coming central bank originated cryptocurrency for their coming smart prison.
Your Government Wants You Dead - We Are Living in a Badly Managed Nightmare
By Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
I first wrote about the coronavirus crime back in February, and on the 28th February I suggested that there were hidden reasons for the way the coronavirus was being exaggerated.
I suggested that the scare might have been orchestrated to persuade us to travel less and use up less of the world's disappearing oil supplies. I also suggested that the plan might have been to prepare us for a compulsory inoculation programme.
'There will doubtless be stuff in a syringe available within a few months,' I wrote, 'and if the scare is big enough the authorities will be able to introduce laws forcing us all to be inoculated. And once one type of inoculation becomes compulsory then the same will happen with other stuff from syringes.'
That was back in February of 2020.
I first wrote about the coronavirus crime back in February, and on the 28th February I suggested that there were hidden reasons for the way the coronavirus was being exaggerated.
I suggested that the scare might have been orchestrated to persuade us to travel less and use up less of the world's disappearing oil supplies. I also suggested that the plan might have been to prepare us for a compulsory inoculation programme.
'There will doubtless be stuff in a syringe available within a few months,' I wrote, 'and if the scare is big enough the authorities will be able to introduce laws forcing us all to be inoculated. And once one type of inoculation becomes compulsory then the same will happen with other stuff from syringes.'
That was back in February of 2020.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Africa's Population Growth: Fastest Growing in the World - Experimental Biometrics ID on Africans - Injectable Connected With Vaccine Record and Payment System - The "Scarlet Letter" of COVID
Ed.'s note: Have to feel sorry for the people living in Africa who are invariably tested on with not only vaccines, but now the latest where money meets biometrics, to test out biometric IDs to maintain a vaccine record and a payment system likely to be used along with a central bank patented cryptocurrency. Why Africa? Because there is likely a depopulation aspect to this connected to vaccines (injectables). Africa's population is the fastest growing in the world. It is expected to increase by roughly 50% over the next 18 years, growing from 1.2 billion people today to over 1.8 billion in 2035. COVID is the "Scarlet Letter" of biometric IDs and vaccines (injectables).
Your Government Wants You Dead
Once these systems are tested and perfected in Africa on a population largely ignorant of where all these systems are leading offering little in the way of resistance, these biometric ID systems will presumably be brought online in more technologically advanced countries. This is being backed by the GAVI operation with the recent H.R. 7608 bill also providing GAVI with additional funds. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on June 4, 2020 announced a five-year, US$1.6 billion commitment to the Gavi (vaccine) Alliance to "deliver lifesaving vaccines to the world's poorest countries." This is the US Treasury having billions redirected into these organizations in Africa under "healthcare."
Your Government Wants You Dead
Once these systems are tested and perfected in Africa on a population largely ignorant of where all these systems are leading offering little in the way of resistance, these biometric ID systems will presumably be brought online in more technologically advanced countries. This is being backed by the GAVI operation with the recent H.R. 7608 bill also providing GAVI with additional funds. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on June 4, 2020 announced a five-year, US$1.6 billion commitment to the Gavi (vaccine) Alliance to "deliver lifesaving vaccines to the world's poorest countries." This is the US Treasury having billions redirected into these organizations in Africa under "healthcare."
Tracking Targets and Contraband Through Sabre - "Full Spectrum Domination" and "Collect It All" - Track, Target and Eliminate Potential Targets - Hotel and Travel Booking Systems - Spot Fixing Crimes
Ed.'s note: GCHQ has a similar program called ROYAL CONCIERGE, where they hack the reservation systems of hotels to watch for targets renting rooms. Then GCHQ sends teams ahead of time to intercept the targets, presumably to spy on them, or assassinate them or rendition them to a black site. If you have a private intelligence corporation like MacDonald Dettwiler, you can access Sabre's system to track, target and eliminate potential targets. Targets and contraband moving through the Sabre booking system and GCHQ's ROYAL CONCIERGE system can be accurately tracked and located. The NSA said their "Full Spectrum Domination" posture means "collect it all."
"It is ridiculous hypocracy how we blast China for forcing its tech companies to become appendages of their military/intelligence complex, while ignoring FBI/CIA/NSA do the very exact same thing under the rubric of NSLs and Bulk FISA Warrants and Business Records "All Tangible Things" and EO12333 get-out-of-jail-free cards to target anything loosely related to "understanding foreign intelligence."
Gunman Opened Fire On Home Of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas, Killing Son And Injuring Husband
Ed.'s note: This is apparently not a hoax and is not fake news. A new judge was assigned the Epstein case and someone disguised as a Fedex driver shot her husband and son, killing her son. As of this time authorities have not suggested Sunday night's shooting was linked to Judge Salas's cases. And now that the alleged shooter "killed himself," this doesn't mean for certain he was the shooter as the media is reporting. Remember when they knocked off 18 witnesses during the Dutroux trial (in tiny Belgium), so they are likely many more bodies to pile up in the Epstein/Maxwell case(s).
Source: Forbes
Isabel Togo, Forbes Staff | July 20, 2020
The FBI is investigating after 20-year-old son of U.S. District Judge Judge Esther Salas was fatally shot on Sunday when a gunman dressed in a FedEx uniform opened fire on her home in New Jersey and also injured her husband.
Source: Forbes
Isabel Togo, Forbes Staff | July 20, 2020
The FBI is investigating after 20-year-old son of U.S. District Judge Judge Esther Salas was fatally shot on Sunday when a gunman dressed in a FedEx uniform opened fire on her home in New Jersey and also injured her husband.
• Daniel Anderl, 20, is believed to have opened the door with his father, Mark Anderl, standing behind him as the gunman opened fire before fleeing at around 5 p.m., according to the FBI which is investigating the shooting.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
The Iran-Israel Chatham House Connection - Royal Institute of International Affairs - Israel and Iran Pelt Stones At Each Other In Public - Iran's Hassan Rouhani Receives Doctorate from Glasgow Caledonian University - In America: The Rabbi - Judaic Plan to Permanently Silence the West
Source: Haaretz
The Rival Iraqi Jewish Clans Who Changed the Face of Shanghai
[Image] Elly Kadoorie and Victor Sassoon. Credit: Nino Biniashvili
The Sassoons and Kadoories created huge, competing business empires, helped open China to the West and aided Jewish refugees in Shanghai during the Shoah – but their fates differed greatly, as revealed in a new book
By Tzach Yoked | July 17, 2020
The chefs were French, the managers Swiss, the jazz musicians American. In the 1930s, the Majestic was Asia's most luxurious hotel. The world's high and mighty would stop over in Shanghai just to spend a night there. International celebrities made the gleaming hotel a regular stop on their trips to the region.
