Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Industrial Zionism Is a Harvesting Machine - Congressional Hearings Demanded: Private Equity Investment Flow - Subterfuge and Misdirection - China Will Not Dominate Technology - Bring the Technology Back To America and Secure It

Ed.'s note: This video was first published in November, 2018 and is way ahead of the curve on anything that is being reported on in the media or in the alternative media. You will not see this information anywhere else - period. How many high tech companies, private military industrial complex contractors and private equity firms do Americans think are American and how many are Israeli? There is a shocking level of ignorance on this subject. In the discussion published here, we will learn of John Bolton's recently published book in light of Infowars with Dr Steve Pieczenik (served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker) stating that "Bolton has sexual dirt on President Trump." We are going to examine how these industrial Zionist networks operate and that most of what is understood or seen in the media is subterfuge and misdirection. Like for example, Roger Stone is alleged to play cards with hardcore Neocon William Kristol the first Sunday of every month while we are led to believe Stone is some sort of "national hero."

Rising Star: Why Israel shines as a major investment destination

Legislation has been passed in America starting from around 1975 selling America out to Israel, Russia and China through the private intelligence networks of Rothschild's East India Trading Company. The legislation began with the Rothschild agent Henry Kissinger signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 1975 the Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding beginning with oil. Today, Israel is now becoming energy independent. This MoU subsequently created legislation in America making it "legal" to transfer American technology to Israel where today Israel has become the "startup machine" at America's expense. America now is embroiled in a Bolshevik communist "revolution". As we have been saying one post after another the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin created Israel to backdoor America while the Christian lunatics in America are driving this Zionism. They are terrifyingly ignorant of the content of this material.

Christian Zionist philo-Semitism is driving Trump's Israel policy

The material presented here is all open source intelligence and easily accessible for anyone who wants to take this material and expand on it. Yesterday, we discovered an American company located in Massachusetts known as ThermoFischer Scientific. ThermoFischer Scientific with offices in Israel ostensibly is an American company. It is providing China with technology on how to build data bases for life sciences, biotechnology and more. The company located in Massachusetts was selling to China DNA sequencers. China has been collecting DNA from millions of men and boys and using ThermoFischer Scientific to collect that DNA.

What the hell is China collecting all this DNA data for? It is probably going to be used to build out A.I. technology. What happens if you are Chinese and refuse to provide a sample for DNA testing? Your right to travel is suspended and you are prevented from going to a hospital for care. "It's okay little boy, you're in the system now." In our estimation, China is going down as we see aggressive pressure put on Israel in its trade and technology transfers and investments with China.

US biotech giant stops selling DNA sequencers to China for Uighur database

Trump signs bill to sanction Chinese officials over Uighur rights

Why the U.S. Can't Get Israel to Break Up With China

We have time stamped this video discussion so that specific areas of concern can be listened to by clicking on the specific time stamped location in the video discussion corresponding to the brief description:

1. 5.20 - Bill Gates and Microsoft, Israeli run -

2. 5.40 - Dyncorp bought out by Cerberus. Steve Fienberg, hard core Zionist, founder of Cerberus. Head of President Trumps Intelligence Advisory Board -

3. 7.0 - Top cybersecurity deals by state -

4. 7.45 - the role of Shelden Adelson and his Adelson School of Entrepreneurship -

5. 8.05 - Netanyahu's presentation, bragging over Israeli cyber domination the world over -

6. 20.20 - Diane describes just how big and important Dyncorp is, the complete backing up, maintenance of the military industrial complex rotary and fixed wing aircraft maintenance. You can bet it is all in the hands of Israeli firsters. We predict aircraft falling out of the sky if the U.S attacks China -

7.28.20 - Are USA corporations fronts for Israeli companies?

8.29.03 - Checkpoint security and Zone Alarm firewall -

9.30.13 - PDF explains all, The High Tech Industry In Israel -

10.33.14 - The BIRD. Title 42 U.S Code 17337, The Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation. United States Israel Energy cooperation act. Legislating technology transfer. This is happening with the Israeli Space Agency and the new US Space Command and NASA. Another technology transfer point -

11.33.30 - The BARD. Binational Agricultural Research and Development Foundation. Israel stealing all that water and crop production technology -

12. 34.08 - Communism and starvation and the Homeland Security Act -

13.34.40 - The BIRD promotional video, good for a laugh -

14.37.44 - Rafe Eitan, PROMIS software and LEKEM, Israeli spying becomes legislated -

15.38.40 - Major Jordans Diaries, arming the USSR and China. Professor Anthony Sutton -

16.39.35 - Dr Steve Pieczenik states on Infowars, June 22nd, 2020, that John Bolton has sexual dirt on Trump -

17.41.38 - - Roger Stone plays cards with Neocon Bill Kristol first Sunday of every month -

18.44.20 - Benjamin Netanyahu staring down the U.N -

19.45.50 - Jonathan Pollard news report; espionage against the United States; transferring data to the Soviet Union via Israel; intelligence for visas to Israel -

Intelligence briefing in its entirety for 24 June 2020:


More material archived here:


America Was "Back Doored" and Is Now Conquered Territory - Industrial Zionism: From World ORT to Technion to China - Technology or Death - Time to Get Off the Fence (and Off The Keyboard) and Get Politically Active

Israel's Cyber Technology Juggernaut - Henry Kissinger: Refined, Legalized the Theft and Took the Pain Away - Vultures - Israel's Pivot to Eurasia - Major Disruptive Change Coming

Postmortem America - The Technology Has Been Gutted - American Jobs and Incomes Subverted - Strategic and Tactical Context

Tech Is Victory Or Death - The House Has Been Burned Down and the Thief is Heading Back to Pan Eurasia - We Are In For Nasty Weather

Zoom in on this...Chinese-American Zoom founder wants people to be "happy"...are you kidding?

Zoom In On This

The originator of this content and intelligence has personally experienced great risk and was almost killed bringing this material into the public realm for scrutiny. His contact information is provided below. We don't want keyboard warriors passing this information to their networks. We need political action now by printing up pamphlets or huge banners on trucks or over bridges out on the streets to force this information to go political before America is thoroughly crushed. We are apolitical here and do not identify with either the Republican Party or Democratic Party nor with President Trump and all of Washington DC. He is seeking political asylum so if you want to assist or provide support here is the UN Refugee Application for review:

UN Refugee Application | Brendon Lee O'Connell - 100MB PDF file!x6hDWYaR!GOaK-TCZBF_acroFHgYa6bi3r1TZ-O8btzYYG7b6XkI

Acc Name: Brendon L. O'Connell
Bank: St George Bank, Perth, Western Australia, Central Business District
Acc No: 055164731
BSB: 116879


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