Sunday, January 7, 2024

Using AI to make capitalism "inclusive" doesn't mean your involvement

Editor's note: Honestly, we have no idea what Lynn Forester de Rothschild is attempting to convince us of by suggesting she wants us all to benefit by "using AI to make capitalism more inclusive." Lynn Forester de Rothschild asks how "AI can address the structural deficiencies in our system?" Well first of all, it's not "our system" and it secondly, it seems clear to us that BlackRock using AI has already "addressed structural deficiencies" - for itself. It is now being suggested that "Alan Dershowitz threw Lynn Forester de Rothschild under the bus." Alan Dershowitz says Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Evelyn de Rothschild who passed away in 2022, introduced him to Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein is alleged to be "a Rothschild operation run by Mossad." What kind of "operation?" Trafficking young girls for sex? That is what this is exclusively all about? Or, an operation to capture data (an entirely western construct completely void of anything to do with for example ancient Vedic philosophy) and technology related to building AI systems? Artificial intelligence has been weaponized and if you think "inclusive capitalism" means "us", we are going to get stomped in the face. Jeffrey Epstein was connected to Harvard and with the largest endowment coming in at over $50 billion Harvard has a very advanced AI program set up. Marvin Minsky who was at Harvard and MIT was considered a "pioneer of AI" going back as far as 1956.

The AI Summit London - the first of its kind - referred to by Lynn Forester de Rothschild in the above clip:


The Covid planned pandemic gave the techno wizards the direct experience to build out AI further? Serious observers will note that Jews have been overly represented related to the Covid planned pandemic and the resulting Covid injections like the virologist Nathan Wolfe:


"This dude literally wrote the book on how they created SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines".

Deva embodies the ancient wisdom of Vedic teachings and spiritual practices that are not being incorporated into artificial intelligence being developed in the west that has instead weaponized AI:

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