Saturday, January 13, 2024

Prepping the hinterland for "Disease X" with "viruses" that don't exist unless they are created by models, AI and computer simulations

Editor's note: Kate Kelland who wrote the book Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics is a hack scientist and writer backed by the Wellcome Trust (who do you trust?). This is programming for the next planned pandemic attack on civilization being prepared by the adherents to "scientism." What is astonishing is the entire theory of viruses is incorrect with Kate Kelland basing her book on the religion of scientism. We are being set up by the WEF (man-made Gain of Function (GoF) bioterror releases are always preplanned), the Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) Kelland writes for as a "scientific" writer. CEPI was launched in Devos, Switzerland in 2017 in preparation for the Covid global operation and injection rollout. This is almost like psychic driving (causing us to lose touch with reality) out of a Tavistock lab preparing the population to be taken down by another disease Kellan "knows is out there."


Editor's note: The WEF website has a large image of a pink colored "virus" with green, blue and purple protrusions used to instill the fear of God in you. We obviously aren't here to scare anyone so we didn't republish the image of the virus. Scientism at its best: These "scientists" are going to "produce something" (often based on models, AI and computer simulations) for Disease X that they "know is out there." 

WEF Plotting to Unleash 'Disease X' to Force WHO's 'Pandemic Treaty'

Source: WEF

Disease X – this is how we should prepare for the next big virus

Jul 10, 2023

• The world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic, Kate Kelland of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, tells Radio Davos.
• By mapping viruses with the potential to become the next "Disease X", the global health community and governments can be more responsive the next time a pandemic looms.
• Global collaboration and adequate funding are needed to improve pandemic preparedness and ensure fast action to keep a viral outbreak at bay.

"You can get a long way towards being able to produce something [Editor's note: Produce what? Injections?] that will target a novel virus before that virus even emerges."

This is how Kate Kelland described the sleuthing work needed to prevent another pandemic of the scale and impact of COVID-19 to Robin Pomeroy on the World Economic Forum's Radio Davos podcast.

A former Global Health correspondent at Reuters, she is now Chief Scientific Writer at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and author of the book Disease X - The 100 Days Mission To End Pandemics.

CEPI is a non-profit organization that funds research and development of vaccines against diseases that could potentially become epidemics or pandemics. With the World Economic Forum as one of its founding members, CEPI seed-funded three successful COVID-19 vaccines, including the widely known AstraZeneca and Moderna injections. The organization also works on a range of diseases that could become the next "Disease X" to spread.

Kelland explained: "It's a virus that we don't know yet, but we do know is out there, and we do know has the potential to spill over from an animal population potentially into humans, perhaps mutate or adapt itself and then begin spreading and killing people faster than we can contain it."

With the WEF's preparing their "Disease X" sophistry through their related funded organizations like CEPI prepare yourselves for the vaccines they say can be ready within 100 days after detection based on computer models and AI:

The Next Crisis "Bigger than Covid": Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation. The WEF "Cyber Attac" Scenario, "Usher In the Great Reset"

Something got seriously screwed up along the way with the Hippocratic Oath...
The Greek God Apollo became identified as the god of healing and as
the father (by Coronis) of Aesculapius, the god of medicine.

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