Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fancy Yourself Free: Your Wish Is Your Command - Or Do You Prefer a Technocratic Supremacist Panopticon Gulag Dystopia?

Kevin Trudeau - Your Wish Is Your Command - Part 1 


COV-19 Updates

Source: The New Agora

Guest Post: Fancy Yourself Free

H.Lorenzo Malowane. Publisher/G.M. The New Agora.

July 20, 2020

We are, all of us, living in a dream, and although we get plenty of direction, good and ill, it is all, every bit of it by our own making. We create the day to day of our lives, all of it, most choose to follow what they've been told forever, never realizing they have the power to choose again. Not fight the dream, or circumstances they dislike or hate, but to make a new one.

Trick: let go of the old, the good, bad, ugly, comfortable and not. If you're happy where and how you are, by all means, stay and live the ride, but if you’re not….happy, too afraid, nervous, stressed, not living to what you know could be your best, and you feel like something must be done, well it's true, something must be done, and, alas, it must be done by you.

Your life, your feelings, your circumstances, are there for you to be brave or cowardly with. There are no refunds on the path of a warrior, simply choices made, one after the other, leading towards dreams of wonder, or the other kind…. you can never rewind…learn, recall, remember, always with an eye for the better. You can't give up, since it's your life, and the actions or lack thereof will always count, no matter what you may wish or desire, so it's impossible, while breathing to give up…perhaps even after, the next life. Awareness brings a huge responsibility and that responsibility is your life and how you play in and with it…how it plays out.

Reasons are for fools too afraid of change. There are never any good reasons, valid, to remain in a life you are not happy with. Whatever real reasons you may have, are simply the first challenges facing you to move away from or towards where you wish to go.

Healthy imagination will grow as your health does. There are always simple steps leading to perhaps more complicated, even difficult ones, personally, no matter how it appears at first, I've never been faced with a challenge I couldn't overcome, or come to realize that that challenge wasn't worth my life's time and effort…but was in the way of something better for me; in a sense that challenge, to drop the challenge and thus, beat the challenge, was the challenge.

Love will always find a way, but love is always a two-way street, and you are on both sides of that street, both directions. You must love outward, the world around you, and with equal fervor, inward, to love, honour and respect yourself, not at the fearful cost of others, but at the loving respect we all require to grow happily during our dream here together.

Go it alone, go with thousands, but always make sure you take your heart along for the ride, and always assure yourself you will love no matter what. An excuse, any excuse, is a poor excuse for not reaching your honest potential.

We are what dreams are made of, and the trick is to realize that we also make that dream. Being told 'no' is just a way to find a yes, if that yes is spiritually sent. Being told yes, is just a challenge to say no and remain firm, if that yes is 'from the dark', leading one into shadow realm of fear, disease, sadness and the never-ending torture of stress that come from living in someone, some beings, other mess.

Please go to The New Agora to read the entire well worth reading essay.

Source: Piece of Mindful

Trojan horse here, Trojan horse there, Trojan horses everywhere

July 23, 2020

Nearly everyone knows the epic tale of the Trojan horse. As I grew up without a classical education, I did not learn about this tale of deception until I was an adult. In fact, I experienced and observed this phenomenon in my own life . . . LONG before I ever knew the literary reference.

Switching to more recent and relevant context, from, Trojans are defined as "programs that claim to perform one function but actually do another, typically malicious. Trojans can take the form of attachments, downloads and fake videos/programs."

The Coronavirus paradigm reflects the iconic Trojan horse tale, but has been inverted. It's a virus of paradox — a Trojan virus, if you will. So, whereas Trojan computer viruses are seemingly benign programs that hide more malicious intent, this novel virus has been portrayed as malicious, but may be more of an exaggeration, and potentially even a misrepresentation of a threat. Whether or not you believe that there is a manufactured pandemic, or subscribe to the notion, "Never let a crisis go to waste," both perspectives are consistent with a Trojan virus, as it has hacked the minds of nearly the entire global population. It's the epitome of malware, whether conceived in a computer lab, or as a thought-form, or otherwise. It has been brought to life, and has brought the world to its knees — at the behest of the "scientific" elite. It has even affected those of us who seem immune to its mind-altering impact.