The Rival Iraqi Jewish Clans Who Changed the Face of Shanghai
[Image] Elly Kadoorie and Victor Sassoon. Credit: Nino Biniashvili
The Sassoons and Kadoories created huge, competing business empires, helped open China to the West and aided Jewish refugees in Shanghai during the Shoah – but their fates differed greatly, as revealed in a new book
By Tzach Yoked | July 17, 2020
The chefs were French, the managers Swiss, the jazz musicians American. In the 1930s, the Majestic was Asia's most luxurious hotel. The world's high and mighty would stop over in Shanghai just to spend a night there. International celebrities made the gleaming hotel a regular stop on their trips to the region.
Sharia Law Implemented Under Cover of COVIDSCAM - Lone Ranger Hi Ho Silver Away!
Ed.'s note: What is happening here under stealth is the implementation of Sharia law as the attempted enforcement of masks is being made into a "decency law." Masks have nothing to do with the law or safety, so what we see here is the promotion of masks as a "standard form of required garb." Masks are being forced as a "decency statement" and not a health issue. What is being claimed is that you can be denied service including at hospitals. No hospital can deny a person services regardless of whether or not they wear a mask. It is a right to use a hospital under international law. People want to live in a natural state but these masks are being forced on people by heretical men. That's really what this is all about. In this case with Sharia law.
Muslim women who cover their faces find greater acceptance among coronavirus masks – 'Nobody is giving me dirty looks'
Source: The Conversation
We are all niqabis now: Coronavirus masks reveal hypocrisy of face covering bans
April 28, 2020 | By Katherine Bullock
Muslim women who cover their faces find greater acceptance among coronavirus masks – 'Nobody is giving me dirty looks'
Source: The Conversation
We are all niqabis now: Coronavirus masks reveal hypocrisy of face covering bans
April 28, 2020 | By Katherine Bullock
South Africa Comes to America
Source: National Justice
United States of Africa: Black Crime Wave Overwhelms Virtually All Major American Cities
Eric Striker | Jul 14, 2020
The effects of criminal justice reforms intended to fight racial disparities in the prison system are now yielding predictable consequences in virtually every American metropolitan area.
United States of Africa: Black Crime Wave Overwhelms Virtually All Major American Cities
Eric Striker | Jul 14, 2020
The effects of criminal justice reforms intended to fight racial disparities in the prison system are now yielding predictable consequences in virtually every American metropolitan area.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
End This Coronavirus Insanity - Facts Have Become Outright Lies - DO NOT Consent - Hold Bureaucrats Responsible - Intentional Tragedy: Nursing Homes Took the Brunt - Media Mask Mania - Masks DO NOT Work - Solution For Going On the Offensive - Get Out In the Sun
Ed.'s note: News update from 15 July 2020: A scientific look at the mask fallacy – and why we’re told to wear them
Source: thetruthaboutcancer
8 "Facts" About Coronavirus That Are Actually Lies
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger | July 16, 2020
Have you ever pondered the fact that the current COVID lockdown, masks, and fear may be a result of official "facts" that are not facts at all but are, well, actually lies?
Source: thetruthaboutcancer
8 "Facts" About Coronavirus That Are Actually Lies
By Ty & Charlene Bollinger | July 16, 2020
Have you ever pondered the fact that the current COVID lockdown, masks, and fear may be a result of official "facts" that are not facts at all but are, well, actually lies?
Ed.'s note: Maybe Bill is trying to warn us?
Related (read the chapter apparently mentioning Bill Gates):
RETWEET!!!!!! "We are taking THINGS that are GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISIMS & we are injecting them into little kids arms, we just shoot them right into the vein!!" NWO KING, Gates pic.twitter.com/w4g5QNfi2b— Deep State Exposed® (@DeepStateExpose) July 17, 2020
Related (read the chapter apparently mentioning Bill Gates):
Defrauding Mayday Rescue - Lavish Istanbul Wedding - Absconding With Money (Cooking the Books) - "Falling" From a Window - Faked Chemical Attacks - Always Follow the Money - White Helmets: Faking Chemical Attacks In Syria
Ed.'s note: About the only thing the media has reported on about the White Helmets in Syria with anything even remotely correct is that they they wear white helmets. If an accurate assessment is to be made always first follow the trail of money.
US Tries to Reverse Syrian Fortunes with "Baghdadi Raid"
White Helmets Involved In Human Organ Trafficking In Syria
Source: RT New
White Helmets co-founder stole aid money destined for Syria – report
17 July 2020
US Tries to Reverse Syrian Fortunes with "Baghdadi Raid"
White Helmets Involved In Human Organ Trafficking In Syria
Source: RT New
White Helmets co-founder stole aid money destined for Syria – report
17 July 2020
Funding Fascism With Billions - H.R. 7327 and H.R. 7608 - Full Blown Fascism Is Now Sitting On the Books - The Pedo Junta Is In Control - To End COVID Shut Down the Corporate Bureaucracy or Defund It - Read the Damn Bills - US State Department Is Still "Fighting AIDS"
Ed.'s note: If H.R. 7327 the Child Care Economic Recovery Act and H.R. 7608 the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2021 both passed in the House, Americans are going to see full fledged fascism in their country. H.R. 7608 provides roughly $9.1 billion dollars to the US Department of State and is basically for "contingency security operations world-wide for the "global war on terrorism." Almost $900 million is dedicated to "peace keeping missions around the world" that also oversees the "global war on terrorism."
The United Nations (UN) is also included in this funding receiving around $500 million for "peace keeping missions." Under President Trump, the UN is still operating alive and well in America. H.R. 7608 also includes a whopping $769 million to renovate the Harry S. Truman Building where the US State Department is headquartered so federal employees can work in comfort. All upper level federal employees of the US State Department are vetted by the Senior Executive Service (SES).
The United Nations (UN) is also included in this funding receiving around $500 million for "peace keeping missions." Under President Trump, the UN is still operating alive and well in America. H.R. 7608 also includes a whopping $769 million to renovate the Harry S. Truman Building where the US State Department is headquartered so federal employees can work in comfort. All upper level federal employees of the US State Department are vetted by the Senior Executive Service (SES).
