Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Everyone Must Be "Saved" In the Church of Corona - Injectable Nanoparticle COVID Ejaculation - New Religion of COVID: "Save Humanity" - The Priest Class of Technologists - Nanoparticles Imitate Viruses - New Name for Injectables: "Advanced Therapeutics"

Ed.'s note: Here is a possible scenario: The masks are likely preparing the population for a coming COVID vaccination. The idea is that unless you have been vaccinated, you will be prevented from crossing borders. Although the vaccines probably will not be "mandatory", most people will clamor in line for the injectable nanoparticle-loaded COVID ejaculation. The masks seem to be breaking down most people's will to resist "authority." At this point, it is just too profitable to not force vaccinations. There is too much at stake behind this drive to COVID vaccinations including A.I. technology,  COVID passports and nanotechnology in the form of injectables under cover of "vaccines" to "save humanity."

There are very few people in the overall population aggressively standing up and saying: "No, I will not wear the mask and I do not consent." And to show how egregious this all is the pharmaceutical cartel and the high priests of technology with their advertising (ministry of propaganda) gurus want the nanotechnology so bad in the coming injectables, that the Trump administration pulled off a "bait and switch" when the administration pulled millions of funding from WHO. Our recommendation: ignore Trump's Tweets. The Gates operation dropped $750 million into GAVI's (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) coffers in 1999. This is what you call "privatizing WHO's monopoly on health." GAVI's goal: "Shaping the vaccine market." Don't be fooled. GAVI claims it is a "public operation."

VACCINE 'BAIT AND SWITCH'! ~ Derrick Broze: "As Trump Pulls Millions From WHO — Trump Gives Billion$ To The Gates-Founded GAVI Vaccine Alliance"

From what we have been reading, there are over 600 mutated varieties of COVID (common cold and influenza) viruses and it appears there is no attenuated (thin or reduced in thickness) COVID virus in the coming NVX-COV2373 vaccine. The speed at which these vaccines are coming online is a game of Russian roulette being played by the medical cartel as a "Fast and Furious" undertaking at warp speed for the benefit of the God of Pharmaceutical industry: the dollar. Your health and safety is of little concern. What is the NVX-COV2373 vaccine? It is nanotechnology being applied to the coming COVID vaccinations; and it is being called an innocuous "urgent deployment of advanced therapeutics." These are not "vaccines" and they will not be "therapeutic." They are injectables, which explains the urgency here. The government is behind this. Do you trust the governors to give you an injectable with nanoparticles loaded into that for now all seems to be "experimental?"

Evaluation of the Safety and Immunogenicity of a SARS-CoV-2 rS (COVID-19) Nanoparticle Vaccine With/Without Matrix-M Adjuvant

Through the media and the pharmaceutical cartels, they are placing maximum emphasis with religious zealotry fervor on the urgency of getting their vaccines out with a current 115 different COVID vaccines under development. It is now up to these unelected dollar-driven technologists to "save humanity" with nanotechnology. Make no mistake about it, everyone must be saved in the new Church of Corona (the cult of COVID). For the high priests in the Church of Corona, COVID gives them the perfect opportunity to roll out injectables with nanoparticles for "safety and efficacy." The nanoparticles are so small they are structurally similar to actual viruses. Nanoparticle-loaded injectables have not been created because of COVID. These nanoparticle injectables have been worked on in labs all across the globe for years.

Unprecedented Collaboration Formed to Create Vaccine Against COVID-19

The US Department of Defense is behind a $138 million contract with an outfit ApiJect Systems America for "Project Jumpstart" and "RAPID USA," which together will dramatically expand U.S. production capability for domestically manufactured, medical-grade injection devices starting in October, 2020. So we see here the Church of Corona has picked up the authority of the state backed by its military to speed up the delivery of nanoparticle-loaded COVID injectables. If you are presently serving in the US military you won't have a choice. As "insulted guinea pigs" you will be injected with an injectable likely loaded with nanoparticles. The cost no-fee contracts being handed out worth millions to pharmaceutical companies are plentiful for nanoparticle COVID injectables. ApiJect Systems has the cheap solution: use plastic vials with the syringe already attached to the plastic vial at a $1 a vial instead of using glass vials. Now instead of manufacturing a few million doses, tens of millions of doses can be manufactured. American ingenuity and business at its finest.

Novavax is an American vaccine development company headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, with additional facilities in Rockville, Maryland and Uppsala, Sweden. Novavax is located Maryland where there are countless US army facilities including the U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland contracted with Novavax to develop a COVID nanoparticle injectable. If you are in the military you are about to become a lab experiment for the high priests of technology in the Church of Corona. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense (DoD) jointly announced a $1.6 billion agreement with Novavax, Inc. to "demonstrate commercial-scale manufacturing of Novavax's COVID-19 investigational vaccine." Investigational means that this injectable is an experiment and they are not "vaccines," these are injectable nanoparticles.

Novavax is Developing Nanoparticle COVID-19 Vaccine

HHS, DOD Collaborate with Novavax to Produce Millions of COVID-19 Investigational Vaccine Doses in Commercial-Scale Manufacturing Demonstration Projects

Look at Novavax stock price: Jumps from $60 per share to over $110 in one day after the $1.6 billion agreement was announced. It's business. Has anyone ever witnessed before the US military pursuing a vaccine (injectable) with such intense aggressiveness as with the COVID injectable? It demonstrates we are probably in some kind of a hard to detect covert war - on us. Read their marketing material. It comes right out of some of the best PR and marketing firms you can imagine. Novavax is conducting a trial and is enrolling approximately 130 healthy participants 18 to 59 years of age at two sites in Australia. The protocol's two-dose trial regimen "assesses two dose sizes (5 and 25 micrograms) with Matrix‑M™(Matrix-M™ is an adjuvant and is nanoparticle-loaded) and without." Novavax' saponin-based Matrix-M™ according to Novavax's material, "improves immune responses and enables vaccine dose-sparing." The technologies have come up with what they call "dose-sparing" to get more injectables into you despite all their "scientific claims" about not having enough antigens.

US Defense Department Awards $60 Million For Coronavirus Vaccine Development

Recombinant Nanoparticle Vaccine Technology

Soon we will all know what this techno tyranny will feel like literally with a nanoparticle injectable flowing through your veins.

You have meddled with the primal forces of the priest class of the technologists, Mr. Beale....


Associated Press: Present People Who Reject Wearing Masks as Insane - Stop Feeding Your Addiction to Babylon

The New Global Religion of COVID - Decades In the Planning - World Economic Forum's Arsenal: COVID - Social Media Has Created Global Hysteria - Gaslighting On a Global Scale - Trauma-Based Destruction of the Psyche - The Apotheosis of the New Religion of COVID


My investigation: the cult of COVID

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, "Social Separation" and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order

Get your COVID-1984 bumper sticker here:

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