Richard Brodie, in Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme, discusses how the Trojan horse method of programming sneaks into our psyche and "pushes our buttons" through the use of memes and NLP techniques such as "embedding" and "anchoring." As a certified NLP practitioner, I am sensitive to noticing when such techniques are being weaponized. In the instance of the COVID-19 scenario, I posit that the masses have been infected through highly effective meme-spreading techniques (AKA memetic software), designed to re-program their behaviors.

So what's the real deal with this Trojan virus that is programmed with virions of fear and submission? What is hiding inside its outer spiked veneer? The Trojan virus serves as ideal cover to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), including Society 5.0. This has been discussed by several researchers.

The foremost researcher on technocracy is Patrick Wood. As Wood profoundly states in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, "The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism. It is Technocracy."

While those on the left see Fascism, and those on the right see Communism, what lies much deeper is what unites all elites — that of Technocracy. Technocracy unites nearly every country, and every leader of the modern world. It is the universal thread of oppression. I implore you (rarely do I insist) to watch Patrick Wood's most recent interview, "The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D'état." As serendipity would have it, I had written most of this essay prior to watching this comprehensive discussion, so it came at an opportune moment. Wood also mentioned Parag Khanna (around the 23 minute mark), whose books I had recently purchased for research in this regard.

Parag Khanna, a leading global strategist and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, exemplifies the technocratic ideology. In his book, Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization, Khanna gleefully states, "With the rise of the global sensor network dubbed the 'Internet of Everything' (Internet of Things + Internet of People), our maps will perpetually update themselves, providing an animated view into our world as it really is — even the five thousand commercial aircraft in the sky and the more than ten thousand ships crossing the seas at any given moment. These are the arteries and veins, capillaries and cells, of a planetary economy underpinned by an infrastructural network that can eventually become as efficient as the human body." Khanna added, "Eventually, we may not need satellites at all for positioning and navigation with the advent of lower-cost but extremely accurate Quantum-Assisted Sensing that determines location by measuring the impact of the earth's magnetic field on atoms."

In Khanna's previous book, How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance, he lays out his "cutting-edge manifesto for diplomacy in a borderless world." When he wrote this book in 2011, he expressed, "Some now fear a breakdown of our global order, but isn't it scarier to realize that the present order has already been broken for years? It's the kind of moment the philosopher Karl Popper had in mind when he argued that tearing down our existing order and constructing a new one from scratch might lead to a more workable system." Khanna continued, “Henry Kissinger said it best: 'You do not design a new world order as an emergency measure. But you need an emergency to bring about a new world order.' Finally, there is a global debate under way about how to redesign the way we run the world."

One more highly relevant and timely point Khanna makes, "North and South, public and private, West and East: All the new power centers are present within the WEF's [World Economic Forum] activities, making it the world's only organization truly devoted to mega-diplomacy. Whereas the United Nations and World Bank speak of 'reform' as a code for strengthening themselves, the WEF creates the space for thinking about a genuine redesign of how we run the world — always partnering governments, businesses, and organizations . . . The WEF will never get any credit — but who cares?"

In Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab (Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum), stated "Finding solutions for the governance challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will require governments, businesses and individuals to make the right strategic decisions about how to develop and deploy new technologies. But this will require taking a stance on societal values and getting better at creating mechanisms for collaborative action . . . multinational corporations and nation-states will have to become more effective at building formal and informal international agreements."

What better way to create this initiative than a global pandemic? It would seem to check all the necessary boxes of inclusion on such a grand scale. One vital clarification is that this event, and the extensive planning that gave rise to this operation, goes far beyond any one political party, or any one governmental entity. The panoptic scope of this has been evidenced in the writing of both Khanna and Schwab, and needs to be acknowledged.

Please go to Piece of Mindful to read the entire article.

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