Thursday, July 16, 2020
US-Russia Propaganda War Is Over Science - Anthony Fauci: "Trust the Science" - Media-Created "Pandemic" - Public Health "Experts" Circumvented Government - Scientific Technocratic Tyranny Coming Into Focus - Bible "Experts": Goliath Died of COVID - Health: New Tyrannical Imperative - Technologists Moving to Take Control
Ed.'s note: According to an insightful article worth reading Propaganda: Spy vs Spy, "the Russians have had the upper hand in the growing field of alternative media." Those alternative media sources would be RT News, Sputnik, Russia Insider, Tass along with Pravda and a few others. These Russian news sources have taken advantage of western news sources that have been co-opted by intelligence agencies that are completely corrupt. Russian alternative news sources are "reporting actual facts in the geopolitical contest and when this is inconvenient, practice lies by omission."
We now find ourselves in a propaganda war between the US (the west) and Russia over the global coronavirus business model and related vaccines (injectables) that are being aggressively rolled out. If you want to learn more about how the "forked-tongued professionals" operate inside the US and UK media, Liar, Liar With Pants On Fire would be a good start. The US media have turned lying into a consummate art so that you don't even know you are being lied to on just about every issue you may be concerned with.
We now find ourselves in a propaganda war between the US (the west) and Russia over the global coronavirus business model and related vaccines (injectables) that are being aggressively rolled out. If you want to learn more about how the "forked-tongued professionals" operate inside the US and UK media, Liar, Liar With Pants On Fire would be a good start. The US media have turned lying into a consummate art so that you don't even know you are being lied to on just about every issue you may be concerned with.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Associated Press: Present People Who Reject Wearing Masks as Insane - Stop Feeding Your Addiction to Babylon
Ed.'s note: When you look at news stories like this of a man who was shot over not wearing a mask, the first thing you need to ask yourself is, were you there and do you have direct personal experience with this incident? Do you have first hand experience to specifically say what happened in Detroit? This news story is from the Associated Press and if you rely on these media sources you are going to have to first grasp how much energy, money and time has been invested in these propaganda machines. If you participated in passing this Associated Press article on to your social media platform or alternative news website and deny this is not propaganda, you have not taken the time to think through this carefully. The virtue signaling with masks is now clearly out of control.
If you don't understand by now that the Associated Press and all these media platforms are propaganda to bend your mind, then you "have an addiction to Babylon." Are you going to break your addiction? The population is being weeded out between those who submit and those who do not submit to mask wearing. This is the imperative being presented by the media: mask wearing and if you object you are insane, a maniac and mentally impaired. See how the propagandists who work inside Babylon twist the idea of masks? When you rely on media sources like the Associated Press, Thomson Reuters or the BBC, you are relying on Babylon for your news. You have evacuated your own thinking.
If you don't understand by now that the Associated Press and all these media platforms are propaganda to bend your mind, then you "have an addiction to Babylon." Are you going to break your addiction? The population is being weeded out between those who submit and those who do not submit to mask wearing. This is the imperative being presented by the media: mask wearing and if you object you are insane, a maniac and mentally impaired. See how the propagandists who work inside Babylon twist the idea of masks? When you rely on media sources like the Associated Press, Thomson Reuters or the BBC, you are relying on Babylon for your news. You have evacuated your own thinking.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Florida Media Discover Widespread False Reports of Positive COVID Tests – Massive Data Disparities – Video and Report…
Source: The Last Refuge
July 14, 2020 | by sundance
Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate. Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.
Fox35 Orlando started digging-in to COVID testing data, and what they found was massive, and seemingly purposeful, fraud behind the numbers. "The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health's positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report;" and that's just one example. WATCH:
July 14, 2020 | by sundance
Local media showing the old-school value of the Fourth Estate. Unlike national media who have abandoned all pretense of journalism, there are still a few regional outlets who do the deep digging to discover the truth and reveal the lies.
Fox35 Orlando started digging-in to COVID testing data, and what they found was massive, and seemingly purposeful, fraud behind the numbers. "The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health's positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report;" and that's just one example. WATCH:
Toxic Corporate Debt - BlackRock Bails Itself Out - Inflicting Pain on the Producers - COVID Worked Out Really Well for the Financial Elite - Wealth Heist - It's the Banks - Pay Off the Top Men at the DoJ - America's Future: Hybrid Bolshevik State?
Ed.'s note: This is what is being done with the US economy: They are Deliberately Trying to Bankrupt Businesses To Recreate A Marxist World. If you don't think America isn't being converted to a Marxist state, then ask yourself why the Bolsheviks in Chicago have threatened they will bulldoze churches unless the slaves there conform to COVID mandates?
Source: Web of Debt
Source: Web of Debt
Monday, July 13, 2020
Two Contrasting Perspectives: "Constructive" Agenda (Elitist Globalists) and a Destructive Agenda - Nationalist Aspirations vs World Economic Forum - Who Voted for George Soros? - COVID Drives Global Business - Pull the Plug On the Reset - Thomson Reuters and WEF Business Synergy - Reuters: Plug Into Babylon
Ed.'s note: We are going to contrast two pieces of information related to the global COVID business operation to get perhaps a better understanding of what we are facing. The first article is directly from the WEF's (World Economic Forum) website that clearly outlines the elitist global business agenda using the COVID profit model. The second article outlines what we are individually and collectively up against with this globalist COVID operation being run out of the WEF. To speed up the WEF's agenda, George Soros has been funding these radical BLM (Bolshevik Lives Matter) groups in the US as well as Antifa, this time $200 million to end policing in the the US. The globalists' plans are being run out of organizations like the WEF, is to smash through the institutions of nationalist barriers in order to create global markets of similar parity. George Soros is a major participant in the WEF's operations and agenda.
The best way to do that is through corporate communism which will then completely "erase" most of what we have historically thought of as "western civilization." This is "a must be" with their new Church of COVID religious-like holier than thou pronouncements. In the WEF material below, take note of the fact the writer uses the Thomson Reuters (Canadian-based and mostly British in outlook) news source a lot to make her point. Reuters backs all of George Soros' investments and reports on him favorably all the time. George Soros is right there in the thick of things when WEF global dictates appear related to any investment Soros is involved with from investments in Tesla corporate bonds to cryptocurrencies.
The best way to do that is through corporate communism which will then completely "erase" most of what we have historically thought of as "western civilization." This is "a must be" with their new Church of COVID religious-like holier than thou pronouncements. In the WEF material below, take note of the fact the writer uses the Thomson Reuters (Canadian-based and mostly British in outlook) news source a lot to make her point. Reuters backs all of George Soros' investments and reports on him favorably all the time. George Soros is right there in the thick of things when WEF global dictates appear related to any investment Soros is involved with from investments in Tesla corporate bonds to cryptocurrencies.
