Wednesday, July 1, 2020

June 6th Officially Ended the Flu Season - COVID-19 Is Over - How Long Will You Wear a Mask? - Politicians and Bureaucrats Are Not Virologists - SARS-CoV-2 Fatality Rate: 0.3% (Less Than Influenza!) - Pushers of Face Diapers

Ed.'s note: Can we just stop with the masks please? Governments are attempting to make you think masks are mandatory. Stop consenting. The masks are being used as a technique to target anyone who doesn't cooperate with this new concept of "culture of compliance." DO NOT COMPLY. Masks have absolutely nothing to do with protecting anyone from spreading COVID. It's a marker. A marker just like a tattoo of slavery and submission. Start revolting anyway you can and on any forum you can. Why is it the US has been the most heavily hit (fraudulent) country with this COVID while at the same time interest in COVID is waning? Masks have created nothing more than an economic boom for the criminally devious. The Church of COVID has done a convenient job though at knocking off the elderly. Who cares that the inventor of the "Corona Test" would have warned us not to use it to detect a virus.


Several criminals who call themselves "senators" have come out against President Trump on the issue of wearing masks. They include Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla; Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky (with the Chinese wife with connections to the CCP); Senator Kevin McCarthy, R-Cal. The weaponized media is pushing hard that COVID is spreading and that these senator's differences with President Trump have gone "beyond the breaking point" even though the charts below demonstrate the contrary on COVID (the Church of COVID).

Open Letter to a Fear Mask Pusher

The corporate private networks that manage these senators have an aggressive agenda and it is being played out. The private corporate intelligence asset Fox News has now come out encouraging everyone to wear a mask. In the age of stupid and the new era of mask mania, the New England Journal of Medicine for May 21, 2020 even stated: "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection." Watch the savages erupt as they are driven to mass self-destruction:


Source: Piece of Mindful

"COVID-19 is over" says Stanford Epidemiologist

This post is basically one giant way for me to beg you to head over to the Twitter page of Ethical Skeptic. This guy has a Master's Degree in Epidemiology from Stanford specializing in Infectious Diseases, and his charts and graphs on Twitter tear the mainstream narrative absolutely to shreds. He is the best resource to send people as a mainstream way to explain to people why the current hysteria is nothing but hype.

Visit this guy. He is worth it, and he will be hugely useful to anyone trying to explain to skeptics why this coronavirus situation is a fraud. His latest charts and graphs are below, but there is much more great content.

His comment regarding the second wave? "This is perception spinning and cannot last forever." This guy is a dynamite source, and all our readers should be aware of him. More below.

Among the main points that Ethical Skeptic takes on are:

SARS-CoV-2 fatality rate, which he shows as being a maximum of 0.3% (less than influenza!!!) The second wave is entirely made up of a huge surge in testing The rate of positives is down Hospitalization is down Fatality is down COVID-19 season tracked exactly with flu season and ended June 6th There has been rampant data manipulation, something he personally deconstructs wherever he finds it.

This post will not sit well with those who still believe the entire situation is fraudulent, but I have to say I still think this position is not entirely indefensible.

Please visit Ethical Skeptic, and send people to his page whenever in need of a solid source to undermine the mainstream narrative! He has the education that the sleeping masses require before they start listening, and his analysis is totally within mainstream bounds.


The myth of the "asymptomatic carrier"



Murder by lockdown: details from a dozen countries

The two bagmen for globalist plans out of such criminal syndicates like the WEF and WHO, Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger, want the vaccines no matter what.

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance

Considering the two bagmen above on vaccines, have a look at how infant mortality is decreasing because of the number of vaccines are being reduced in administration:

Infant mortality down; number of vaccinations down

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