Monday, July 6, 2020

It's Time To Decide - Stark Choice: Submit Or Rebel - Why Are You Wearing a Mask? - All the Little Tyrants

To patriots: look at Italy now

July 6, 2020 | By Jon Rappoport

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Last week, when I hosted an hour of the Alex Jones show on Infowars, I urged the audience that, at all future Trump rallies, they hack the proceedings from the get-go, refuse to let Trump talk, and shout over and over, in unison, OPEN THE ECONOMY, FIRE FAUCI!

Make that message sink deep into the brain and gut of the president.

Because it's come to that.

The second wave of lies is underway. COVID case numbers are being faked at new and higher levels; mask wearing is being mandated in communities; Fauci is fronting for more lockdowns and more economic destruction.

If this continues…well, look at Italy. Look hard.

Once the titan of a Renaissance, Italy is now under the gun. Its people are under the gun of their government. And unless a new political party rises quickly out of the mire, and enough Italians support it, there will be a stark choice: submit or openly rebel.

Do you want America to suffer the fate the Italian government is imposing on its population?

Here is a letter written by Italian researcher, Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti, to Robert Kennedy, Jr. It is published at Children’s Health Defense. Gatti is a Visiting Professor to the International Clean Water Institute; President of the Health, Law and Science Association; Past-Consultant to the Italian Governmental Commission on Depleted Uranium (XVI legislatura); and co-author of a 2107 study which found vast contamination of vaccines by metallic nanoparticles:

Gatti: "I don't know if you are completely aware of the Italian situation. Summarizing everything in a few words, Italy was sold to Big Pharma and has become a huge laboratory where experiments are carried out on the population: adults, children, old, healthy, sick people … it makes no difference, we are all guinea pigs. Now the business, and not just an economic one, is to force 60 million Italians to get vaccinated against COVID, so much so that tens of millions of doses of a product have already been purchased, a product that, in fact, is unknown both in terms of effectiveness and, above all, in terms of side effects. In the meantime, while waiting to receive the goods [a COVID vaccine has been pre-purchased, before it's been tested, sight unseen], a law is being passed according to which everyone, including children, must be vaccinated against the flu (why?), and this in addition to the 10 vaccines that are already mandatory."

"As if that were not enough, many personal freedoms, although guaranteed by the Constitution, have been brutally canceled."

"As you know, for years we have been analyzing vaccines, finding them always dangerously polluted and we are contacted daily by families of children damaged by vaccines."

"Now, in our parliament there is no longer any difference between majority and opposition and, if the situation remains that of today, we will have no escape."

"For some months, a group of highly educated people has formed a political party called MOVIMENTO 3 V (Movement We Want the Truth about Vaccines). Neither Stefano nor I are members of the party but we have been asked to help them from a scientific point of view, and this is what we are doing."

"We would all be very grateful if you could inform your people of what is happening in Italy and if you could write an appeal to encourage the Italians to support the party which, at the present time, is the only possibility of making a voice heard that is different from that of the regime."

It would now be pertinent to ask, what degree of destruction has been visited on the population of Italy by those mandatory 10 vaccines, over the past few years? How much of that destruction is now being called COVID?

What does the Vatican have to say about all this? I'm listening, but I don't hear a word of objection. Has the Pope taken a vow of silence?

Is Italy now a firmly conquered territory and a slave province of the Rockefeller Globalist Empire?

Can you possibly doubt, at this point, that the elite intent is to make America another province? Can you reject the evidence before your eyes?

Science? There is no science going on here. It's smoke and shadows and fakery. Stage magic performed by a rank amateur.

I've been at this since 1987. I warned, then, that the medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world. It flies under no overt political banner. It claims only the desire to help. But as the captive of Pharma, it is the land army of toxic attack. Against the people.

Please go to Jon Rappoport's blog to read the entire article.



Source: Piece of Mindful

It's springtime for Hitler in Germany

Face masks are symbolic, nothing more. Each one should have printed on it the words "I submit." Public officials are becoming more strident. They are now touting false positive PCR tests as evidence of "asymptomatic carriers" of a disease never proven to exist apart from normal cold and flu season, caused by a virus that has never been isolated.

Here is a real exchange – we were at the Mammoth Hot Springs hotel to use the rest rooms. My wife, grandson and I walked past the sign requiring face masks inside, they to the johns, me to stand about. A woman approached me. Keep in mind that the hotel is closed, the building empty.

"Sir, you have to wear a face mask."

"No I don't."

Incomprehensible, I know, to her native intelligence. If the boss says so, we must do so. The idea that we stand alone, and possess inalienable rights, among them life, liberty … foreign to her. She left.

Another woman approached me, carrying a box of face masks.

"Sir, you are required to wear a face mask in here. It is a policy of the hotel."

"I don't care."

At this point she was going to offer me one of her choice of masks in a box, so I reached in my pocket and pulled mine out, the one that says "This mask is useless." I did not put it on, but merely held it in front of my face. She seemed taken aback, and walked away, but I heard her saying something like "He's not going to wear one. We need to …"

I assumed that she was going to summon the thugs. I casually wandered out of the building. In the meantime, my wife and grandson completed their chores, free of masks. In effect I ran interference. I ain't that smart. It just worked out that way.

It is only going to get worse. We are in the final days of personal choice and freedom. But who deserves to be free? I am still pissed at Maarten, who has lectured me in the art of human persuasion, that I should never be strident, always approach people with respect and reason. I am a "zealot," he implied, no apology forthcoming.

My response was that I do not attempt to change minds. That is foolish. Dunning-Krueger aside, I don't have the empathy for people as a group, though the individuals I meet seem nice and somewhat rational. But to get them to change their minds? How is that done? It is not.

I write. I like writing. It helps me navigate this whacked planet. If people like what I write, we enjoy some sympathetic comfort. I can be guided by comments from smart people, often enough well said. But for those I need to "persuade," I have no energy. The odds are they didn't read it anyway, even if exposed. They just skimmed and moved on, assuming I am the one who is whacked, not them.

The art of persuasion is studied by experts. They work in advertising and public relations. They are, as Noam Chomsky wrote years ago when I still respected him, "professional liars." They are too smart to reason with anyone. Instead, they study our weaknesses, and undermine us. The whole of the Covid-19 affair has convinced most people that there is a virus, that it is dangerous, and that we should be afraid. We cannot even look at a menu in a restaurant, as these liars have convinced people that this dangerous virus "lives" 14 days on the plastic covers.

Such lies are pernicious and insidious and effective. I am not a liar. I can't do that stuff. But I do think in terms of comedy, as I love it. The idea of people in a governor's office (think Blazing Saddles and Mel Brooks with the word "guv" on the back of his suit coat) going about their chores singing or humming "Springtime for Hitler in Germany" makes me laugh. I love the image. These are fascists and apparatchiks. They are eugenicists. They have lived among us for decades now, and have uncloaked. That I should make Hitler reference? Maarten says no … treat them with unearned respect, or I will never persuade them.

They do not deserved respect, only ridicule. Persuade them? Are you daft?

Please go to Piece of Mindful to read the entire article.

Important information:

Governments Have Locked Down the entire population of the planet of 7.8 billion people...


Unmasking Freedom

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