US Army Against President Trump - US Army Acts Under British Admiralty Law - US Senior Military Staff Officers Voted Overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton
Ed.'s note: It has been postulated the US army is acting under British Admiralty Law (water law) and not American Admiralty Law and that the US military just ran a coup against President Trump. This means the US military is following foreign British Admiralty Law which is the law of war. Is President Trump being "held hostage" by the US military? If he is this is treasonous. And to hide their identities they all have black masks on.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Take Off the Masks
Ed.'s note: News updates for 17-18 July 2020:
UK Government Panicking As Fraudulent COVID Death Count is Revealed
End This Coronavirus Insanity - Facts Have Become Outright Lies - DO NOT Consent - Hold Bureaucrats Responsible - Intentional Tragedy: Nursing Homes Took the Brunt - Media Mask Mania - Masks DO NOT Work - Solution For Going On the Offensive
Source: LewRockwell
Wearing Masks – A Sledgehammer to Health
By Dr. Mark Sircus | July 10, 2020
They did it this time. A group of men and women executed a well thought out plan to drive the health of the human race into the toilet. Attacking the very basics of life, they have deprived people, en mass, of the life/health-giving rays of the sun (depressing vitamin D levels) with their lock-downs. And through wearing masks, public health officials are forcing the public into hypoxic breathing conditions. Wearing a mask reduces the oxygen we breathe in and increases the CO2 intake.
UK Government Panicking As Fraudulent COVID Death Count is Revealed
End This Coronavirus Insanity - Facts Have Become Outright Lies - DO NOT Consent - Hold Bureaucrats Responsible - Intentional Tragedy: Nursing Homes Took the Brunt - Media Mask Mania - Masks DO NOT Work - Solution For Going On the Offensive
Source: LewRockwell
Wearing Masks – A Sledgehammer to Health
By Dr. Mark Sircus | July 10, 2020
They did it this time. A group of men and women executed a well thought out plan to drive the health of the human race into the toilet. Attacking the very basics of life, they have deprived people, en mass, of the life/health-giving rays of the sun (depressing vitamin D levels) with their lock-downs. And through wearing masks, public health officials are forcing the public into hypoxic breathing conditions. Wearing a mask reduces the oxygen we breathe in and increases the CO2 intake.
Afghanistan Business Too Lucrative To Walk Away From - Business Competitors: US Military, the CIA and Private Contractors - Opportunities For Plunder - "Fighting the Drug Trade" Is a Misnomer - US Military Violates the Lieber Code - Liability For Conspiracy and Sedition Are Coming
Ed.'s note: Afghanistan is about trade and business. Business in Afghanistan is so lucrative that private contractors have been accused of paying off the Taliban who then attacked US soldiers it is alleged, to protect the business interests of the private contractors. The CIA (production company) put out fake news that Russia was paying the Taliban bounties to kill US soldiers which has now been shown to be false. The US military has been claiming that 60% of the Taliban's assets come from the drug trade. It's likely that what we see happening here is that private contractors are paying off the Taliban to kill US soldiers to keep the "war" going in Afghanistan. This was reported on back in December, 2019. There is no interest in breaking the link between drug traffickers and "insurgents" in Afghanistan as Washington likes to call them. Drugs out of Afghanistan represent about 25% of Afghanistan's GDP. There are too many entities profiting off the trade to end it so the "war" grinds on.
US Contractors Accused of Funding Taliban Attacks Against American Troops
US Contractors Accused of Funding Taliban Attacks Against American Troops
Friday, July 10, 2020
Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America - Forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans - Advancing Israel From Within - Jewish Organizations Receive $540 Million to $1.3 Billion - 'Jews' In the Eyes of Today's Nazis - Annexation of West Bank
Ed.'s note: More news related to the City of London's forward fire base Israel. As we see the "startup machine" complete with military satellites in light of the events of 9/11, is the picture here starting to become clearer into focus? As Americans how do we begin to reconciliate this in our minds and from our perspective? If anyone has the answer by all means, start publishing it. Israel is doing phenomenally well economically becoming almost energy independent with a vibrant technology sector with enormous Chinese investment, while America is gagged with masks (read this: Fed's Kaplan says wearing face masks is key to US economic growth), businesses forced to close and its economy practically ruined - except the weapons industry (Pentagon containing everyone else except themselves).
Yes, Virginia, there really were hijackers on the 9/11 planes—but not the ones we were told
Source: Israeli-Palestinian News
Israel Affinity Organizations & Businesses Received Millions in Forgivable PPP Loans
July 10, 2020
Yes, Virginia, there really were hijackers on the 9/11 planes—but not the ones we were told
Source: Israeli-Palestinian News
Israel Affinity Organizations & Businesses Received Millions in Forgivable PPP Loans
July 10, 2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020
What is a Parallel?
by Miles Mathis
First published July 8, 2020
Some may think this should be on my science/math site, but hang on. It has nothing to do with that sort of parallel. I have previously shown you what an Anti is, and a Parallel is like that. It is a psychological operations term. An Anti is an agent hired to promote a set of ideas that Intelligence wishes to blackwash. So the Anti spends several years promoting those ideas, then suddenly ends up in a mental institution or shoots up a Chuck-E-Cheese. His audience then links the ideas he was promoting to craziness or violence. You see how it works.
First published July 8, 2020
Some may think this should be on my science/math site, but hang on. It has nothing to do with that sort of parallel. I have previously shown you what an Anti is, and a Parallel is like that. It is a psychological operations term. An Anti is an agent hired to promote a set of ideas that Intelligence wishes to blackwash. So the Anti spends several years promoting those ideas, then suddenly ends up in a mental institution or shoots up a Chuck-E-Cheese. His audience then links the ideas he was promoting to craziness or violence. You see how it works.
Governor of Russia's Khabarovsk region ARRESTED by FSB in crime gang & assassinations probe (VIDEO)
Ed.'s note: If only Western leaders had the guts to order the arrest of corrupted and criminal politicians. Maybe there would be an increase in trust in the political system instead of its current cynical and narcissistic state.
Read the full story at RT News
Read the full story at RT News
Coronadulting: Thoughts on Adulting in the Age of Covinfantilization
Source: Piece of Mindful
The undiapered aren't a threat to public health. They are a threat to the power of the Gesundheitsfuhrers, who need to create the image of general sickness in order to maintain the fiction of its reality. ~ Eric Peters
The undiapered aren't a threat to public health. They are a threat to the power of the Gesundheitsfuhrers, who need to create the image of general sickness in order to maintain the fiction of its reality. ~ Eric Peters
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
"The most dangerous thing in America are white liberals" ~ Malcolm X
Ed. 's note: This is what the public schools and colleges are turning American children into: Stark raving mad lunatics. There are consequences when they become adults. If there ever was an advertisement for homeschooling to protect your children from becoming brain diseased leftist whackos, this is it. Parents, please consider homeschooling your children. There are ten excellent reasons we can think of to homeschool. Why would you create beautiful children only to turn them over to cretins like this?
