Wednesday, January 17, 2024

If you don't think demons exist look around you

Editor's note: Stop and consider for a moment there are around 50,000 Americans every year who commit suicide (2023) for one reason or another. When that demon-directed voice takes over control of the human brain the consequences are catastrophic. If you commit suicide you break your contract in this existence, so you may want to reconsider. Demons are very real. Have you ever had a malevolent thought that even shocked you because you had no idea where that thought came from or why you even thought it? You are on an escalator and then suddenly out of no where you think about pushing the person in front of you down the elevator. That is not you. Where did that thought come from? Demons are malevolent spiritual vampires and these entities drain your energy. You don't have to be a Christian to appreciate biblical verse and what it was written for. If you really want to piss off these demons start meditating on the Psalms. Play some stimulating calming background music and then meditate deeply on the Psalms (the language of Psalms to awaken deep spiritual magic within) to defeat these entities.

Source: Zero Hedge

Increasing Psychopathic Behavior Is A Sign That Society Is On The Verge Of Breaking Down

By Tyler Durden | January 17, 2023

Discussions on collapse often turn to signs and signals - The economy, politics and social tensions have become increasingly unstable for many years now, and much like adding more and more weight to a man standing on a frozen lake, eventually the ice is going to break. The question is, how do we know when that moment will be?

As cultural systems begins to dissolve due to political clashes and economic decline the real evil tends to slither out of the woodwork. It happens slowly at first, then all at once. A sure sign of accelerating collapse is the growing prevalence of psychopaths and psychopathic behavior in the open.

The US appears to have entered the middle stages of such a collapse with many sociopaths and psychopaths beginning to feel that they might be able to act out their worst impulses without consequences. They are beginning to test the waters to see what they can get away with.

In the past ten years there has been a dramatic uptick in mass violence and theft. With the advent of social media it is now easier than ever for spontaneously planned riots to form with little warning, and in most cases these mobs are random in who and what they attack. They might organize in the name of politics or activism, but they tend to lash out at whatever targets are closest or easiest rather than the people they blame for their travails.
In most cases these events result in simple property destruction in urban areas, but more and more there has been an underlying and aggressive impulse to hurt people. There will come a time very soon when the the goal is not just to steal or vandalize, but to use instability as a smokescreen; a distraction the provides opportunities to harm others.

Psychopaths like to exploit the chaos of political turmoil to indulge their violent tendencies, or to convince others to do the same. If no one acts to eliminate the first wave of criminal actions during a social breakdown, then thousands of other criminals will also move to take advantage. The first wave becomes an avalanche, all because the system no longer provides sufficient incentives to behave.

The root psychology is hard to explain, [Editor's note: Demons have taken control] but look at it this way – Imagine a spoiled toddler is kept in check by his parents in the pristine halls of a delicate museum. The toddler might throw fits, screaming and shouting because he wants to touch the many fragile items around him, but at least his parents are there to hold him back. He has not yet learned the responsibility and maturity necessary to have access to these treasures. Now imagine removing the parents entirely and telling the toddler there are no rules anymore?

The rush of joy he experiences is exhilarating; it is the feeling of sudden and unearned power. No one is around to stop him, therefore, he is going to test his own limits. He sees the ordered environment around him and he becomes frustrated. How dare this place restrict him with boundaries and structure. His first inclination is to destroy anything that he can get his hands on.

Now understand that there is a portion of any given adult population that has these same tendencies. They never grew up. They want to take or destroy what they cannot have; they are only waiting for the opportunity to do so without repercussions.

At this phase of a breakdown when the dominoes begin to topple, law enforcement generally folds and retreats, leaving the public with no first line of defense. Gangs and looters organize quickly and take territory rather than just taking people's possessions. Organized crime at the local level leads to large scale death and minimal opposition. People are so isolated and busy trying to scrape together a meager economic lifeline that they have no time or motivation to fight back.

Please go to Zero Hedge to continue reading.

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