Everyone Must Be "Saved" In the Church of Corona - Injectable Nanoparticle COVID Ejaculation - New Religion of COVID: "Save Humanity" - The Priest Class of Technologists - Nanoparticles Imitate Viruses - New Name for Injectables: "Advanced Therapeutics"
Ed.'s note: Here is a possible scenario: The masks are likely preparing the population for a coming COVID vaccination. The idea is that unless you have been vaccinated, you will be prevented from crossing borders. Although the vaccines probably will not be "mandatory", most people will clamor in line for the injectable nanoparticle-loaded COVID ejaculation. The masks seem to be breaking down most people's will to resist "authority." At this point, it is just too profitable to not force vaccinations. There is too much at stake behind this drive to COVID vaccinations including A.I. technology, COVID passports and nanotechnology in the form of injectables under cover of "vaccines" to "save humanity."
There are very few people in the overall population aggressively standing up and saying: "No, I will not wear the mask and I do not consent." And to show how egregious this all is the pharmaceutical cartel and the high priests of technology with their advertising (ministry of propaganda) gurus want the nanotechnology so bad in the coming injectables, that the Trump administration pulled off a "bait and switch" when the administration pulled millions of funding from WHO. Our recommendation: ignore Trump's Tweets. The Gates operation dropped $750 million into GAVI's (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) coffers in 1999. This is what you call "privatizing WHO's monopoly on health." GAVI's goal: "Shaping the vaccine market." Don't be fooled. GAVI claims it is a "public operation."
VACCINE 'BAIT AND SWITCH'! ~ Derrick Broze: "As Trump Pulls Millions From WHO — Trump Gives Billion$ To The Gates-Founded GAVI Vaccine Alliance"
There are very few people in the overall population aggressively standing up and saying: "No, I will not wear the mask and I do not consent." And to show how egregious this all is the pharmaceutical cartel and the high priests of technology with their advertising (ministry of propaganda) gurus want the nanotechnology so bad in the coming injectables, that the Trump administration pulled off a "bait and switch" when the administration pulled millions of funding from WHO. Our recommendation: ignore Trump's Tweets. The Gates operation dropped $750 million into GAVI's (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) coffers in 1999. This is what you call "privatizing WHO's monopoly on health." GAVI's goal: "Shaping the vaccine market." Don't be fooled. GAVI claims it is a "public operation."
VACCINE 'BAIT AND SWITCH'! ~ Derrick Broze: "As Trump Pulls Millions From WHO — Trump Gives Billion$ To The Gates-Founded GAVI Vaccine Alliance"
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Continued Spying By Israel - Industrial Scale Zionist Harvesting Machine - Upper Echelon: You Are the Target - Decades of Israeli Spying and Theft - NSO Group - Merger of Israel-US National Security States - Social Media: A Toilet Bowl
Ed.'s note: The intense spying and espionage on America by Israel has never abated since the state of Israel was created by the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin to backdoor America. One of those historical anomalies difficult to understand in the context of today's volatile political events. What we have seen over the decades is an industrial scale Zionist harvesting machine that few have a firm grasp on like the material below. We have been laying it out over the past few months in detail. Intelligence networks moving from Russia into Israel and then into American institutions and then penetrating the US government (mostly privatized). Israel-based "Cyber Warfare" vendor NSO Group has been exposed previously for exploiting iPhones with its Pegasus software. Ostensibly keeping track and spying on roughly 1,400 political leaders, military personnel and journalists on their views towards Israel. Maybe it really is true? We are all "Jews" now in the eyes of today's Nazis.
Tech Is Victory Or Death - The House Has Been Burned Down and the Thief is Heading Back to Pan Eurasia - We Are In For Nasty Weather
Source: Russia Insider
This Israeli Tech Company Is Spying on the Upper Echelons of the US Government - Why?
Tech Is Victory Or Death - The House Has Been Burned Down and the Thief is Heading Back to Pan Eurasia - We Are In For Nasty Weather
Source: Russia Insider
This Israeli Tech Company Is Spying on the Upper Echelons of the US Government - Why?
Ghislaine Maxwell, Wall Street's Secrets and the U.S. Attorney's Office
Source: Wall Street On Parade
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 7, 2020 ~
[Image] Jes Staley, Former JPMorgan Chase Executive, Visited Epstein While He Was Serving Time in Florida as a Sex Offender
Jes Staley, Former JPMorgan Chase Executive, Visited Epstein While He Was Serving Time in Florida Outside of the Wall Street executives that did business with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, his first lieutenant, Ghislaine Maxwell, knows more about his Wall Street secrets than any other living person. Maxwell was arrested and indicted by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (part of the U.S. Justice Department) on July 2, less than two weeks after the head of that office, Geoffrey Berman, was abruptly fired from his job by Attorney General William Barr. Berman's former Deputy, Audrey Strauss, conducted the press conference regarding the Maxwell arrest. (See video below.)
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 7, 2020 ~
[Image] Jes Staley, Former JPMorgan Chase Executive, Visited Epstein While He Was Serving Time in Florida as a Sex Offender
Jes Staley, Former JPMorgan Chase Executive, Visited Epstein While He Was Serving Time in Florida Outside of the Wall Street executives that did business with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, his first lieutenant, Ghislaine Maxwell, knows more about his Wall Street secrets than any other living person. Maxwell was arrested and indicted by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (part of the U.S. Justice Department) on July 2, less than two weeks after the head of that office, Geoffrey Berman, was abruptly fired from his job by Attorney General William Barr. Berman's former Deputy, Audrey Strauss, conducted the press conference regarding the Maxwell arrest. (See video below.)
ChIna's Gold Scam Set Off a Chain Reaction
Ed.'s note: China can try their silk road again in the next century.
Monday, July 6, 2020
A Hero Of Our Time
Ed.'s note: In a completely self-absorbed narcissistic culture of envy and greed being further undermined by Bolshevik ideology (a fervor of lethal religious belief) that America has become we desperately need heroes. According to Vladimir Golstein, "literature has produced only 'anti-heroes' in the style of Dostoevsky's underground man: self-aware, insecure, cerebral, paranoid, incapable of action and so on." We need heroes as Golstein says in the form of "renditions of the Romantic Hero as Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov's Pechorin, the protagonist of the novel, A Hero of Our Time, published in 1840. Pechorin is cool and confident and strong and courageous. He also lives by his own principles."
THIS novel, known as one of the masterpieces of Russian Literature, under the title "A Hero of our Time," and already translated into at least nine European languages, is now for the first time placed before the general English Reader.
By J. H. Wisdom & Marr Murray
Translated From The Russian Of M. Y. Lermontov
THIS novel, known as one of the masterpieces of Russian Literature, under the title "A Hero of our Time," and already translated into at least nine European languages, is now for the first time placed before the general English Reader.
It's Time To Decide - Stark Choice: Submit Or Rebel - Why Are You Wearing a Mask? - All the Little Tyrants
To patriots: look at Italy now
July 6, 2020 | By Jon Rappoport
(To join our email list, click here.)
Last week, when I hosted an hour of the Alex Jones show on Infowars, I urged the audience that, at all future Trump rallies, they hack the proceedings from the get-go, refuse to let Trump talk, and shout over and over, in unison, OPEN THE ECONOMY, FIRE FAUCI!
Make that message sink deep into the brain and gut of the president.
July 6, 2020 | By Jon Rappoport
(To join our email list, click here.)
Last week, when I hosted an hour of the Alex Jones show on Infowars, I urged the audience that, at all future Trump rallies, they hack the proceedings from the get-go, refuse to let Trump talk, and shout over and over, in unison, OPEN THE ECONOMY, FIRE FAUCI!
Make that message sink deep into the brain and gut of the president.
The Fake Revolution
Ed.'s note: Before we get onto the essay below on the fake revolution, here is some background on Fox News which is an intelligence operation, and Tucker Carlson (check the image out on the mugs sitting on the table) driving the liberal vs conservative confrontation meant to distract you. The Daily Caller was founded by Fox News political pundit Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel in 2010. Tucker Carslon and Neil Patel roomed with each other in college. Neil Patel is a former Dick Cheney aid. Here's the big one: Neil Patel served as Neocon Scooter Libby's deputy. Get your "news" from Fox News (the clever fox)? Shame on you.
One of the operations going on here is when the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) claimed The Daily Caller has a "white nationalist problem." That's a Judaic tactic/operation meant to foment hatred, something Judaics do really well. The Daily Caller also has posted articles by Jason Kessler, a known "white supremacist" who organized a rally of hundreds of white nationalists in Charlottesville. Why did the Daily Caller invite Kessler to write the articles in the first place? To co-opt Kessler's legitimate concerns. See how The Daily Caller splits the conservatives just like it cleaves the liberals and the conservatives for constant antagonism. Warning: white supremacist organizations or any affiliations are run by either the FBI, the SPLC or the ADL. A contributor to The Daily Caller includes economist Larry Kudlow. Larry Kudlow is Jewish. Why would the SPLC claim the Daily Caller has a "white nationalist problem" when the Jewish Larry Kudlow contributes to their news?
One of the operations going on here is when the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) claimed The Daily Caller has a "white nationalist problem." That's a Judaic tactic/operation meant to foment hatred, something Judaics do really well. The Daily Caller also has posted articles by Jason Kessler, a known "white supremacist" who organized a rally of hundreds of white nationalists in Charlottesville. Why did the Daily Caller invite Kessler to write the articles in the first place? To co-opt Kessler's legitimate concerns. See how The Daily Caller splits the conservatives just like it cleaves the liberals and the conservatives for constant antagonism. Warning: white supremacist organizations or any affiliations are run by either the FBI, the SPLC or the ADL. A contributor to The Daily Caller includes economist Larry Kudlow. Larry Kudlow is Jewish. Why would the SPLC claim the Daily Caller has a "white nationalist problem" when the Jewish Larry Kudlow contributes to their news?
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Alleged Arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell - Intel Israel - Israel Goes With China - New Microprocessor Manufacturing Plants In America - Henry Kissinger Visits President Trump - Machines That Manufacture the Machines - China: Applying Israeli Technology
Ed.'s note: We apologize in advance for this post but it is going to be very dense. The first thing we need to be aware of is that a blue chip American corporation that manufactures microprocessors that are connected to US national security was shifted to Israel. Although it appears to have been delayed, a $11 billion Israel Intel microprocessor manufacturing facility was planned for Kiryat Gat, Israel. Apparently, this new Intel plant planned for construction in Israel has been placed on hold the reasons we can only presume. Intel already has two facilities in Kiryat Gat and offices elsewhere operating in Israel since 1985.
Intel now reportedly employs about 12,000 Israelis — about 60 percent in R&D and half in high-volume manufacturing of microprocessors that power the world's computing devices. Many of these engineers and software developers are Russian and Ukraine immigrants. In light of the recent alleged arrest of Robert Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine Maxwell, is there a connection between her, Jeffrey Epstein and Intel's move to Israel? So far, it hasn't been established with any certainty whether or not Ghislaine Maxwell was even arrested. So far, the Ghislaine Maxwell arrest story doesn't pass the smell test. Be assured, nothing you read or hear about Ghislaine Maxwell from this point forward can be established as fact.
Intel now reportedly employs about 12,000 Israelis — about 60 percent in R&D and half in high-volume manufacturing of microprocessors that power the world's computing devices. Many of these engineers and software developers are Russian and Ukraine immigrants. In light of the recent alleged arrest of Robert Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine Maxwell, is there a connection between her, Jeffrey Epstein and Intel's move to Israel? So far, it hasn't been established with any certainty whether or not Ghislaine Maxwell was even arrested. So far, the Ghislaine Maxwell arrest story doesn't pass the smell test. Be assured, nothing you read or hear about Ghislaine Maxwell from this point forward can be established as fact.
Data: The New Commodity (Biometric Data Mining) - Do You Consent?
Ed.'s note: The best thing to do here is find out whether or not Michigan State Representative Bronna Kahle has any personal stake in seeing that those who volunteer to have themselves injected with a microchip has any personal financial gain involved. The first step in moving this technology into the public as voluntary and then it is ramped up until everyone wants a microchip because it's the best thing available to "protect privacy." At some point it will be presented that unless you have a microchip implant your health will be at risk. Again, using fear to to eventually have everyone gladly accept a microchip implant. What will you accept next? A microchip brain implant to connect you directly to the internet? Livestock are microchipped. Welcome to the barnyard. Do you consent?
Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily To Protect Their Privacy
By GreatGameIndia | July 4, 2020
The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a controversial bill to microchip humans voluntarily in the state under the guise of protecting their privacy. The Microchip Protection Act would allow Michigan employers to use microchipping of their workers with their consent. However, research has shown that RFID transponders causes cancer.
Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily To Protect Their Privacy
By GreatGameIndia | July 4, 2020
The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a controversial bill to microchip humans voluntarily in the state under the guise of protecting their privacy. The Microchip Protection Act would allow Michigan employers to use microchipping of their workers with their consent. However, research has shown that RFID transponders causes cancer.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
World Health Organization (WHO) a "Criminal Medical Organization" - Vindictive Psychopaths - Worldwide Intentional Fear and Chaos - DO NOT Consent - Survival Tips - It's Time For Mass Disobedience - Destroying Competing Economies For China
Ed.'s note: A researcher has postulated with good evidence that the way we see governments (private corporations) handling this global faked coronavirus pandemic, has elements of torture that are described in documents from an Amnesty International report. The psychopathic elite running this global pandemic scam have no qualms about using trauma and fear to force the general population into submission and this includes the fraudulent notion masks can reduce the spread of coronavirus. Masks are a symbol of your subservience and submission based on ignorance and fear. Start looking at the evidence for what this lockdown has caused and it becomes clear the adverse effects are far worse than this faked global scamdemic. What should be apparent by now is that the more the public comes to the realization this coronavirus operation is fraudulent, the more vindictive the criminal psychopaths will become.
Does the Handling of the Coronavirus by Our Government Amount to Torture?
In a previous post we have already looked at how WHO is controlled by China. It is becoming apparent China is responsible for releasing this global faked pandemic on the world because China is the new economic model with its technological systems of surveillance being built with Israel's assistance. This is because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) model of absolute control over its population is fully in line with the Rothschild private intelligence networks and Rockefeller-type globalists' model for control of the world. What this faked pandemic has done is to cripple the economies of other countries while China would encourage locking down populations of targeted countries as interlopers. Whether we recognize it or not, we are in a very real economic war. The first step was to acknowledge WHO as being our enemy that has every intention of destroying America to pave the way for China.
Does the Handling of the Coronavirus by Our Government Amount to Torture?
In a previous post we have already looked at how WHO is controlled by China. It is becoming apparent China is responsible for releasing this global faked pandemic on the world because China is the new economic model with its technological systems of surveillance being built with Israel's assistance. This is because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) model of absolute control over its population is fully in line with the Rothschild private intelligence networks and Rockefeller-type globalists' model for control of the world. What this faked pandemic has done is to cripple the economies of other countries while China would encourage locking down populations of targeted countries as interlopers. Whether we recognize it or not, we are in a very real economic war. The first step was to acknowledge WHO as being our enemy that has every intention of destroying America to pave the way for China.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Cancelling the Debts and De-Privatize the Banking Sector
Remarks from the Systematic Crises Triggered the Current Pandemic teleconference
By Michael Hudson | Monday, June 29, 2020
By Michael Hudson | Monday, June 29, 2020
Newsom Keeping It All In the Family
Ed.'s note: One of the four crime syndicate families managing California is the Newsom family. Apparently, California's Governor Newsom ordered Central Valley wineries to close because of this fake pandemic but has kept his family winery open. If this story is correct our solution: boycott.
Newsom Says Indoor Restaurants and Wineries That Have Opened In 19 Counties Must Close
Houses of worship told to 'discontinue singing' under order from Newsom as pandemic worsens
Source: The Sun
GRAPES OF WRATH California Gov Newsom orders Central Valley wineries to close – but keeps his open
Nicole Darrah, News Reporter | July 3, 2020
CALIFORNIA Governor Gavin Newsom on Wednesday ordered wineries in 19 counties to close amid surging coronavirus cases — but his own winery and tasting room remains open.
Newsom Says Indoor Restaurants and Wineries That Have Opened In 19 Counties Must Close
Houses of worship told to 'discontinue singing' under order from Newsom as pandemic worsens
Source: The Sun
GRAPES OF WRATH California Gov Newsom orders Central Valley wineries to close – but keeps his open
Nicole Darrah, News Reporter | July 3, 2020
CALIFORNIA Governor Gavin Newsom on Wednesday ordered wineries in 19 counties to close amid surging coronavirus cases — but his own winery and tasting room remains open.
4th of July Warning:
July 2-3, 2020
BRING YOUR GUNS. No matter WHAT you are doing or where you are going, BRING THEM. UP TO one fully loaded handgun with one in the chamber PER PERSON PLUS a rifle per group. You have been warned.
For any fireworks celebrations CONCEALED CARRY, don't make a show. If you can't conceal carry into a show, get close enough to watch and be ready for some A-holes to do a mass shooting and PUT. THEM. DOWN. Even from the sidelines if need be. If you have to be on the sidelines and have a rifle with scope, that will be the one to use because you can pick off perps on the other side of the show if you are any sort of a shot. I suggest something with more punch than an AR. The Vegas helicopter would not have been able to cope with even a 30/30 and I would not put it past the FBI to do that again and the sidelines would be where you'd want to be to deal with a shooting helicopter if you had a rifle. I'd take a semi auto .270 or 30.06 over an AR for putting down a mass shooter and especially against a helicopter, which an AR would likely do nothing to.
July 2-3, 2020
BRING YOUR GUNS. No matter WHAT you are doing or where you are going, BRING THEM. UP TO one fully loaded handgun with one in the chamber PER PERSON PLUS a rifle per group. You have been warned.
For any fireworks celebrations CONCEALED CARRY, don't make a show. If you can't conceal carry into a show, get close enough to watch and be ready for some A-holes to do a mass shooting and PUT. THEM. DOWN. Even from the sidelines if need be. If you have to be on the sidelines and have a rifle with scope, that will be the one to use because you can pick off perps on the other side of the show if you are any sort of a shot. I suggest something with more punch than an AR. The Vegas helicopter would not have been able to cope with even a 30/30 and I would not put it past the FBI to do that again and the sidelines would be where you'd want to be to deal with a shooting helicopter if you had a rifle. I'd take a semi auto .270 or 30.06 over an AR for putting down a mass shooter and especially against a helicopter, which an AR would likely do nothing to.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
"No one has died from the coronavirus"
Source: OffGuardian
Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association
By Rosemary Frei and Patrick Corbett | July 2, 2020
A high-profile European pathologist is reporting that he and his colleagues across Europe have not found any evidence of any deaths from the novel coronavirus on that continent.
Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association
By Rosemary Frei and Patrick Corbett | July 2, 2020
A high-profile European pathologist is reporting that he and his colleagues across Europe have not found any evidence of any deaths from the novel coronavirus on that continent.
William Browder's Campaign to Vilify Russia Continues - Browder-Magnitsky Hoax - Profiting Off Russia's Privatization - It's Not What You Know But Who You Know - History of Spying and Espionage
Ed.'s note: We're sort of surprised that coverage of William Browder (subsequently naturalized as a British citizen just like many billionaires out of Russia), who is Jewish-American, doesn't include some of this background. William Browder's paternal grandfather was Earl Browder. Earl Browder became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States in 1930, holding that position for the next eleven years. In 1934 Nathan Silvermaster met Earl Browder in San Francisco at some type of an industrial event. Released KGB archives show that the previous year Soviet intelligence asset Gaik Ovakimyan of the NKVD had recruited Earl Browder as a Soviet agent (codename RULEVOY). Gaik Ovakimyan was sent to the United States in 1933 under cover as an engineer at Amtorg (American-Soviet Trading Corporation) in New York City. The entire weight of Soviet intelligence in America at the time was the responsibility of Gaik Ovakimyan.
Nathan Gregory Silvermaster who was Russian-Jewish ran the Silvermaster spy group that penetrated American government agencies and various institutions that produced valuable information from recruited couriers. The Silvermaster spy group at one point penetrated the US Treasury. Nathan Silvermaster it is alleged was a courier of intelligence information for Earl Browder. Nathan Silvermaster's Soviet handler was likely the Russian-Jewish Jacob Golos (Yakov Naumovich Tasin) who was an extremely active KGB intelligence asset. Considering some of this background on the Browder family, it is likely William Browder's pillaging of Russian assets wasn't about what you know but who you know in Russia. Most of the high level Soviet spies involved with the Silvermaster spy group were Jewish, so it is likely William Browder benefitted from possible networks in Russia.
Nathan Gregory Silvermaster who was Russian-Jewish ran the Silvermaster spy group that penetrated American government agencies and various institutions that produced valuable information from recruited couriers. The Silvermaster spy group at one point penetrated the US Treasury. Nathan Silvermaster it is alleged was a courier of intelligence information for Earl Browder. Nathan Silvermaster's Soviet handler was likely the Russian-Jewish Jacob Golos (Yakov Naumovich Tasin) who was an extremely active KGB intelligence asset. Considering some of this background on the Browder family, it is likely William Browder's pillaging of Russian assets wasn't about what you know but who you know in Russia. Most of the high level Soviet spies involved with the Silvermaster spy group were Jewish, so it is likely William Browder benefitted from possible networks in Russia.
"The most dangerous thing in America are white liberals." ~ Malcom X
A guy strutting around in a skirt lectures police on their ignorance of history and lack of education. White elitist chick sniggers on the sidelines... #VoteDemocratForMoreOfThis pic.twitter.com/S1q9XNPbhk— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 1, 2020
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?
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Colorado: Flipped to a Red State - America's "Fête de la Fédération" Is Approaching Fast - French Revolution: Economic, Financial and Social Reasons - Republican Party's Days Are Numbered - La Marseillaise
Ed.'s note: We did a post the other day with the idea that whites will reassert political power in America; no sooner did we post this material, than Lauren Boebert won in the primary election over Republican five-term Rep. Scott Tipton in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District. That's the thing about politicians: Tipton is a Republican but if you look at his sponsorship of bills and his voting record he is liberal, especially with taxpayer bailout money concerning COVID. We would also refrain from using "white" when possible and instead, use your ethnicity to describe yourself like Irish-American, German-American, Italian-American or whatever your ethnicity is. Looking further though at Lauren Boebert's primary win over Rep. Scott Tipton, she ran not against Tipton but she "ran against New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ John F. Kennedy
The vindictive media are going to come out with all sorts of innuendo and invective against Lauren Boebert including her "following QAnon." We wouldn't pay too much attention to this distraction. Boebert was the one who sent "little bad Beto boy" to his room for being a naughty boy when the little kid was in Colorado advocating for more gun control. Watch the spooks over at CNN go nuts over this win in Colorado. If you want a good analogy for this win in Colorado as we start to see states flip from blue to red, look carefully at the causes for Bastille Day (Fête de la Fédération) in France and the economic circumstances that led to the deaths of some of the ruling elite. The parallels are frighteningly similar (violent revolution). The modern Republican Party's days are numbered. If the police are disbanded and defunded in America, despite all their brutality and criminal behavior, America will at some point in the future celebrate their own Fête de la Fédération.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ John F. Kennedy
The vindictive media are going to come out with all sorts of innuendo and invective against Lauren Boebert including her "following QAnon." We wouldn't pay too much attention to this distraction. Boebert was the one who sent "little bad Beto boy" to his room for being a naughty boy when the little kid was in Colorado advocating for more gun control. Watch the spooks over at CNN go nuts over this win in Colorado. If you want a good analogy for this win in Colorado as we start to see states flip from blue to red, look carefully at the causes for Bastille Day (Fête de la Fédération) in France and the economic circumstances that led to the deaths of some of the ruling elite. The parallels are frighteningly similar (violent revolution). The modern Republican Party's days are numbered. If the police are disbanded and defunded in America, despite all their brutality and criminal behavior, America will at some point in the future celebrate their own Fête de la Fédération.
June 6th Officially Ended the Flu Season - COVID-19 Is Over - How Long Will You Wear a Mask? - Politicians and Bureaucrats Are Not Virologists - SARS-CoV-2 Fatality Rate: 0.3% (Less Than Influenza!) - Pushers of Face Diapers
Ed.'s note: Can we just stop with the masks please? Governments are attempting to make you think masks are mandatory. Stop consenting. The masks are being used as a technique to target anyone who doesn't cooperate with this new concept of "culture of compliance." DO NOT COMPLY. Masks have absolutely nothing to do with protecting anyone from spreading COVID. It's a marker. A marker just like a tattoo of slavery and submission. Start revolting anyway you can and on any forum you can. Why is it the US has been the most heavily hit (fraudulent) country with this COVID while at the same time interest in COVID is waning? Masks have created nothing more than an economic boom for the criminally devious. The Church of COVID has done a convenient job though at knocking off the elderly. Who cares that the inventor of the "Corona Test" would have warned us not to use it to detect a virus.
Several criminals who call themselves "senators" have come out against President Trump on the issue of wearing masks. They include Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla; Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky (with the Chinese wife with connections to the CCP); Senator Kevin McCarthy, R-Cal. The weaponized media is pushing hard that COVID is spreading and that these senator's differences with President Trump have gone "beyond the breaking point" even though the charts below demonstrate the contrary on COVID (the Church of COVID).
Several criminals who call themselves "senators" have come out against President Trump on the issue of wearing masks. They include Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla; Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky (with the Chinese wife with connections to the CCP); Senator Kevin McCarthy, R-Cal. The weaponized media is pushing hard that COVID is spreading and that these senator's differences with President Trump have gone "beyond the breaking point" even though the charts below demonstrate the contrary on COVID (the Church of COVID).
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